one's door

Chapter 397 The Fat Sheep

Chapter 397 The Fat Sheep
The territory of Nanyuan Kingdom is actually not small, and most of the four seasons can already be experienced from south to north.But it doesn't mean that Nanyuan Kingdom is considered a relatively large country in the barren world, on the contrary, it belongs to a relatively small one, otherwise the word "Xiaguo" wouldn't fall on their heads.

After leaving the Nanyuan Kingdom, to the north is the Beiwu Kingdom, to the east is the Yueshui Kingdom, and beyond the Yueshui Kingdom is the Huayue Kingdom.This time, Zhang Yan and his three apprentices chose to go west and fly over Yubei Mountain. The destination was the Haoyue Yao Kingdom, which was much wider than the Human Race Kingdom.

Why did you choose to go to the Haoyue Demon Country instead of the Human Race Country?The main reason is that the time is relatively tight this time, and there is no spare time for traveling, so I can only limit myself to "sharpening".And Zhang Yan wanted to sharpen his apprentices, which was not suitable in the country of the human race.And Yaozu's territory is very appropriate.

"Wang Nian, are you afraid of seeing the Yaozu?"

"Wang Nian is not afraid of returning to Master. At home, Wang Nian sees butchering pigs, dogs, chickens and ducks every year, and even helps his father dig out the belly of pigs. Hearing that the monster race is ferocious, Wang Nian just wants to kill a few to gain knowledge." Wang Nian bowed to Zhang Yan with a playful smile, and then spoke lightly, even with a trace of killing intent.

Zhang Yan didn't comment, turned to look at Yang Rui and Liu Rui, and asked, "What about you? Are you afraid?"

Yang Rui shook his head. Like Wang Nian, he has fought vicious ghosts to the death. How can Yaozu be more scary than ghosts?
"I, I'm a little scared." Only Liu Rui shrank her neck, her little face flushed slightly, but she didn't swell her face to look fat. She didn't feel the need to hide anything in front of her senior brother and master.

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "Although the monster race and the human race are equal to heaven and earth, they are sworn enemies with the human race. Although they are ferocious, they still have flesh and blood and souls, and they also need to eat, drink, and breathe. So kill a monster race There is no difference in essence from trampling a bug to death.

Liu Rui, it's not surprising that you are afraid, but you need to overcome it by yourself, otherwise the mere monsters will walk over, how can you stand on this world and become a god? "

Among the three apprentices, Liu Rui is the most pure and persistent about power.It's not like Yang Rui and Wang Nian have the secondary purpose of becoming stronger.Liu Rui became stronger in order to become stronger.Zhang Yan also explained and encouraged her according to her thoughts.

Sure enough, after listening to Zhang Yan's words, Liu Rui's originally evasive eyes became firmer.But he didn't speak any more, just nodded vigorously towards Zhang Yan.

Liu Rui's situation is quite special, because she has not gone through a life-and-death experience like Yang Rui and Wang Nian.Even a few months ago she hadn't even fought anyone.In the past, even in fights, she was always the one who hid behind and waved the flag.So this visit to Haoyue Demon Country has a different meaning to Liu Rui.

Originally, Zhang Yan thought about whether to do some psychological training for the three apprentices, so that they would not have psychological resistance, sympathy and intolerance for the killing of the Yaozu.But in the end, he soon gave up, and even felt that his idea was stupid.

In the wild world, to the human race, the monster race is like "mosquitoes" and "bugs" or "fleas" and "cockroaches". They generate empathy and even compassion.Not to mention any feelings of guilt for killing the Yaozu.In this way, there is no need for Zhang Yan to give them any psychological training.

Sitting on the skylark shuttle, crossed the clouds and began to slowly descend.Soon, I saw the Yubei Mountain shrouded in cloudy sky, and then continued to fly westward for about a stick of incense, and saw the first settlement of the clan tribe of the Yaozu.

A large clan will not have only one residence, but many, because there is more than one ethnic group in the clan, and it is rare for ethnic groups to live together, so it is the practice here for the ethnic groups to live separately.

Of course, there are exceptions, that is, groups that become vassals will live in the same place as the main group.This kind of situation often occurs in the top clans close to the royal court.There are cases where several or even more than a dozen ethnic groups are mixed together and honor the same main ethnic group.

The master-slave relationship between the vassal group and the main group can almost be said to be the cornerstone of the entire ruling structure of the Yaozu.

The settlement of the demon clan that caught my eye was not that big. Judging from the number and scale of tents, it should belong to a temporary settlement, which is very common for nomadic groups.So this kind of place is not what Zhang Yan's master and apprentice are looking for.What they need are large settlements.

The monster clan west of Yubei Mountain is relatively familiar to Nanyuan Kingdom.

This side is mainly occupied by two large clans.One is the Xianwu clan and the other is the Fengxiao clan.

It is naturally not easy for these two clans to become clan fiefdoms close to the boundaries of the human race.It itself belongs to the two branches of the Haoyue Demon King's family.It is directly responsible for the looting of Nanyuan Kingdom, and at the same time, it is also responsible for the main source of supplies when it uses troops against Nanyuan Kingdom.

Continue west along the first settlement that appeared, and after a while, you officially saw a huge clan settlement.

This place is somewhat similar to the big city of the human race, even larger, but there are no walls or streets, it is just a mess of wooden houses gathered together.

Although on the Skylark Shuttle, you can still see the whole picture of this big clan's settlement from a bird's-eye view.Zhang Yan could even hear the three apprentices behind him discussing why the monster clan's city is so messy?It looks like the layout of a larger Zhuangzi.A kind of backwardness and poverty came out of their mouths naturally.

"Don't be fooled by appearances. Remember, prosperity is not necessarily powerful, and being strong is not necessarily prosperous.

These seemingly backward monster clans in front of them have been suppressing Nanyuan Kingdom for hundreds of years by relying on the strength of their own clans.The prosperity you think is just a joke in the eyes of the monsters in the wooden houses below, they prefer to speak with their fists.Similarly, they can only understand the sound of fists.

Therefore, only after the fist was beaten, Xiyuan County had the opportunity to turn a blind eye to the Yaozu now, otherwise the whole county would have been cut into the hands of the Yaozu.

You are here this time to have a good chat with these monster races a way they can understand.

do you understand? "

"Disciple understands!"

Zhang Yan nodded, and didn't choose a place, just descended directly to Pingba, which has the most and densest exchanges of monster races below, and at the same time, it is like a square.

What is the experience of one big and three small fat sheep falling from the sky?
At this moment, such a scene took place in the central area of ​​the main settlement of the "Xianwu Clan" or the "Fengxiao Clan".

As for the dialogue?

Fat sheep are falling from the sky, hands are fast and hands are slow, and if the mouth does not eat meat, how can there be any reason to be interested in chatting with food?
(End of this chapter)

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