one's door

Chapter 299 Duanshan

Chapter 299 Duanshan
"Upbringing? This old man has been raised by no one since he was a child, and he lived like a dog for the first half of his life. Where did he get the upbringing? It's Zhang Jiaoxi who has a weird ability. You, don't let me down!"

After a strange cry, a figure suddenly jumped out from a dark corner by the roadside.His stature is stooped and thin, and his voice should indicate that he is older. With the fact that he calls himself an "old man", he should be regarded as an old man.But with a mask on his face, he couldn't see the exact appearance.

But what the old man said was very interesting.He doesn't mind at all if others say that he is uneducated. According to his words, "some people live and no one raises them", so naturally there is no question of education.

And it also showed his attitude, it was aimed at Zhang Yan's weird ability.So there is no need to talk about any hatred or resentment.

"Back back." Zhang Yan shook the folding fan in his hand, telling Wang Nian and Liu Rui to back up.Since there is no enmity or grudge, the probability of harming the two little children is very small.So he didn't let the two babies run away.On the other hand, he was also worried that letting the baby run away would irritate the masked old man in front of him, so as not to embarrass the two children by acting excitedly.

"Tsk tsk, you are on the right track. Don't worry, if I accidentally beat you to death, these two children will not make things difficult for them." The old man's words were full of arrogance.Gives a strange feeling.

After all, the old man's figure was like a cheetah running fast, and he crossed the distance of ten feet in the blink of an eye, and the two odd-shaped hook-like weapons in his hands drew a twisted trajectory toward the left and right. Zhang Yan attacked from top to bottom.

What kind of martial art is this?Or combat skills?The trajectory of this weapon can be so strange?The key is that the speed can be so fast? !
Zhang Yan didn't choose to dodge it as soon as he came up, the fan in his hand swung in his hand, turned it around, raised a black and white circle, and stayed in the air, like a big shield.

"Try to see if your means are as effective as your mouth!" Zhang Yan shook his hand holding the fan forward, and the big black and white shield spun and rushed forward.In an instant, it collided with the opponent's head blow.


The scattered vigor lifted up the stone bricks on the ground with a radius of two or three feet, and then flew upside down for another three to five feet before landing. The crackling frightened the two little children in the distance to howl, and finally Wang Nian dragged Liu Rui to hide at the corner of the street. behind a corner.The two pairs of big eyes were bulging, and they stared at the magical fighting scene that had never appeared in their dreams through the moonlight.

"Hey, what kind of power is this? It's not vitality, nor is it the kind of evil power of the spirit race. Zhang Jiaoxi, you are indeed incomprehensible!"

The old man's first blow was blocked just like that.But he was not annoyed, instead he giggled, his figure kept rising, and his speed increased again, circling around Zhang Yan to find a chance to make a shot, even with naked eyes alone, it was already difficult to distinguish his figure in the night.

This person is not simple!Zhang Yan knew in his heart that although this masked old man came strangely, his strength was the most powerful among the warriors he had encountered in the wild world so far.It even surpassed the director Liu Renchuan of the martial arts academy in Langyuan City.

In the late stage of Duanshan Realm, it is certain, and it must be the top-notch powerhouse in the late stage of Duanshan Realm.

Just now Zhang Yan used the aura shield stirred by the fan of not forgetting the root, which is the Liangyi shield, which follows the path of the cycle of heaven and earth, and has a very strong effect of dispelling and distributing power.In the end, although he blocked the opponent, he was chopped to pieces by the opponent's blow at the same time.

In addition, the opponent's movement speed is already infinitely close to the speed of escape, which has extremely high requirements on the strength of the physical body.

Zhang Yan guessed that the opponent's physical body was probably similar to a low-grade magic weapon.Whenever he gets punched by the opponent, something big may happen.

This made Zhang Yan involuntarily think of the scene when the monks of physical training and monks of magic and divine way described in the essays and interesting stories he read in the tower of Wanxiangzhuli.

On the one hand, relying on one's tyrannical physical body as a support to force a fatal blow to the opponent at close range;

Of course, although warriors and physical cultivators look similar, there are many differences.It's far less difficult to deal with than a physical cultivator.At least as far as Zhang Yan's feelings are concerned at present, he doesn't feel that difficult.

The soaring technique is a short-distance low-altitude physical movement technique, which is partial to the wind technique.The wind method is the same as the thunder method, based on the wood attribute in the five elements method.It is also the type of five-element technique that Zhang Yan has practiced the most.

Compared with the Royal Sky Art, the Soaring Art is more flexible and does not need to rely on magic weapons, but the height it can fly is limited, generally ten feet above the ground is considered the limit, and any higher it will be difficult to control stably due to wind turbulence.It is also a common method used by monks to move quickly at low altitude and in a small area.

Together with the soaring technique, Zhang Yan's feet were off the ground, and the whirlwind of the five elements supported him to move around like a monkey to avoid all the opponent's attacks.

Swish!Zhang Yan was not passively beaten, the folding fan in his hand was shaking again and again, and he had already thrown out four of the limit twelve fan bones. The angle pierces the opponent's vitals.

Even at the beginning, the masked old man deliberately touched the fan bone that Zhang Yan threw out, but his fleshy body, which was like a low-grade magic weapon, couldn't resist the puncture of the magic weapon of the root fan, and he opened a hole directly. There was a big cut more than three inches long, and half of the sleeve was soaked in blood at once.However, the blood stopped in just over ten breaths, and the wound should have been forcibly closed.

Afterwards, the old man in the mask didn't dare to harden the fan bones anymore, which caused his attack and movement to be severely restricted by the four fan bones, which directly caused the offensive and defensive sides to gradually change.When Zhang Yan sacrificed the fifth fan bone, the masked old man was in a passive position where [-]% of the defense was [-]% of the defense and he was waiting for an opportunity to counterattack.

But in this way, can Zhang Yan win?Zhang Yan himself was not so optimistic.Because the opponent hasn't even shown a serious combat skill yet.It was also what Zhang Yan expected.He had long wanted to feel the power of the combat skills used by warriors belonging to the Duan Mountain Realm.

"Your Excellency can't test my depth with this little skill. It's getting late, why don't you be more straightforward and let me see what you are good at in Duanshanjing, how about it?"

"Hey, good boy, this is a bit contemptuous! Well, let me show you my old man's powerful methods!"

After saying that, I saw the masked old man crossed his arms, and a huge vitality quickly gathered between his blades, and stirred up a violent turbulent flow, which made it impossible for Zhang Yan's air defense method to penetrate the fan bone.

After two breaths, the masked old man slashed out with both hands, forming a tornado and sweeping towards Zhang Yan.

"Boy, try to see if the old man's broken bones are good enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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