one's door

Chapter 275

Chapter 275

Still the same problem, He Xianghong has no confidence in surviving as a criminal soldier.He is a martial artist, and he is more difficult to mix with than the criminal soldier who is an ordinary person.When ordinary people go to join the army, [-]% of them will die, and [-]% of them will live.But a martial artist like him is [-]% sure to die.Because he is a warrior, he will be assigned more dangerous tasks when facing the monster clan.

He Xianghong knew this very well, so even if the way out was to be a slave without dignity, he didn't care, after all, he could live.Only by surviving is there any other possibility.

As for the "poison" that Zhang Yan brought out, although He Xianghong was very disturbed, he had no choice.What is "life is better than death"?These four words cannot be understood by just listening to them.Even the severe pain during the period when He Xianghong broke his arm can be regarded as life is worse than death in the eyes of many people, but didn't He Xianghong gritted his teeth and carried it over?

So there is conflict, but not too much.

Stretching out his hand to twist the messy poison pill from Zhang Yan's palm, he smelled an unpleasant stench when he got close.He Xianghong frowned instantly.

Zhang Yan looked at He Xianghong expressionlessly, without urging him.

a villain.This is the person Zhang Yan needs.But to make good use of this kind of villain, you must let the villain "grind" well.Just like a poisoned knife, if you want to use it, on the one hand, it depends on whether the ability to handle the knife is enough to control it;

"Little bones" is what Zhang Yan prepared for himself.A villain in Yuan Kaijing is not enough to satisfy his long-term vision.Even this backhand is staged.Now it can be the second player, but it will have to be replaced in the future, depending on the level of Zhang Yan's own means.At present, "soft bone" is his best choice.

He Xianghong frowned, held his breath, threw the poison pill into his mouth, and then swallowed it directly.

Poison pills and elixirs originated from the same source. Although their properties are very different, they are also the same in many places.For example, after swallowing, you don't need to digest it, it can quickly soak your body by itself.


Less than ten breaths after swallowing the poison pill, He Xianghong fell to the ground and screamed.But the screaming sound was only stuck in the neck after more than ten breaths.It's not that the pain is gone, it's that it's too painful to even scream, so I can only open my mouth and throat with a tremor of "cough cough cough".

Tears, snot, saliva, and even excrement and urine all flowed out uncontrollably.He Xianghong's whole body looked distorted beyond human shape.Maybe let him choose now, he will choose to die without hesitation.

In fact, here Zhang Yan can give He Xianghong another poison pill to relieve the other party's pain at this time.And He Xianghong's powerless eyes were also filled with such urgency.But Zhang Yan was unmoved.

The wicked have their own grind.At this time, Zhang Yan is the villain in front of the villain, no matter what, he has to grind him hard.

After waiting for a full stick of incense, Zhang Yan poured out a poison pill from a small white porcelain bottle, and then flicked it into He Xianghong's open mouth with a flick of his finger.

Just like when He Xianghong took the first poison pill, the effect of the second poison pill appeared quickly in less than ten breaths.The feeling of being overwhelmed with sorrow also dissipated.


At this moment, He Xianghong seemed to be able to gasp for breath. Before, he could only feel the pain more terrible than death like the breath when he was dying.

"This is the "soft bone". Maybe you don't understand it now, but when the effect of the poison pill loses its suppression and explodes again in a month, you will understand that it can turn steel into soft fingers. That's where its name comes from." .”

As soon as Zhang Yan's voice fell, He Xianghong, who had only taken a few breaths, knelt down again, kowtowed his head again and again, and shouted loudly, "Slave dare not! Slave dare not!"

Soft bones, specially prepared for hard bones.He Xianghong is not even a hard bone, it will only become softer.

"Okay, someone will come and teach you what to do later. You can just do what you say then. Find me after you go out."

"The slave understands!"

Zhang Yan nodded, at least on the surface He Xianghong was submissive.In the future, if you tap and tap from time to time, you should be able to completely tame it.

Two days later, He Xianghong appeared outside the door of Zhang's house in a simple bunt. He didn't even dare to knock on the door, so he stayed outside in a well-behaved manner, and waited for Zhang Yan to come out before running to kneel on the ground and kowtow.

"Okay, follow me, from now on you will be called Lao He, there is no other name. Do you know?"

"Yes! The slave will be called "Old He" from today onwards and has no other name." He Xianghong should be, and he followed Zhang Yan almost every step of the way.

Neither of them talked about how Zhou Cang managed to help He Xianghong escape by feigning death in the past two days.Zhou Cang himself will explain the details to Zhang Yan.It's just not the time yet.

For Zhang Yan's sudden addition of a slave, it will be somewhat strange to those who pay attention to him.Then naturally, I would want to explore the origin of this person.But in the end, without exception, they all chose to pretend not to know.They all recognized the slave named "Lao He" next to Zhang Yan.

"Show your arm and let me see, the broken one." Zhang Yan took advantage of the gap when he was giving Zhou Yun a medicinal bath in the lecture hall, and let Lao He, who was standing in the corner, show the broken arm.

Without any hesitation, He Xianghong hadn't let go of his fear from the previous taste of "soft bones", and immediately reflexively exposed the severed arm in the empty sleeve of his left hand when he heard Zhang Yan's voice.The broken arm was neatly cut, and it was obvious at a glance that it was severed by a sharp weapon.It was broken along more than half of the upper arm, leaving a small part attached to the shoulder.

Zhang Yan looked at it, and took out a piece of wood as a board, with aura in his hand like a knife and a saw, he chipped that piece of wood into an arm bit by bit like cutting lard.

He Xianghong really wanted to ask Zhang Yan what he was doing, but he didn't dare at all.

In fact, Zhang Yan has long been thinking of forging a magic weapon that can replace a broken limb.This is called a "limb" in the category of refining equipment, and it is not a very advanced thing.After all, the monks who use this thing are the middle and lower classes who can't afford the "Intermittent Pill".Or some heterogeneous monks who pursue the transformation of their bodies into magic tools.

Intermittent Pill, this thing is too advanced, and now Zhang Yan, who is still a little bit short of Peiyuan Pill, wants to refine it very early.So it's the next best thing.

But after all, it is for people to use. In many aspects, Zhang Yan can't do it like other magic tools. He needs to be tested by the subjects to give him feedback on the effect, and then continue to adjust.

The reason why Zhang Yan would think about this is self-evident.Can't let his elder brother Zhang Shun sit in a wheelchair all the time?I was incapable before, so I could only use a wheelchair to deal with it temporarily.Now that the craftsmanship of refining weapons has been improved, and the cultivation base has reached the state of returning to the gods to be called a "master of world cultivation", naturally it can no longer deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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