one's door

Chapter 378 Dragon Tiger

Chapter 378 Dragon Tiger
A towering cliff among the mountains in the northwest of Changhu County seems to be conspicuous.But because there is no way to come here, and the mountains are dangerous, ordinary hunters seldom come here, let alone uninhabited.

But it is such a forgotten and hard-to-reach place, and miraculous changes are taking place in the past six months.

The funnel-shaped veins under the cliff have now formed two medium-sized spiritual veins and three small spiritual veins.They were self-assembled later, and they were sixteen tiny spiritual veins.

According to Zhang Yan's thinking, although no large-scale spiritual veins were found in Nanyuan Kingdom, and there were not many medium-sized spiritual veins, it was not difficult to find small spiritual veins, and the method of moving them was relatively easy. So he himself is more interested in the small spiritual veins, and it doesn't take too much trouble to move them back and plant them together and they will be able to gather together after a while.

So Zhang Yan felt that this was the mountain gate he was going to build after Huangtian Territory, and it was also the beginning of Taoist sect's real glory in Huangtian Territory. Bar?Even if one is not enough, two or three are not enough.

Anyway, all the spiritual veins in Huangtianyu are ownerless, as long as Zhang Yan thinks, no one will jump out to stop him.

Of course, Zhang Yan would not touch the spiritual veins in places like Yushan fruit trees that have produced exotic items on a large scale, which is one of the reasons why he prefers small spiritual veins.Try not to disturb the surroundings.

Of course, if there is a need to go directly to the place of the Yaozu in the future, the medium spirit vein can also be moved back at that time.He didn't have the kindness to help consider the matter of the Yaozu territory.

Moved four times before and after, the spiritual veins created made the newly promoted "spiritual mountain" of Duanya Mountain gradually change into a "spiritual mountain" in half a year.

The first is vegetation.

Many spiritual species in the world are not born naturally. After all, there are too few beautiful lands in Lingshan. Most of the spiritual species are formed on the Lingshan Mountains due to changes in spiritual energy from ordinary populations.

Take Yushan fruit as an example.In fact, in the town not far from Yubei Mountain, there are wild fruits that are similar in appearance and taste to Yushan fruit. The local people will pick some for themselves as snacks and sell them in the market during the slack season.But these fruits do not have the effect of Yushan fruit, and they don't even have a formal name.

The same is true in today's Cliff Mountain.

There is no shortage of all kinds of wild fruits in the Cliff Mountain, and now they are hanging in every corner, even if you dig through a bush, you can see a few small plants hanging on a few small plants that look pretty small.

But not all of these fruits can become spiritual fruits, and even if they become spiritual fruits, they may not be able to be eaten directly by people.Some of the fruits were already poisonous, and if they mutated into spiritual fruits, the poison would only become stronger.

But the obvious smell of spirit can be smelled from many wild fruits.

In addition to plants, there are also wild beasts of all sizes in the mountains.Animals know best about seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, their instinct comes from this world, and they know best whether it is good or bad.As soon as the aura went up, there were more beasts in the mountains.From eating grass to eating meat, there are many that walk on the ground, swim in the water, and fly in the sky.The result of this is that the competition for territory is fierce.

Those who eat grass compete with those who eat grass, and those who eat meat compete with those who eat meat.They don't even know what they are fighting for, they just instinctively know that they must try their best to stay in this mountain.

So during this period of time, people on the mountain always have good luck.Rabbit today, snake soup tomorrow, eagle stew the day after tomorrow
The one who cooks is naturally Wang Nian, who claims to have a lot of picnic experience.When did brother Shitou beat him when he went up trees and down rivers to dig eggs and catch fish?After succeeding, don't they just set up an earthen stove on the spot and start the whole operation?
Moreover, although Wang Nian is not very old, his craftsmanship is really good.Especially after being tired from work, a bowl of soup or a bite of meat is really delicious.

Of course, picnicking was not Wang Nian's main task on the cliff mountain.Now he needs to take over the most arduous "strength work", manipulating hundreds of paper figurines, and carrying building materials one by one in the mountains.Anyway, every two days on the mountain, he could finish a small spirit stone.It was consumed much faster than when he was practicing in the quiet room.

I didn't see Yang Rui on the mountain, and I didn't come back in Yuanding Imperial City.In the meantime, I sent a letter, explaining the situation, and told Wang Nian and the others not to repair too quickly, and asked him to save some.

So now Liu Rui is the one who dumps wood and stone.

Liu Rui, who is like a porcelain doll, can only carve some fine and small pieces in a single appearance, but now she can cut a whole boulder the size of a house in less than the time of a cup of tea.The improvement in the middle cultivation level can be called terrifying.

The stone materials are now collected from places outside the cliff mountain, and then transported back by Zhang Yan with the skylark shuttle.Stone materials of more than ten square meters can be transported at one time, and even thirty square meters are not a problem if wood is transported.

However, the main building complex of Cliff Mountain has already begun.You are cultivating from the bottom up, and you start from a young age.

"Teacher, what is this?"

From the beginning, the construction of the cliff mountain was done by three disciples and two scholars from the School of Miscellaneous Studies.Zhang Yan let go and didn't care about it, and searched for the surrounding spiritual veins with all his heart.However, after a long stone ladder was rolled out from the foot of the mountain, Zhang Yan personally took part in the construction for the first time.

Not only the two disciples were curious, but also two pedants from the Academy of Miscellaneous Studies who were invited to sit in charge.They were all curious about what Zhang Yan did by himself.

Zhang Yan smiled and touched Liu Rui's head, but he didn't answer, only the mana surged on his body, and he saw a thin but odd-shaped building with cornices and columns slowly taking shape under Zhang Yan's spell changes.It is almost integrated, and there are not as many splicing details as pavilions.

"This is the door?"

After a stick of incense, there was an extra door on the stone steps entering the mountain, which seemed to be straddling the stone steps.

The two disciples watched the excitement, but the two pedants knew very well that the architectural style built by Zhang Yan and the main building complex were in the same style, as can be seen from the cornices.And this building should exist with symbolic meaning.

The door, stepping through the door is "home".That should be the meaning.

"Teacher, what is that?"

Liu Rui looked curiously at the "door" which was not very tall but gave a clear sense of boundaries.An animal is embossed on the left and right sides of the door.She recognized the one on the right as "tiger", but what was that on the left?Long body like a snake but with four legs, eagle claws, and fish tail?The head is like a horse but with horns. This.
"Little Mantou, this is the green dragon on the left and the white tiger on the right. Naturally, if it lands on this mountain gate, the dragon and the tiger will fight each other, so that their luck will rise to the sky!"

While speaking, Zhang Yan waved his hand, and the two vigorous characters landed on the blank space under the eaves directly above the stone gate.

Dragon Tiger!

(End of this chapter)

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