one's door

Chapter 325 Wanjiang

Chapter 325 Wanjiang
He Xianghong's current realm is still in the middle stage of Kaiyuan Realm. Even with the help of Zhang Yan's Bone Strengthening Pill, he can't rise up in a few days. It takes a lot of time to build a solid foundation.At the soonest, it will have to wait until the middle of next year before it is possible to hit the late Kaiyuan stage.So overall it's still pretty weak.

But even if He Xianghong was weak, it was for Zhang Yan.Looking at Langyuan City, in the middle stage of Kaiyuan Realm, he is already considered a small master.Even in the army, you can lead more than a dozen people to be team leaders or even team leaders.

Moreover, although warriors are not as spiritually aware as monks, they can still tell the difference between superior and inferior in the face of powerful enemies.Especially for the other party's breath, the basic ability to judge is still there.

He claimed to be Zhang Yan's younger brother, but his breath was cold, and He Xianghong couldn't even move due to the suppression of his breath alone.Combining these pieces of information, the first thing Zhang Yan thought of was that the comer was extremely strong.At least the warriors in the Duanshan realm are not capable of controlling a mid-stage Kaiyuan realm warrior like He Xianghong just by suppressing their breath.Even Duanshan warriors can't manipulate ordinary people with their breath.There is no way for Zhang Yan to return to the realm of the gods, and he needs to rely on some soul skills.

So from He Xianghong's words, Zhang Yan could still know that the visitor was a person with extremely powerful soul strength and soul skills.

Do warriors have the means to do this?At least Zhang Yan had never heard of it.But there is one group that is best at souls.


Zhang Yan's first judgment was that the comer was an extremely powerful ghost.It is very likely that it is the same Great Sage King as Yonghe Sage King!
Entering the room, Zhang Yan's perception finally captured a soul that was obviously extremely huge, but was inexplicably lost by him before.Why do I say "soul", because the reality is that the existence sitting with my mother Wang Lanping in the room has no breath at all.Only the terrifyingly powerful soul body.

He Xianghong was misled by the unconscious coldness emanating from the other party's soul body, and mistook it for the other party's breath.

Undoubtedly the Great Ghost King.Even the size of the other party's soul body vaguely sensed in the perception is much larger than that of the Yonghe ghost king that Zhang Yan has seen, at least five times more.

"Yan'er, you're back? This one says he's your younger brother, look." Wang Lanping is not stupid. Seeing the ugly face of her slave and guard before, she knows that the young man she has been dealing with is probably not simple. It's not a "junior brother".Because if Zhang Yan had a younger brother, it would be impossible not to mention it to his family all the time.So Wang Lanping just dealt with it superficially, and will deal with it when the second son comes back.

"Mother, go to the back room, just leave it to me."

"Well. Be careful." Wang Lanping nodded, squeezed Er Zi's shoulders, turned her head and left the main room, but instead of staying in the room honestly, she greeted He Xianghong and led the family's babysitter Together with Wang Qin, they said they were going back to Wang's Zhuangzi to have a look, and there were many servants from the family with them.

For his mother's alertness, Zhang Yan sighed inwardly.At the same time, he was relieved, and looked squarely at the young man in front of him who met his eyes but no one spoke first?
It is not accurate to say that it is a human being.It just looks like a living person.Even the breath is disguised, how can it be called a living person?
"Mr. Zhang seems to be very curious about me? Just like I am about Mr. Zhang?"

The man sat down again with a smile. He looked young and looked seventeen or eighteen years old, but his voice was very magnetic and pleasing to the ear.There is nothing special about his appearance, just like a son or brother who came out of a rich family.

But it was such a "person" who gave Zhang Yan the greatest sense of oppression since he stepped into the barren world.

"Curiosity? Hehe, yes, and no. In fact, maybe I know more about existences like yours than you do."

The other party shook his head, not paying attention to Zhang Yan's words, and said, "My name is Xu Fengbai, well, there is another title called "Wanjiang" in another place. Mr. Zhang can call me by my name or by my name. My title depends on your preference."

"Wan Jiang. Great Sage King?" Although Zhang Yan had already guessed the other party's identity, his heart still trembled.

Among the nine holy kings in the ghost domain, only one of the upper holy kings was transformed after the death of the human race.He is also the strongest person at the top of the human spirit race in the ghost domain.Ranked second among the nine holy kings!
"Hehe, Mr. Zhang seems to have a good understanding of our affairs. Then Mr. should also know that our human spirit clan and demon spirit clan are not all the same?"

The human spirit race, that is, the spirit race formed after the death of the human race.The Yaoling clan is also the spirit clan formed after the death of the Yaozu.In Zhang Yan's case, they are all the same, they are all ghosts, but they have to be distinguished by themselves, so they can only be distinguished according to the classification they had before they were alive.

Zhang Yan sat down on the chair opposite Xu Fengbai, with a distance of more than ten feet between the two sides.Then he nodded and said: "The Ghost Realm is too mysterious. For me, I can only hear some information. I don't know if it is true or not. But I have heard about the conflict between human spirits and demon spirits that you mentioned."

"Demon species! Mister must have heard it from the mouth of the demon species, right? Hehe, it's not easy for those speculators to survive in the cracks. But their words are often true and false. Distinguish carefully, or you will be led astray. Moreover, I said that the demon race not only cooperates with the demon race and the human race, but also cooperates with our spirit race, do you believe it?"

But without waiting for Zhang Yan to answer, Xu Fengbai continued to smile and said: "I can feel that Mr. has a natural hostility towards the Spirit Race. Maybe the hostility is not accurate, it should be said to be an instinct of "should be eliminated when you see it" , like the instinct in a house when you see a mosquito clinging to the wall. Am I right?

This kind of Mr. Instinct is the only one in Huangtianyu. Anyway, judging from my long experience, it has never happened elsewhere. "

Zhang Yan squinted his eyes, he had suppressed the idea of ​​doing something several times in his heart.The pressure given to him by the other party was too great, there was no way to be sure, and it was very likely that the God's Arrival Technique would be used in the end, which Zhang Yan was unwilling to face directly.On the other hand, if the other party can come to the house in person, they can also follow Wang Lanping who is out, Zhang Huiyuan who is busy in the shop, and Zhang Shun who is in Xiangkou.Concerns about family members are the second reason.

In the end, Zhang Yan was also really curious, why did this Xu Fengbai come to the door as if he wanted to have a good talk with him?Ghosts are fierce, so there must be a reason for them to speak well.

"Who the demon species cooperates with has nothing to do with me. It's like how much conflict there is between the human spirit clan and the demon spirit clan within the spirit clan has nothing to do with me.

The spirit race ravages the world and feeds on living things. How is it different from the man-eating beasts in the mountains?Naturally, everyone can be punished.The Sage King of Wanjiang only saw me, but it was just that other people did not have the skills I had.Otherwise, tens of millions of Zhang Yan would not surprise the Sage King of Wanjiang. "

(End of this chapter)

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