one's door

Chapter 304 Wreck

Chapter 304 Wreck
Shen Wujiu has been too busy recently.It has been almost 20 years since he joined the Special Cases Division, but he has never been so busy recently.

In Beijiang County, which Shen Wujiu was in charge of alone, there were more Spirit Race attacks in the past two months than in the previous three to five years combined.

In the past, the spirit race was much more low-key in the human race than in the monster race, and they were all hidden in hard-to-find places, mainly relying on cultivating those so-called saints to establish a relationship between soul breeders and soul boys. Then occupy a place, use the convenience of information to pinpoint the time and opportunity to devour without being noticed by others.

This method is different from the turmoil on the Yaozu side. Although the benefits brought to the Lingzu are small in the short term, they are stable.It can even ensure that the number and gathering places of the Terrans will not change frequently because of their existence.

It's like the relationship between raising cattle and sheep and pastures.Ensuring that the pastures are vigorous, the cattle and sheep can grow fat.

Therefore, no matter whether it is the special case department or the demon species, most of the time it is to secretly visit and investigate the location of the saints, and then carry out fixed-point clearing of the activity areas around the saints.Of course, the demon species and the special case department are not of the same mind, there are too many details between them, and there is no need to elaborate.

Shen Wujiu climbed up from the bottom in the special case department and has seen many big scenes.Besieging or being besieged by the Spirit Race has happened many times.But it has never been such a chaotic experience as in the past two months.

The Eldar, who had been "in order" all along, suddenly became agitated.The original situation of hiding and hiding was broken by itself, and the health of the "pasture" was not cared about. It was completely a situation of "eat more when you have the opportunity".

At present, there are more than [-] massacres in Shen Wujiu's hands. The local government also attaches great importance to this kind of case, and they are the ones who investigate first, but after investigating, they still take their lives into it, and they died all over the place. After more than [-] yamen servants, the local yamen was shocked and began to report something in a hurry.

When the special case department goes down, it can only be used as a corpse collector.But what is certain is that only one of the more than twenty major cases is man-made, and the rest are all the result of the rampage of the spirit race.

And this is not a special case in Beijiang County.According to the internal news channels of the Special Case Department, almost all cities and counties in Nanyuan Kingdom have similar situations to Beijiang County, the difference is only the severity of the situation.

If he always runs behind the spirit clan's ass, Shen Wujiu finds it difficult to contain the opponent's rampant situation that seems obviously wrong now.How many people in Nanyuan Kingdom will die if it continues to develop like this.Once the people run away, it will be a major event in the country.

There are not many people in the special case departments in various places, and temporary recruitment is possible, but it is difficult to complete the training of personnel in a short period of time, and it will take longer to form an effective combat force.It can be said that distant water cannot quench thirst.

But Shen Wujiu saw a solution in Zhang Yan.That is the kind of bell that Zhang Yan gave to the special case department and the demon species to collect the spirit race in exchange for bone strengthening pills.

After a period of exploration and actual use, the people under Shen Wujiu's command discovered a characteristic of this bell.That is, as long as you don't use the bell's ability to catch the trapped and weak Eldar and only use the bell's ability to warn the Eldar when it gets close, then the bell can be used for a long, long time.It can be used several times longer than the use of grabbing.

From Shen Wujiu's point of view, Bell's ability to catch the trapped spirit clan is of little use.Only some pseudo-spirits and weak spirits can be caught. This kind of spirits is not difficult to deal with.And the bell's ability to warn and track down the spirit race from a long distance is the most powerful.

So Shen Wujiu hopes to get more bells, not only to exchange the pseudo-spiritual race for pills, but also to distribute more bells and then advance or track down those damned beasts raging everywhere. Eldar bugs.

In this way, the newly recruited personnel only need to go through simple training and equip them with weapons and items that can handle the Eldar. They are carried by the old man's hands, and combined with this kind of bell, it is completely possible to realize a large-scale patrol and detect and eliminate them in advance. The Eldar are running around.

But here comes the problem.That's why Zhang Yan cooperated with the special case department?Why take out so many bells to reduce the income of the pseudo-eldar?Even Shen Wujiu felt that this "mouth" was really hard to say, and worried that it would annoy the other party, what if he was killed by a lightning strike?
Anyway, for Shen Wujiu, the pressure from the scene of Wan Lei galloping that night was so great that he couldn't straighten his back when he saw Zhang Yan now.

Fear is fear, and what should be done cannot be stopped because of fear.So Shen Wujiu has been thinking of a way.In the end, I sent several letters to Feiyu to Yuanding Imperial City, and finally got a reply a few days ago, and gave him a roundabout solution: use the Longevity Stone as an intermediary to bring it to Zhang Yan. The delivery of the first batch of Longevity Stones was used as a stepping stone to test Zhang Yan's intentions.If Zhang Yan hesitates, he can give a discount on the price of the Longevity Stone, and the gap will be filled by the special case department.

Originally, Shen Wujiu never thought that the high-level officials of Nanyuan Kingdom could order Zhang Yan through "forced orders", because the current Zhang Yan already has the capital to resist such orders to a great extent.It's not just their killing methods that are powerful, but several other methods are even more powerful.At that time, if he just hides in the martial arts academy and changes his identity, who would dare to mess with him?

So Shen Wujiu hurriedly took the staff of the special case department to Linxia and Yumen to wait at the gate of Beijiang County, and at the same time wrote to the nearest special case department in the two places to help urge them.

The red robe of the special case department can scare many people.Immediately, the local yamen in Linxia and Yumen also became nervous.After all, the recent tragedies caused by the raging spirit races in various places are all caused by the special case department, and the local yamen also know what is good or bad, so they try their best to help.The Longevity Stone transported from the two places arrived outside Langyuan City four days faster than normal.

With this batch of longevity stones as a foundation, Shen Wujiu had the confidence to knock on the door.And he didn't dare to delay at all, and went directly to Zhang Yan's house.He has already figured out Zhang Yan's work and rest these days, and knows that Zhang Yan will be at home in the afternoon under normal circumstances.

The one who opened the door was the new one-armed slave in the Zhang family.After Shen Wujiu declared himself home, he was welcomed in and sat in the main room, and then a little girl came over with a cup of tea.After sitting for a while, Zhang Yan came out shaking his fan.

"Mr. Zhang."

"Master Shen, I haven't seen you for a long time. What are you doing?"

"Hehe, this time I came to deliver the first batch of Longevity Stones to Mr. Zhang. Now everything is in the car, and my people are looking after it. Do you think it will be moved into the house or stored somewhere else?"

(End of this chapter)

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