one's door

Chapter 376

Chapter 376
No one can help Yang Sheng make a decision for the Yaozu's request.At least until he had an idea, no one would open his mouth to comment on the matter.It was the same with the Yamen of the Ministry of War, and it was the same with Wu Kui who followed Yang Sheng.

Yang Sheng was left alone in the study, silently pacing endlessly.until late at night.

Early the next morning, Yang Sheng called the chief adjutant of the Ministry of War to the study and expressed his thoughts.

"Although Beiwu and our Nanyuan have had a long-standing grievance, I also have a dream of taking Beiwu and rebuilding the glory of Qiande Shang Kingdom. But this dream should never have the shadow of the monster race mixed in. Otherwise, the reputation of Nanyuan Kingdom will be in the future." The entire human race will be completely stinky, and it will be difficult to integrate into it. In the end, they will only struggle and be forced to become a vassal of the monster race. This fate can be imagined.

Therefore, Yaozu's suggestion cannot be agreed. "

After Yang Sheng said these words, the chief and adjutant officers of the Ministry of War Yamen in front of him were obviously relieved.They were very worried that Yang Sheng would bite the bullet and conspire with the Yaozu to plot Beiwu in order to realize the long-cherished wish of every emperor since the founding of Nanyuan Kingdom.Even mentally prepared words of persuasion.Now it seems that Yang Sheng is very calm and has not been confused by the heavy profit.

"Your Majesty is holy! The monster wolf is playing some tricks with ambition, this is like a joke in front of His Majesty"

People in the army have always been blunt when they flatter. Yang Sheng has never liked it. He waved his hand and interrupted the other party's compliments, and continued: "Now what you need to consider is what will happen after rejecting the monster race. Xiyuan County is currently watching It's far from peace when you get up."

It's easy to say no, but what about the consequences?
As soon as Yang Sheng's words came out, the three people in the Yamen of the Ministry of War quickly swallowed back their compliments.The chief officer of the Yamen of the Ministry of War took out a strategy and put it in front of Yang Sheng.

"Your Majesty, the monster race is not credible, but it must not be underestimated. Combining the results of Xiyuan County's victory against the monster race last time, and the specific situation this time, the Ministry of War has come up with two plans. Please take a look at it, Your Majesty."

Yang Sheng picked up the plan in front of him, and asked the other party to talk about it while flipping through it.

"So that His Majesty will know. One of the strategies of the Ministry of War is to keep the same and respond to all changes. Continue to follow the previous defense strategy of Xiyuan County, and arrange the Bagua array in the Bijun Tun as a stepped line of defense, supplemented by rangers to disturb its supplies. In addition, this time the rear Anwen can send more troops to Xiyuan County, which should be able to achieve a better resistance effect than last time. Of course, this is based on the premise that the Yaozu will not officially start the national war with us. .

Second, if the Yaozu starts a national war with us.The only way left is to ask for help.The nearest Beiwu, as well as Huayue, are fine. "

"Bei Wu?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, Bei Wu! Bei Wu will never understand. Even if Bei Wu doesn't understand, Hua Yue will never sit idly by. And if it really comes to the point of national war, it is absolutely not for Haoyue Demon Kingdom Easy things. At that time, it will be toughness and luck."

These two military strategies are very rough, and they can't even be called military strategies. They can be said to be a strategic direction to deal with.If you want to implement it, you need to fill in a lot of details.

Plus, both options are too rigid.In the end, the most injured must be Nanyuan Kingdom.Poor Xiyuan County is the largest grain producing area in Nanyuan.Although they were always robbed by the monster clan in the past, but after all, there are still [-]% to [-]% left, and Nanyuan Kingdom can also be much more generous.But if the fight continues, not to mention the national war that completely destroys Xiyuan County, the scale of the previous one is enough to reduce Xiyuan County's grain production by [-]% next year, or even wipe out the harvest.

The big deal for Yaozu is to pat their ass and leave.And what about Nanyuan Country?It's like a cut in a vital part, although it won't kill you immediately, but if you can't stop the bleeding, you will gradually weaken, and you will still be dead in the end.Even if it is not wiped out by the monster race, it is very likely to be divided and eaten by the surrounding human race kingdoms.

Seeing that the emperor frowned deeply and remained silent, they knew that they were not satisfied with these two strategic directions.

"The Ministry of Households was already stretched thin before. Not to mention supporting the national war, it would be unsustainable to attack and defend Xiyuan County with the intensity of the previous one and need to transfer food to the people.

And Xiyuan County is a granary. Do you know what the result will be if you continue to fight like this?

Neither option is appropriate. "

Several people in the Yamen of the Ministry of War committed a difficult situation.

"Your Majesty, do you mean to delay? But this cannot be delayed!"

Yang Sheng shook his head.drag?He's not a fool, can't he know that he can't hold back?

"Tomorrow, you can talk again and tell them our bottom line. Xiyuan County is the land of Nanyuan Kingdom, and we cannot let it go out. You can't exchange it. There is no room for negotiation on this point.

Since they took the initiative to send envoys here, and it was a high priest, it was enough to show that they attached great importance to this matter.There must be something behind Xiyuan County that they need urgently and must obtain.Throw it to them and see how they answer it.Let's see each other again. "

Yang Sheng couldn't think of a better way for the time being.But he didn't continue to rack his brains, and what he grasped was the initiative that the Yaozu took the initiative to find.If the fight continues as soon as the monster clan is rejected, why send envoys?What's more, helping to conquer Beiwu Kingdom?Is it that easy to defeat Beiwu Kingdom?Why didn't you just attack Nanyuan Kingdom directly after spending so much effort?

So Yang Sheng felt that the Yaozu was also spying on them.Even the two plans to replace Xiyuan County don't show any sincerity. They are perfunctory and bluffing at first, but they don't make sense at all when you think about it carefully.

The next day, the Yamen of the Ministry of War directly relayed Yang Sheng's words.The two proposals proposed by Yaozu yesterday in exchange for Xiyuan County were directly rejected.

As a result, the Yaozu behaved very aggressively, and immediately threatened to leave Yuanding Imperial City, and let Nanyuan Kingdom wait for the coming of war.

To be honest, these fierce words were quite bluffing, but in the end these monster races did not leave the imperial city, but returned to the negotiating table angrily, but asked to talk directly to the emperor of Nanyuan Kingdom.

But after Nanyuan Kingdom obtained and confirmed its own initiative, how could it say what it is?Did you meet the emperor as soon as you said you would?

So the two sides froze.It dragged on for a full seven days, during which the Yaozu even really left the Yuanding Imperial City, which frightened the Nanyuan Kingdom for a while, but in the end Yang Sheng held his temper tightly and did not show timidity.In the end, the Yaozu team turned back before they had gone a hundred miles, and gave a new strategy to the Yamen of the Ministry of War with a livid face, and asked them to pass it on to the emperor of Nanyuan Kingdom.

At this point, the contest between the Yaozu and Nanyuan Kingdom will temporarily take the lead from Nanyuan Kingdom.

But even though the Yaozu once again gave their own price tag, the price tag in the hands of Emperor Yang Sheng still made him feel hot, and he fell into entanglement again.

ps: I still have to go to the hospital for physiotherapy today, and there is one chapter left to make up in the afternoon.The normal update will resume tomorrow, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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