one's door

Chapter 272

Chapter 272
The moment Zhang Yan entered the state of cultivation, the spiritual energy began to climb into his body, and the golden merit spiritual energy also arrived as promised.


After a while, Zhang Yan suddenly opened his eyes.He found that he had thought too simply before.And this world in Huangtianyu is the one who has calculated every account clearly.It is precisely because of this that Wang Nian had so little meritorious energy before.

It's not that this area of ​​Huangtianyu has reduced the rewards of meritorious aura, but that Wang Nian is only worthy of a little more than [-]% of the meritorious aura, and the remaining nearly [-]% is not counted on Wang Nian's head, but on Zhang Nian. Yan's head!

Obviously only one wild ghost has been saved, but the merit and aura returned just now is more than the amount of one wild ghost, but less than the amount of two wild ghosts.If you distinguish carefully, you will naturally come to a conclusion.

I really didn't think of it before.Thinking about it now, it makes sense.

To put it bluntly, Huang Tianyu gave Zhang Yan most of the credit for Wang Nian's supernatural power.The reason is nothing more than the origin of Wang Nian's methods and abilities, in the final analysis, it is all because of Zhang Yan.When drinking water, think of the source, credit must be clearly distinguished.

Zhang Yan never expected this result.But it doesn't seem like such a bad thing for him, how can I even say it?It seemed to be encouraging him to recruit more disciples.

A disciple can "commission" [-]% by saving a ghost Zhang Yan.What about the one hundred, one thousand disciples?What does it mean when a person sits at home and his cultivation comes naturally?If you follow this path, it is really possible to achieve this seemingly unimaginable thing.

From the meritorious aura at the beginning, to the "cheating" instilling the truth later, and now there is another drama of "accepting more disciples to enjoy blessings".

It seems that Huang Tianyu seems to have a lot of ideas in this world!

Shaking his head, Zhang Yan forcibly withdrew his thoughts of guessing the intention of heaven and earth.Because counting the infinite as the finite, it is impossible to figure it out, it is just a waste of time.It's better to seize the time and forget about the remaining evil spirits in the ghost bell.

The reason why he was not in a hurry to continue to save Wang Nian to obtain merit and spiritual energy was also because Zhang Yan had other considerations.If there is no share of the merits and spiritual energy, he may directly crush the king to the middle stage of entraining Qi.Because there is a high probability that Wang Nian will have the same fate as him and enjoy the care of Huang Tianyu.

But things are different now.Just because of their merits, spirit, desolate world, they did not treat Wang Nian and Zhang Yan equally, and the difference was obvious.

This made Zhang Yan be careful.You must know that he can reach the state of returning to the gods in only two years by relying on his merits and aura all the way. One of the important reasons is that he has the help of the desolate world to cheat on "Enlightenment", otherwise he would have been stuck. Live in and out.

Even Wang Nian's meritorious aura was shared with Zhang Yan by Huang Tianyu.It is basically impossible to help cheat on "Enlightenment".

Therefore, in order to be on the safe side, Zhang Yan gave Wang Nian as much time as possible to read the Taoist scriptures, to "enlighten the Tao" by himself, and then he guided him.In case there is any accident, it will not be worthwhile if it backfires.

At dawn, Zhang Yan stood up from the futon.full of energy.It has been a long time since he felt that his practice has been so fulfilling.Although the nearly twenty wild ghosts did not make Zhang Yan feel much benefit at this time, compared with his previous honest practice, the gains are naturally much higher.

It is said that horses are not fat without night grass, and people are not rich without windfall.Although it is not necessarily true, sometimes it still feels very appropriate.

Now it's different from before, the seed of the ghost bell has been sown, and with the bone strengthening pill as bait, it doesn't matter whether it's a demon species, or the special case department of Nanyuan country, it will eventually join in helping Zhang Yan's weeds Come inside the ranks.It played a very important role in boosting Zhang Yan's practice speed.

When Zhang Yan returned to the city after class in the afternoon, he passed the city gate and was stopped by a goalkeeper, saying that Zhou Cang had told him to go to the garrison camp on the outskirts of the city if he was free, and to find him if he had anything to do.

Usually, Zhou Cang would take the initiative to find Zhang Yan when he had something to do, instead of letting Zhang Yan go to the military camp.The last time this happened was when Lin Zedong came secretly, and it was inconvenient to show up in the city.So what's going on this time?
Zhang Yan sent Wang Nian home first, and then turned back to the garrison camp in the suburbs.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm really sorry to make you come here, but it's true that there are some things that are inconvenient to talk about outside, and I need Mr. Zhang to come and see for himself."

Zhou Cang was as radiant as ever, and he did not wear the divine weapon Zhanfeng given to him by Zhang Yan on his waist.It was the old saber.

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou, please speak up if you have something to do. With the relationship between you and me, I trust you. So there is no need to hide it."

"Haha, it's not that I'm hiding it, but I have to ask Mr. Zhang to move on this matter."

"Oh? Where to go?"

"A military prison."

The prison guarding the camp was set up underground, and more than ten feet of ground was dug to build it.Sturdy and doesn't take up much space.However, compared with the prisons of the local yamen, the guarded prisons are mostly deserted.Only in special cases will it be their turn to detain the prisoner.

Either they were locked up by their own soldiers in the garrison.Or the villains that the local yamen can't deal with will be locked up.

Recently, because of Zhang Yan, there was an auction of large weapons in Langyuan City.Attracted a lot of scattered and aristocratic warriors.Some of them have cases on their backs, and have even been arrested at sea.But some people still pretend to be able to pass the test.There were indeed some who successfully fooled them, but after all, they were only a minority. Most of the people who took the guards as fools were finally exposed and captured on the spot, and some were even surrounded and shot.

So there are still many people in the prison of the guard camp at this time.These people are waiting to be sent to exile.Those who did not qualify were put to death.

"That person is only at the beginning of the Kaiyuan Realm, but his ability to disguise is not small. He has never been seen through. But after Mr. Zhang's auction house, he was probably frightened by Mr.'s methods, and his head broke out in a cold sweat. A concealed scar on the forehead reappeared, and was discovered and captured by the soldiers.

After comparison, it was confirmed that it was a bandit who had been active in Chonglan County in the west for a generation.There are two sea arrest documents hanging on his body.

At first the man was silent.But after learning that he was going to be exiled, he couldn't stabilize.He kept yelling about Mr.'s name, and said that Mr. Zeng Jin had a good relationship with him when he was crossing the mountains in Chonglan County, and even said that he left a debt of favor.

The jailer saw that he spoke clearly, so he didn't dare to be arbitrary, so he came to me, and I tried the man again, but I couldn't tell whether it was true or not.So I'm going to trouble you, sir, to make this trip. "

Zhou Cang said it as if he was asking Zhang Yan for help, but in fact, if it wasn't for Zhang Yan's face, the prisoner would not be able to alarm Zhou Cang no matter how loud he shouted.He was worried that this person was really Zhang Yan's old friend.

(End of this chapter)

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