one's door

Chapter 330 Fly away

Chapter 330 Fly away
Obviously a figure was right in front of his eyes, but he couldn't be locked by the magic weapon, and he couldn't even be recognized, as if this person was just a light and shadow without the support of actual existence.

No entity, not even an energy body!
Zhang Yan's surprise did not end there, because his perception also failed to perceive the existence of the figure in front of him like his eyes.


A not so loud impact sound, like the sound of slapping the door with the palm of your hand, was actually the sound made after the figure swung his fist and hit the magic circle of the sun, moon and stars flag.

In an instant, before Zhang Yan had time to think about it, he felt the sun, moon, and stars flag in his hand tremble violently, as if being impacted from the outside by some unexpected surging force, and the tremor was only three breaths, and the sun, moon, and stars flag trembled violently. There were obvious cracks in the magic circle of the flag!

"How is it possible!?" This time it was Zhang Yan's turn to be horrified.He didn't understand at all why a being like light and shadow could punch out actual power in an understatement, and why it was difficult to resist the magic weapon of the sun, the moon, the stars and the stars? !


The light and shadow's second straight punch fell, and the magic circle of the Sun Moon Star Banner could no longer continue, and it collapsed at the moment the fist fell.The extremely sunny place inside and all the power of the magic circle dispersed with the clouds.

And Xu Fengbai who was trapped inside didn't even look at Zhang Yan more, just sneaked into the ground, relying on his own magical means, it was difficult to find the trace in the blink of an eye.

Even Zhang Yan had no choice if he wanted to pursue it, because the phantom just looked at him like this, and an aura that even under the state of God's descent felt creepy was also locked on his body, making him dare not act rashly .

It wasn't until a moment later, when Zhang Yan had no choice but to pursue Xu Fengbai, that phantom disappeared, just like when it appeared before, there was no sign or trace at all.

This. The boiled duck just flew away like this? !
Zhang Yan blinked and blinked, his expression on his face was stiff, and there was a long-lost aggrieved feeling in his heart that he had nowhere to tell.Looking around, after the collapse of the formation, the Zhang family's mansion was surrounded by ruins for more than a hundred feet. Fortunately, there were not many people injured, and they all ran out early and were not in the house.

But Zhang Yan had to clean up this mess.

Looking at the God's Arrival Technique that has already begun to dissipate, the feeling of weakness has already begun to strike, and the price related to lifespan will also be paid later.

Just like that, Zhang Yan knew that he had suffered a big loss this time.The only thing that is considered profitable is that he has completely become famous in Yangjian and Huangquan after this fight.Many troubles can be avoided in the future.

Fall back to the ground.The family has already gathered around.Wang Qin was sent to Wangjiazhuangzi. Wang Lanping wanted to go, but at the gate of the city, she saw that something was wrong and there was a bang on her side of the house, so she asked He Xianghong to protect Wang Qin. She ran back in a panic and saw her house. The follow-up scene of the two sons fighting with people in the air.

It was not until this moment that Wang Lanping truly believed that her second son was not only knowledgeable, but a powerful man who was not inferior to warriors, as rumored by the outside world.

Is this still his son?Wang Lanping was a little confused, but immediately put everything aside.Who else could it be if not my son?

So when Zhang Yan fell to the ground, he saw Wang Lanping running to hug him, patting him, and letting out a long sigh of relief after confirming that he was not injured.Standing beside them were Zhang Huiyuan who also ran back from the shop after hearing the noise, and Zeng Hao who came with Zhang Huiyuan.

"I'm fine, help me back to the house, I want to take a rest." Zhang Yan has no strength to speak, and his prostration is also falling like a mountain after the God's descent technique is separated. In just a short while, the sweat on Zhang Yan's face disappeared It was like rain, and the people watching were terrified, and hurriedly helped him back into the house.

Thirty percent of the Zhang family's mansion was destroyed, but the front part suffered, while the rear houses were still intact.Zhang Yan did not go back to his own room, but asked everyone to help him into the still room of the Sanqing Statue which was also intact.After that, I refused the care of my family members, closed the door, and started my own breath adjustment.

As for the outside, it's not something he needs to care about for the time being.There is no such thing as the ability to carry the weakness of God's descent and still jump outside.

And Langyuan City has already exploded at this time.The turmoil caused was greater than the turmoil caused by the sudden death of the city administrator Wu Yuan.

Even though it was still in the afternoon, the sky suddenly became as dark as night fell, accompanied by a shivering coldness.

At the same time, the people around Zhang's mansion also saw the two people hovering in the air and fighting, and the remaining power of the fighting behind them directly squeezed and collapsed many houses within a hundred feet, slightly injuring many people, but luckily they all ran away Almost no one was killed or buried.

This kind of explosive news naturally spread quickly, and after the sky brightened again, the news had several versions and spread wildly throughout Langyuan City.There are three cores: people can fly!It was also caused by the two fighting!When Professor Zhang waved his flag, it was as scary as a landslide!

Less than half a stick of incense after Zhang Yan was helped back by his family to adjust his breath, the city guard Zhou Cang led his troops over.The reason is naturally the "city defense crisis", so lead troops into the city.Such a large-scale destruction around Zhang's mansion did require guards to come in to maintain order.

Even the actions that are not on the surface are quite fast.Whether it is the yamen or the garrison, or the major chambers of commerce and the special case department, as long as there are forces that have a channel to transmit news, they will immediately transmit what happened in Langyuan City today as quickly as possible.

This time, Zhang Yan's name is not destined to be known only in the neighboring human kingdoms. Even the demon kingdom will probably hear this name for the first time and keep it in mind.

The local yamen was "disaster relief" at the first time, and it was very understanding and righteous to directly fall on the word "disaster" for the impact on the surroundings of Zhang's mansion this time.As for whether the Zhang family needs to make up for the money in the future, it is a matter of waiting for Zhang Yan to come forward before discussing it.The money and food in the early stage will be handled by the local yamen.

Even Liu Renchuan and Xiao Shu from the Academy of Martial Arts made a rare appearance. First, they inspected the area around Zhang's mansion, and second, they asked about Zhang Yan's situation.In the end, there were inexplicable expressions on their faces before they left in a hurry.It's the same expression as the people from the Special Cases Department who came here not long ago and have stayed here to help.

Ordinary people and ordinary warriors may not be able to figure out the damage around the Zhang family mansion.But a few people who know a lot of hidden reasons can tell a general idea from the traces left in the surrounding ruins and the words of the people who witnessed it.

For example, who did Zhang Yan fight with to cause such a big battle.Many people already have the answer in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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