one's door

Chapter 335

Chapter 335
For most people in Nanyuan Kingdom, there will not be much change in life in three months.But for the emperor who ruled the whole country, the situation in Nanyuan Kingdom has been full of ups and downs in the past three months.Generally speaking, it is stable and good.

Of course, the premise is that if you don't look at the southwest of Nanyuan Kingdom, you are indeed looking for the best.

The old eunuch Wu Kui was naturally the happiest.Because since Zhang Yan had a big fight with a big ghost king in Langyuan City three months ago, there were no more groups of spirits in Nanyuan Kingdom.Even if there are still Eldar people committing crimes, they are scattered and small cases, and the number is very small.

In this way, it was much better than the result of relying on Zhang Yan to block a part of the dead silence.One is hoping to "relieve", but now it is completely "dispelled".

Not only did Wu Kui free the Special Case Department from the previous state of exhaustion, but it also immediately stabilized the situation in most counties and cities in Nanyuan Kingdom.

Internal stability is really important to Nanyuan Nation.Only in this way can they have the energy and more confidence to concentrate on dealing with the impact from the demon country in the southwest.

Why do you say impact?Instead of saying "invasion"?
Because compared to Haoyue Monster Country, Nanyuan Country is as weak as a humble dog.Even if they are beaten, they can only be described as "misunderstanding" or "shock", rather than directly characterizing it as an "invasion" full of war meaning.Because I was really worried that if I acted too strongly on my side, it would really provoke a national war in the Haoyue Demon Kingdom.At that time, Nanyuan Kingdom will really be torn apart.

It sounds unbelievable, but also cowardly and humble.But that is the means of survival that Xiyuan County, which is sandwiched between Yao Country and Xia Country, can only rely on for a long time.

Including Yubei Mountain Fortress and Nanyuan Kingdom, they have always been killing fields, and Xiyuan County has long known it.Those two places are suitable, but there are ways to secure them.One is because of the heterogeneous Yushan fruit tree, and the other is because the land is fertile and low-yield grain.If in the past, Yaoguo snatched away some like Yubei Mountain, Xiyuan County would still be easy.But now the monster clan of Nanyuan Kingdom has no intention of suppressing the territory with a small army. Even if the walls are cleared, they are still approaching Baishi City, the county guard of Nanyuan Kingdom.

Afterwards, Dead Silence Road put very little pressure on Yuan Tengxian and Yubeishan's front.Once the people in the front change, let alone reinforcements, even food and ordnance consumables will be interrupted.In this way, the barrier between the two points and one line between Baishi and Yubeishan Fortress will collapse quickly.Once the line of defense collapses, the front matter will be completely out of Xiyuan County's control.Even if the Yaozu would choose to destroy Xiyuan County at that time, what was left after all the chaos was a mess full of holes.For Beiwu Kingdom or Huayue Kingdom, how could they let go of such a god-given opportunity?

In this way, Yuan Tengxian is really safe.

After all, Shi Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, but at least the emperor was able to divert his sight to the southwest again.

"Find out all the notes from the Ministry of Military Affairs, and you can read them together later." Wu Kui also raised his head and instructed Shi Xuan who was waiting in the corner outside the study.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

As an emperor, Yuan Teng had too little to do.Although I can be a foolish king, but the blood of the Yang family makes me act as if I just sit back and watch the country collapse and the matter is none of my business.Diligence is the foundation I have been insisting on since I took the throne.But even so, the copper bars are still decreasing and increasing every day, and things are still coming out continuously.

Shi Xuan should have finished picking neatly from a small copper box under Wu Kui's desk.The underside of the copper bars of the Ministry of War is painted red, which is most conspicuous on the outside of the bars of all yamen.

But in particular, the number of notes from the Ministry of War will be too small, at least accounting for [-]% or even all of the emperor's daily affairs.But in the past six months, the number of people who came to the Ministry of War has almost reached [-]%, which is less than [-]%.

"Your Majesty, they have all been picked out."

"Yeah. He looked outside to see if there was a note from the imperial guards, and he found it and showed it to you first."

After July, Wu Kui allocated [-] of the [-] imperial troops stationed in the imperial city, and then went to Nanyuan Kingdom. At the same time, he quickly recruited soldiers from the northern counties to fill the local garrison, and then transferred veterans from outside the garrison to form reinforcements. Battalion by battalion sent to Yuan Tengxian.

Wu Kui had only one thought: Even if Nanyuan Kingdom is destroyed, Baishi City can still be lost!Of course, there will be more restrictions on the soldiers of the monster clan, who is to say that these monster clan will go crazy?
"Your Majesty, that one is."

Outside the lacquered copper bar outside the yamen of the Ministry of War, Yuan Tengwu found a copper bar inlaid with the royal family crest.Forty percent of the military expenditure of the imperial army comes from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so it belongs to the royal family's private army.Although it is obvious that they are soldiers and horses belonging to the Ministry of War, the actual control has never been in the yamen of the Ministry of War, and has always been handled by the emperor himself.

Yuan Teng took the copper bar from the imperial army, and quickly went through it before unfolding it, frowning.Then I read it word by word and put it aside before.

Wu Kui was silent for a while before continuing to pick up the remaining copper bars from the Ministry of War to finish checking.The speed of viewing is slow and fast.Half an hour passed very slowly.Wu Kui also read all the copper bars in the Yamen of the Ministry of War.

Stand up from under the chair.Wu Kui went to the window and looked at the dark night sky where even the moonlight could be seen.But he was in a trance for a long time.

"Yang Sheng can be regarded as his half-disciple. I have studied under his school for several years. You remember that you also walked through your school. Right?" Wu Kui suddenly asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Yang Sheng did learn art from the old slave when he was young. The old slave brought me from the middle stage of Tongqiao to the early stage, so I looked for another teacher."

Wu Kui turned around, looked at Shi Xuan who was slightly bowed and tied his hands in front of him, and then asked: "So what does he think of me?"

"Your Majesty, the old slave has been in contact with Yang Sheng in the past few years. Yang Sheng is still young, and he still has little power. He really dares to repeat his judgment. If he misleads His Majesty's decision, it will be a crime."

It was Yuan Teng who was afraid of misfortune, but Yang Sheng and I hadn't been in touch for a long time.People, the same period and the same environment will change.I dare to talk nonsense to interfere with Yuan Teng's judgment at that time.During the day today, Wu Kui had a long discussion with the head of the Yamen and adjutants of the Ministry of War in detail, and I was also listening.I understand that the emperor is going to put the proposal of the Yamen of the Ministry of War under the table for sloppy consideration.

Wu Kui snorted, and was satisfied with Shi Xuan's answer.But the reason why I asked that question was because I really wanted to hear Shi Xuan's opinion, but I was determined in my heart.

"Yuan Teng has just entered the middle stage of Duanshan Realm, and he is a young man in the early stage of Duanshan Realm. If he is Yang Sheng's supervisor and follows him closely, is he sure that he will take his life when he has to?"

Shi Xuan could avoid that question, he quickly bowed and said, "I'm not sure, old slave!"

"That's good! He is going to serve as the supervisor of the small camp of the Eastern Army after preparations. I will ask Yang Sheng to move the main force of the Eastern Army to the southwest, as far as the west end of Changhu County to stabilize the Zhongjun. Ten Thousand Forbidden Army, withdraw to Nanyuan Kingdom!"

(End of this chapter)

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