one's door

Chapter 328 Fang Banner

Chapter 328 Fang Banner

With a bang, the section from the main room to the gate of the Zhang Mansion was directly reduced to powder, and a figure covered in black smoke flew upside down along with the explosion and the scattered stone powder, hovering in mid-air.

At the same time, the originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, covering up the sun. Even though it was You o'clock in the afternoon, it suddenly became like the scene before nightfall, and the surroundings were dark.

And the people in the whole city were amazed at this sudden change in the sky, and everyone knew that this change was absolutely extraordinary.And everyone felt that there was a sudden silent and anxious emotion pressing on their hearts for no reason, as if there was some great danger approaching them.

Only the passers-by and neighbors who are close to Zhang's mansion can understand where this terrifying feeling of depression comes from.

The people who ran out after hearing the loud noise looked up and saw two people standing in the air above Zhang's mansion.One of them is known to all the neighbors in the neighborhood, and it is Mr. Zhang Yan, a guest teacher of the Jiangwu Academy.Although the identity of the other person was unknown to everyone, it was obvious from his appearance that he was not a good person.

Who is a good person who will be all black and smoking?Bloody eyes?Pale as a dead man?
Looking at Mr. Zhang again, his heroic appearance is reassuring.Coupled with the golden light glowing from his body, and a burst of righteousness, all the spectators around moved to the side where Zhang Yan was hovering.They instinctively chose to seek profit and avoid disaster.

Of course, what is even more shocking is the feeling that "people can fly!".In an instant, Mr. Zhang's image became incomparably taller.And the black mist man who was facing Mr. Zhang also made everyone feel "also very powerful".

Naturally, some people will be afraid.Even less.

The source of the fear is the man covered in black mist.Even just looking at him will make your whole body tremble and your back feel cold.It's like facing a man-eating beast with a bloody mouth.

"Hmph! Covering the sky with Yin energy to avoid the sun? These methods are not bad, but they can't save you!"

"Moonlight! Cage!"

At this time, Zhang Yan's power comes from Tiankui Xingjun, and even the square flag transformed from the Wanxiangzhu in his hand is also Tiankui Xingjun's magic weapon: the flag of sun, moon and stars.

Just now Rihui brought the ultimate yang energy to wash away Xu Fengbai's soul spell, and even wrapped the opponent in Rihui's magical power.It was a surprise move.

But Xu Fengbai's reaction was also extremely fast, and somehow he used some method to explode the Yin Sha released by him, so as to offset Rihui's Yang Qi package, and at the same time flew out backwards, breaking away from Zhang Yan's surprise attack method.

Afterwards, the underground yin energy of the entire Langyuan City poured back abnormally, attracting dark clouds at the same time.The five elements of water are also used very skillfully.All of a sudden, the originally not so favorable surrounding environment becomes relatively biased towards oneself.

This method is generally not capable of monks.Xu Fengbai's ghost cultivation has really exceeded Zhang Yan's expectations.

This can already be categorized into the Dafa method of calling wind and rain.

Such ghost cultivation also made Zhang Yan suspicious immediately.Why are other great ghost kings, such as the previous Yonghe great ghost king, so far behind in ghost cultivation as generations apart?Is it necessary to hold these methods tightly in your hands and not teach them?

Thoughts alternated in his mind, and finally Zhang Yan raised the flag of the sun, moon and stars in his hand again.After Rihui, Yuehui is at this time.What you want is to trap the other party.

And the magic weapon of the sun, moon and stars flag is not a mortal thing, but Tiankui Xingjun's fairy treasure, and it belongs to the "array weapon" in the magic weapon.There is no need for Zhang Yan to kill, the magic weapon has its own set of systematic methods, relying on the power of Tiankui Xingjun who is in charge after the god descends, it can be easily controlled, and it also gave him a glimpse of the power and way of the fairy family magic weapon.

As soon as the moonlight came out, Fang Qi raised a formation to imprison him. The size of the formation was so large and the movement was so fast, it was completely different from Zhang Yan's appearance when he arranged the formation.It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "instantly rising".

The sun is Yang and the moon is Yin.But Tiankuixing is the most powerful and most yang, and his magic weapon is naturally not a simple combination of yin and yang, but a method that seems to be yin and yang but is stubborn and partial to yang.It's just that the power achieved after the moonlight falls is a bit like a slanted sword.

Naturally, Xu Fengbai is the most able to understand the power of "swords slanting forward" in this formation that suddenly rises.

It's no secret that Zhang Yan's formation is in the ghosts, mainly in the ghosts on the first floor of the ghost king.Whether it's blocking the dead road, or when Zhang Yan used it to isolate his own house before, it has appeared.Even this time when Xu Fengbai entered Zhang's mansion, he experienced the power of the formation, relying on his strength to resist in the house.

Now that Zhang's mansion has been broken and he is outside, Xu Fengbai is still shocked that Zhang Yan can really suddenly increase his strength with just a small piece of paper, just like a completely different person.Even the breath has some weird changes.

How on earth is this done?
Who is that huge phantom that appeared behind Zhang Yan?

What is the origin of the flag in Zhang Yan's hand?Why can a fan suddenly become a flag?
When Xu Fengbai was still thinking about these thoughts, he found that Zhang Yan was waving the flag again, a feeling of blocking his spiritual sense and being in a prison immediately enveloped him.

Another formation? !Doesn't it require a lot of processes and foreshadowing before setting up the formation?Why not use anything this time? !Is it about the flag?
Xu Fengbai had some regrets at this point, he thought that he had observed Zhang Yan secretly for a long time, and he already knew Zhang Yan very well.But now it is found that this is not the case. Zhang Yan's methods, and even his direct reaction to him, all of this is not as Xu Fengbai expected.

"Yin Qi formation?" Xu Fengbai immediately felt the root of the formation he was in.This seems to be based on the magic circle that he pulled up to take advantage of the trend in the environment where the sky was full of shadows and the sun.But knowing that he is a Spirit Race, is it stupid for Zhang Yan to create a magic circle based on Yin Qi?
But soon Xu Fengbai felt the deep malice of this formation for him.

In just this moment, Xu Fengbai found that Yin Qi was being absorbed crazily, no, it should be pulled away!Using the principle of Yin Qi gathering with each other, the Yin Qi in the formation is drawn out of the formation in an inexplicable way, and at the same time, the Yin Qi outside the formation is blocked from entering.

Simply pulling away actually had little effect on Xu Fengbai.Because he has a lot of means to stabilize his own Yin Qi and soul body from being affected by the formation.But the problem is that this is not a sanctuary, there is not only yin energy in this world, but also yang energy!The result of draining the yin qi is to highlight the yang qi in the formation.

Losing the yin and yang, that is extreme yin or extreme yang!
What is so vicious about this formation to Xu Fengbai now is that it is rapidly changing towards the goal of turning the formation into an "Extreme Sun".And what Xu Fengbai had to do was to get out before the formation completed the extreme yang transformation.

However, what Zhang Yan held in his hand was the magic weapon of the immortal family, not to mention Xu Fengbai, even if Zhang Yan fell in and wanted to break out of the formation, it would be a daydream.It can't break the formation's context, can't damage the foundation of the formation, and can't force the limit of the formation's power.How do you say it broke?
What's more, the flag of the sun, moon and stars can not only show its power separately, but its biggest and most powerful feature is to manifest the power of the sun, moon, stars, and sky. Zhang Yan's idea is to use this method to beat Xu Fengbai in the formation to half useless, and then walk away Exceeding the legal affairs.

So far everything seems to be going well.

(End of this chapter)

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