one's door

Chapter 346

Chapter 346
Zhang Yan received two contracts from the Royal Household Office.One was a deed of ownership for a medium-sized gemstone mine.There is also a land deed for the Bluff Mountain in Changhu County and the surrounding area of ​​more than [-] miles.

These two contracts are Zhang Yan's reward this time.Or hard work.

It's hard to be the emperor of Nanyuan Kingdom.Generally, things that are rewarded to subordinates are not suitable for dealing with Zhang is no shortage of Zhang Yan at all, just relying on the means of casting soldiers is enough to make a country as rich as an enemy.The only thing that Zhang Yan cares about is the "Longevity Stone", which is temporarily known. Last time, there was an exchange. This time, Yang Sheng directly took out a high-yielding longevity stone mine from the royal family and gave it to Zhang Yan.

As for the precipitous cliff mountain and the land deeds for dozens of miles around it, this can be regarded as Yang Sheng's fit for Zhang Yan's previous gap.Because Zhang Yan once said that if he had the opportunity in the future, he would choose a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters in Nanyuan Country as his mountain gate.Yang Sheng didn't need Zhang Yan to wait this time, and gave it directly.

Zhang Yan also smiled when he got these two contracts, and didn't refuse, but he didn't say much either.Because he knew that for Nanyuan Nation, as long as it could cope with the crisis of the Demon Spirit Clan, no matter how high the price was, it could be tolerated.What's more, it's just a mine, a wild mountain.The key point is that they cannot be moved away in Nanyuan Country, and as long as Zhang Yan accepts it, he will be inseparable from Nanyuan Country.

In fact, Zhang Yanyu has been making preparations since Shen Wujiu met for the first time.He didn't intentionally wait for the response from the emperor of Nanyuan Kingdom, let alone wait for the reward.Because for ghosts, they are Zhang Yan's best rewards, but it's Huang Tianyu's world that presents the rewards.

So Zhang Yan doesn't need anyone to urge him, he will be very active himself.For example, in the past half a month, he had given Shen Wujiu a total of thirty ghost-suppressing bells, and these ghost-suppressing bells were all specially adjusted for the demon spirit clan.

Moreover, Zhang Yan also promised that Shen Wujiu would strive to deliver a ghost-killing bell to the special case department every day in the next month.

In addition, after Shen Wujiu received Fei Yu's order to "agree to the plan" from Yuanding Imperial City, Zhang Yan also started the first step of the plan: to arrange the twelve-day gang array to block the door again.

Zhang Yan was the first to take back the Tiangang pillars of the large formations that had been arranged before.This saved him a lot of refining time.

The order of blocking this time is different from the previous ones. The first to block is the dead silence road in the north and east of Nanyuan Kingdom and the central area.Of course, it is the kind of dead silence that cannot move its position.However, the Dead Silence Road, which is close to Xiyuan County and Chonglan County where the Yubei Mountain Fortress is located, was intentionally left behind.

As for the movable entrances and exits of the Dead Silence Road, Zhang Yan's approach was to follow suit, using the method of the special case department and the demon species to attack together.

In this way, when everything goes well, a situation will be formed: except for the dead silence roads near Chonglan County and Xiyuan County, other dead silence roads, whether they are fixed or movable, will be affected. Strong blocking or simply being blocked and unable to get out.Then the Dead Silence Road around Chonglan County and Xiyuan County will naturally become the main entrance and exit for the demon spirits to come to Nanyuan Country. After all, they will not be attacked here, and the loss will be much smaller.

As the war in Chonglan County and Xiyuan County is getting more and more anxious, the local people have long been evacuated to the subsequent counties by the local yamen in a planned way.Especially in Xiyuan County, which is always in danger, the army station there is not only the defense force but also the main force for growing food.And those farmers who came here for high wages should have run away as soon as the war started.Therefore, compared to other counties, the number of ordinary people in Chonglan County and Xiyuan County is absolutely very small.

Furthermore, in the confrontation between Nanyuan Kingdom and Yaozu, Nanyuan Kingdom has always been in a passive defensive situation.The only ones who can be called active in the battle are the two small-scale collisions between Song Qinghe and the two Yao Kingdom clans on the Yubeishan Fortress relying on the Bagua Formation.Most of the time it is to shrink the defense line and concentrate on holding the key front.For example, the Yubei Mountain Fortress, such as the first line of the Baishi City Army Tunnel in Xiyuan County.

There are tens of thousands of people concentrated in such a huge county, and it is difficult to find people in other places, which reduces the loss of troops.At the same time, it also gave the demon spirit family a huge room to explore these two counties.

Finally, here comes the wonderful part.

If they didn't see anyone but saw the Yaozu, what would the Yaolingzu's reaction be?
The answer can be found from the memory of Zhang Yan, the ghost general of the demon spirit clan who seized the soul: I was also unlucky to be sent to a hunting ground like the human race.Swallowing three or five living souls is equivalent to one in the demon kingdom.Tsk tsk, if it wasn't easy to get here, or would it not be a loss?

In the eyes of the Yaoling tribe, the living soul of the Yaozu is just a braised chicken leg, while the meat of the living soul of the human race is at most a chicken paw or neck. The Yaoling tribe naturally prefers to eat more meat.

This is what Zhang Yan told Shen Wujiu to be "drawn by disaster".It's like digging a small ditch beside a pool. As long as the terrain is suitable, the small ditch can lead all the water in the pool to other places.

The logic of this plan is also clear, which is what the commander of the Western Army said "it will work."But the premise is how to achieve accurate sniping on those dead lanes that can move their positions.This is the most important point. If it doesn't work, even if Xiyuan County and Chonglan County can attract a large number of demon spirits, the rear of Nanyuan Kingdom will still be turned into a piece of red land by the raging demon spirits. .

Zhang Yan's method to deal with this key point is also very simple.Just like he obtained the first-hand information about the demon spirit clan, he just used the "soul-snatching" torture that had the initial effect.Being able to move locations does not mean that you are constantly moving all the time, but that a place will exist for several days or longer, and then change places.Where there is that kind of moving dead road, you can roughly determine the position by marking the fixed dead road, and then target it for sniping.

Starting to set up a large formation, the first thing is to block the fixed dead silence road in Beijiang County as the first target.The situation was similar to Zhang Yan's previous blockade of the Dead Silence Dao of the Human Spirit Race.There will also be a large number of ghosts gathering at the entrance and exit of the dead road.It's just that the overall strength is not as powerful as before. The ghost king has never been seen, and the most powerful is the ghost general.Zhang Yan knew that this was because the "Great Sage King Banquet" in the ghost domain had already been completed, and neither the demon spirit clan nor the human spirit clan had any urgent need for souls in the short term. .

Although not as good as before, it brought a lot of merit and aura to Zhang Yan.Coupled with the targeted sniping that used a large number of ghost-killing bells, Zhang Yan's gains were not less than last time.Even because of the continuity, the harvest is even more.

PS: I will also go to the hospital for physical therapy in the morning, and there is another chapter to be added in the afternoon.Normal updates will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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