one's door

Chapter 393 Urgent

Chapter 393 Urgent
Zhang Yan finally touched the threshold of the late stage of returning to the gods a month and a half ago.Then, using the hoarded ghosts and exorcising the merit and aura obtained in one go, he finally started another breakthrough.

The three realms of returning to the gods are all following the primordial spirit.From refining the primordial spirit, and then tempering the primordial spirit.Every substantial progress represents a small level of improvement.

The key lies in the word "yang".

In the middle period, Zhang Yan's Yuanshen was beaten to reveal a layer of yang energy, and at the same time the structure of the Yuanshen was also beaten more tightly.Now to climb to the later stage, the tempering of the primordial spirit is naturally still in that vein.It's just that the extreme yang energy that appeared at the last moment last time was poured from the top of his head frantically from the beginning this time, and participated in every beating of the primordial spirit.

The yang energy must penetrate into every inch of the primordial spirit, and it must be constantly pounded and tightened, so that the special consciousness structure of the pure energy of the primordial spirit will change towards the direction of the entity.

During the process, a series of mysterious "reasons" began to pour into Zhang Yan's consciousness under the guidance of Huang Tianyu as always.And these "reasons" are the driving force, or the method, for him to continue to temper his soul.Otherwise, according to the previous "reasons", it would not be possible to temper the soul of Zhang Yan today, let alone the mysterious transformation from fiction to reality.

Zhang Yan also naturally immersed himself in the feeling of "truth", and at the same time, under the guidance of his subconscious mind, he continued to beat the "boring" soul, completely driving a trace of extreme yang into his soul.

I do not know how long it has been.Zhang Yan's consciousness was awakened by the almost extremely intense state emanating from the soul.

So suddenly it has been a full three months.And he also officially entered the late stage of returning to the gods when his primordial spirit was like a small golden sun.

At this point, even if Zhang Yan feels it by himself, he will feel that his primordial spirit has no impurities at this time, and his whole body is almost as if it was made entirely of extreme yang energy.

"Is this the "Guyang" mentioned in the Daoist scriptures?" Zhang Yan was not in a hurry to start laying a solid foundation, but was carefully feeling the changes he had obtained from this breakthrough.Whether it is the body, the soul, or the primordial spirit, he must grasp any changes immediately.Then comb down and consolidate the realm.

Even compared to previous breakthroughs, this time Zhang Yan appeared to be more cautious after the breakthrough.After the breakthrough, he continued to retreat for a month to lay a solid foundation and familiarize himself with the new strength.

The reason why Zhang Yan is so cautious is that the late stage of Returning to the Gods is likely to be the last state he can pass through easily on his way of practice.The next breakthrough is the big realm checkpoint, and it is necessary to hit the combined realm.And the body-fit environment has a lot to say in the Taoist scriptures.Because the monk's first catastrophe appeared when he broke through the big realm of returning to the gods and breaking into the body.

Taoist scriptures call it: Nine Heavens Tribulation.

If it is anything else, Zhang Yan can think that he will be cheated by this side of Huangtianyu directly like those levels in the previous realms.But the next breakthrough was very different.

Because according to the Taoist scriptures, the state of integration is the fusion of the primordial spirit and the yang, and this process needs to rely on the thunder of the heavenly tribulation as the intermediate force to forcibly blend.That is to say, if this side of Huang Tianyu helped cheat to avoid the catastrophe, Zhang Yan would not be able to step into the combined state at all. If he wanted to step in, he would have to go through the catastrophe.

Zhang Yan was not in a hurry when he had not stepped into the late stage of returning to the gods.After officially stepping in now, to be honest, he really felt the urgency he had never had before.

Withdrawing all the large formations on the upper half of the cliff mountain, Zhang Yan walked out of the secret room.Looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, he let out a long breath.

It seems that he wants to exhale the tension in his heart about the catastrophe.

After a while, there was the sound of rapidly rising and falling footsteps behind him, and they stopped a few feet behind Zhang Yan.Naturally, he felt that the big formation was withdrawn, and he knew that it was Wang Nian and the other three who had been released by his master.

"Disciple welcomes Master to leave the customs!"

Zhang Yan felt that the four months had passed by in a flash.But this is not a short period of time.Compared to living in the source city for a few days every month, it is too long.

"Get up. Are you done with your homework?"

"Responding to Master's words, it's all done!" The leader was Wang Nian, so he answered loudly on behalf of the other two.The voice is full of confidence.Only he himself knows that he completed those homework half a month ago.It took more than twice as much time as Liu Rui and Yang Rui.If it wasn't for the fact that the master's exit time was much shorter than before, he would have suffered this time.

"Very good. I stayed in the mountains for too long this time. Let's go back to Langyuan City first. Then I will test what you have learned during this time." Zhang Yan didn't know what Wang Nian said during his retreat. The kid almost didn't do his homework.Now thinking about going to Langyuan City first and not showing up for four months, the family must be worried.

Naturally, the three children would not object.Wang Nian grinned even more.

Zhang Yan raised his hand to summon Skylark Shuttle, and not long after leading the three apprentices, he landed directly in the backyard of Zhang Mansion.The Zhang family was elated.

Wang Lanping took a good look at her second son, feeling joyful and regretful.She can also see now that the ability of her second son is probably beyond the reach of ordinary people.No one can interfere with him in finding a wife to marry.Fortunately, the boss of the Zhang family is struggling now.After giving birth to Zhang Zhiyun, she is now pregnant again. Wang Qin's stomach has been in the stomach for more than seven months. This time the doctor came to see that she was pregnant with a daughter.At that time, the Zhang family will be even more lively.

Thinking about it, Wang Lanping stopped talking about Zhang Yan's marriage.It's just that she has some complaints in her heart.

"Yan'er, Zhiyun, you said you don't have talent, and you can't learn your skills. Your sister-in-law is going to have a second child in three months, and you have an extra niece. You have to take a good look at it. If you have talent You can't be vague!"

This is what Wang Lanping is thinking about.The great ability of her second son has not been passed on to the next generation of the Zhang family, which makes her feel flustered that her wealth will leak out.

"Mother, don't worry, I will look carefully. If there is talent, I will definitely give all my abilities to her." Zhang Yan said so.But I know in my heart, where is the talent for cultivation so easy?There are mostly comforting ingredients.However, although Zhang Zhiyun can't take the road of Daoism, martial artists still have a chance. I asked Xiao Shu from the Academy of Martial Arts to come over to see Zhang Zhiyun's martial arts. After two years, he will be able to send him to the Academy of Martial Arts to fight. The foundation is over.

When Zhang Yan came back, the Zhang family naturally wanted to prepare a large table of food.But we haven't waited for dinner yet.He Xianghong came in and announced that Shen Wujiu had asked to see him outside, saying that he had something urgent to find Zhang Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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