one's door

Chapter 361

Chapter 361
Beiwu country.Zhang Yan's only two encounters were directly or indirectly related to miscellaneous studies.

The first time was a gathering of miscellaneous studies held in Xiangkou, which was inherited from the Qiande dynasty and now belongs to the two schools of miscellaneous studies of Nanyuan Kingdom and Beiwu Kingdom.Zhang Yan participated as a rising star of miscellaneous studies on the side of Nanyuan Kingdom.At that time, he desperately needed to rely on the reputation of miscellaneous studies as his cover to find a relatively stable living environment.At the meeting, I came into contact with people from the Beiwu School of Miscellaneous Studies.

The second time was after Xiangkou's meeting, because he had Liangzi with the eldest son of Prince Houde of Beiwu Kingdom, Beiwu Kingdom sent people to round up the situation, and exchanged the life of his eldest son with Yuzhilan.And left a pretty good impression.

When he saw Mu Yuanqian getting off the car with Luo Changshan just now, he didn't think about what Mu Yuanqian would have to do with him this time.After all, Mu Yuanqian represented the school of miscellaneous studies in Beiwu Kingdom, and his relationship with Zhang Yan could be represented directly by Luo Changshan, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't be found.But when the other party mentioned "Prince Houde", Zhang Yan knew that the other party's visit this time was probably aimed at him.And Luo Changshan should be helping to beat the side drum.

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Zhang Yan first smiled at Luo Changshan, then looked at Mu Yuanqian and said, "I didn't have the chance to thank Prince Houde for the things he sent last time. Going around the country, Beiwu is definitely going. But it probably won’t be possible recently. The main reason is that some disciples in the family are still young and young. It’s time to lay the foundation, so I don’t dare to take it too far and get wild I can't take it back.

I also ask Mr. Mu to tell His Highness Prince Houde that Zhang Yan would like to thank him for his kindness. "

Leaving Nanyuan Country and going to Beiwu?Zhang Yan naturally did not object to this proposal.Even traveling around the world was the goal he set for himself when he first arrived in Huangtianyu.It's all here, how can we not go around?
It's just that as Zhang Yan said, he can't go far for the time being.The three children in the family are not yet ready to run around.He himself could not leave for such a long time.

Mu Yuanqian tried to persuade him a few more words, but it was obvious that his intention was not to "invite Zhang Yan over no matter what", but more to use this kind of invitation as a prelude, to do it first. After a relaxed foreshadowing for both parties, and then mentioning the "friendship" between the two sides, there should be something else to say.

"Mr. Zhang said so, so I don't force it, but when you are free, you must come to Beiwu Kingdom first. Prince Houde will accompany you in person, so that you can appreciate the beautiful scenery and prosperity of Beiwu.

However, Beiwu Kingdom has really encountered some troubles recently, so please help me, sir. "

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "Mr. Mu was joking, the Beiwu soldiers are strong, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, how can Zhang Yan's mere ability help the Beiwu Kingdom?"

"Mr. Zhang is too self-effacing. Beiwu's secret illness is so fierce that it has reached the point where it can't be solved. Now only Mr. Zhang can help. So I ask you to give me a helping hand. Beiwu Kingdom will be grateful !"

Mu Yuanqian's words seemed a bit serious the moment he uttered them.And it sounds exaggerated.

How come the "secret disease is ferocious" to the point where it cannot be solved?
In addition, Zhang Yan also felt that it seemed that the situation of the miscellaneous studies in Nanyuan could not be compared to the miscellaneous studies in Beiwu.They seem to be doing much better than those in Nanyuan Kingdom.It has reached the point where it can speak for Beiwu Kingdom.

Of course, it is also possible that Mu Yuanqian is just talking about it, so Zhang Yan continued to ask: "Mr. Mu, please explain carefully, Zhang Yan doesn't understand Beiwu at all, how did he get to the point you said?"

"Spirit Clan! Sir, it's the Spirit Clan! Beiwu is also going through what happened in Nanyuan Kingdom before. But Beiwu has no Mr. in charge, and the situation is even more difficult to deal with. The special case department has completely lost its function. The only way to check and balance is to The only demon species is the magical bell that comes from the hands of Mister.

But firstly, the bells given by the demon species are very few, and secondly, the price they demand has touched the bottom line of the tacit understanding between the human race and the demon species, and it cannot be accepted by us.So I had no choice but to ask Mr. directly.I don't ask for anything else from my husband, but I just ask that those bells can be tilted to Beiwu a little more, so I am very grateful. "

Zhang Yan frowned slightly.Surprised.

The reason why the human spirit race changed from normal before and became rampant was that they were collecting their own "arrangements" to cope with the Great Sage King's Banquet once every hundreds of years to accumulate strength.

But according to what Zhang Yan learned after seizing the soul from the Yaoling clan, the King's Banquet of the Great Sage is over.The "hunting ground" in Nanyuan Kingdom has also changed from the name of the Human Spirit Clan to the name of the Demon Spirit Clan.It stands to reason that the human spirit race has no reason to wreak havoc, and only needs to restore the scene to its previous state.

Zhang Yan has always thought so, and never thought about it.But from what Mu Yuanqian said, it seems that besides Nanyuan Country, there are other countries that are still threatening the human race?
Seeing the surprise on Zhang Yan's face, Mu Yuanqian also understood that he knew nothing about Zhang Yan.In fact, Mu Yuanqian only knew about the Spirit Race not long ago.Even Luo Changshan didn't know about it.

"Sir, don't laugh. If it weren't for Mu Yuanqian's narration, the old man would have always laughed off the matter of the Spirit Race as a legend. Who would have thought that there would be such a strange thing in the world, it is really creepy." Luo Changshan also had to chime in. One sentence.Thinking back to Zhang Yan's state of mind when he wanted to borrow "Miscellaneous Scrolls of Spiritual Affairs", now it seems that he is still too ignorant.

This time, if Luo Changshan hadn't been horrified by the events of the Spirit Race, which aroused in his heart the irreconcilable contradiction between "food" and "predator" between the human race and the Spirit Race, if he had a sense of crisis that he could empathize with, otherwise He also won't do the thing of helping Mu Yuanqian to beat Zhang Yan's side drum.

Zhang Yan nodded, not caring about Luo Changshan's emotion.The matter of the Spirit Race needs to be concealed.Otherwise, how would the ordinary people in the human kingdom live?Just being frightened will collapse all the kingdoms.This reason is not difficult to understand, and he also believes that both Mu Yuanqian and Luo Changshan will consciously seal their mouths tightly.At least not around.

"Beiwu is still suffering from the raging spirit race?"

"In fact, it's not just Beiwu, the situation in some neighboring countries is similar. It's just that they can't find Mr. to get in touch. Now the demons are showing off their power everywhere, holding Mr.'s bell as an arrow, trying to break the agreement between the human race and them , I want to separatize the territory and risk it to the public." Before Mu Yuanqian came here, he was given a lot of confidential information and the situation by the high-level officials of Beiwu.Not only the spirit race, but also a lot about the demon species.That's why he could answer Zhang Yan's question comprehensively.

(End of this chapter)

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