one's door

Chapter 401 Choice

Chapter 401 Choice
Facing the two monster generals, Wang Nian and the three did not seem to be in a hurry. After yesterday's exchange, they had made great progress in cooperating. In addition, they knew the strength of the monster generals well, and the overall strength was similar. The weapon and the middle-grade inner armor are the distance between life and death that completely widens the gap.

After a cup of tea, even though the two demon generals knew that they would die and launched a desperate counterattack, they were still stopped by the three children.Even if there were some twists and turns in the middle, it still failed to hurt the three babies.At most, Liu Rui was accidentally hit in the chest with a stick, and his blood was a little turbulent.The inner armor of the middle grade is still very powerful.

Killing two demon generals was expected, and there was not much difference in the time and process, so the spiritual energy consumed was more important.The three of them took turns to attack. This was the biggest change today, and as they thought, it reduced their aura consumption by at least [-]%.

It also reserved a spiritual energy reserve for the three-headed demon general to face next.

All of this was seen by the Yaozu of the Xianwu clan.The eyeballs of the handsome monsters were blood red, and they bared their teeth and wanted to tear Zhang Yan's body into pieces, but they couldn't break through the formation barrier, and couldn't even stop him from leaving.People come and go whenever they want, how about you?I can only stare blankly.

I regret it!If I had known earlier, I would have called the patriarch or the great elder back yesterday.With them, even if Zhang Yan can't be kept, they should be able to shake that invisible formation barrier, right?
It's a pity that yesterday's wrong judgment made them miss the opportunity.

However, compared to the fury in their hearts, the Yaozu of the Xianwu clan did not panic.Let the demon soldiers retreat far away, and now the demon generals have also retreated far away, and even the five demon commanders deliberately kept a distance from the formation barrier.

"Hmph! Let's see what else you can do!"

The thought of several Yaoshuai is: Yes, we can't do anything about you.But that's it. It's delusional to think about using people from our Xianwu clan as a sharpening stone.

Zhang Yan naturally saw the series of actions of the opposite monster clan.Indeed, he couldn't easily move the magic circle that circled the killing field at this time, and even if he could move, he would definitely not be able to catch up with his own monsters running around. The nearby Yaozu pulled in.

"Master, this."

"Don't worry. They are the whetstones I found for you. Where can I get them to choose?" Zhang Yan interrupted Wang Nian with a smile.At the same time, with a thought, a wave of magic power swayed from his feet, instantly activating the large formation that Zhang Yan arranged around the settlement of the Xianwu clan last night, and a majestic power of heaven and earth that was drawn by the formation rose directly.

Rumbling. It was as if the muffled sound of the earth dragon turning over came from the ground, accompanied by vibrations, and at the same time accompanied by a sudden scream.

"what happened?!"

The screams came from behind, but not very far away.Soon a demon commander who flew over to investigate came back with a livid face.The news he brought back was that just now, a large piece of earth and rock spurs suddenly drilled out of the ground of the Xianwu clan, piercing about fifty monster clans who had gathered together and waited to watch the excitement into strings.Those who were lucky died on the spot, and those who were unlucky did not know how long they would have to suffer before finally dying.The scene is described as miserable.


You don't need to guess to know that those earth and rock thrusts behind must be Zhang Yan's method.Didn't you see that the other party in the barrier was looking at them and laughing?
"What should we do? Can we evacuate the people? Or call the patriarch and the great elder back now?"

"Withdraw? How can so many clansmen evacuate from the settlement? How many people will die if they evacuate? And it is impossible to call the patriarch and the great elder now. Where is the Dead Silence Road? Do you want to go as soon as you want? Etc. It may be the second day since the patriarch and the great elder came back."

"Is there really no way?"


They all understand, but they are all hesitant to say the final answer.

They want to delay, but Zhang Yan won't give them time.This time, the power of the formation he raised covered a radius of fifteen feet. Even though the monsters behind were already thinking about dispersing and running away, there were still about seventy monsters pierced on the earth and stone spikes.The screams were more than twice as loud as before.

Although there is no communication.But both sides knew what the other was up to.Not saying it is actually a kind of tacit understanding.

It's just that Zhang Yan accepted this tacit understanding.On the Yaozu side, they were aggrieved with broken teeth and blood swallowing.

To put it simply, Zhang Yan is telling the monster clan of the Xianwu clan that he needs a whetstone, and you'd better send it over by yourself, otherwise I will use the life of the ordinary monster clan here as a waste.

In such a short period of hesitation, Zhang Yan has launched three stabs in a row.Controlling the range, it can kill about a hundred monsters each time, and the speed and mana of the thrust are not much, but the speed is fast and sharp, and the monsters with the strength of the monster and above can completely resist or avoid it.But those miscellaneous soldiers, monster soldiers, and even more ordinary monsters can't avoid or stop them.There is no vitality under the attack of this range of magic circle.

How to choose?No choice!
"Kill! Smash that barrier for me!" The five monsters were about to gnaw their teeth, but after looking at each other, there was no better way, so they could only bite the bullet and get through today.Although it's sad to die a few more monster generals, it's better than continuing to kill hundreds of ordinary clansmen, right?
But after today, the life of the five monsters will definitely not be easy.When the news reaches the ears of the patriarch and the great elder, they will probably lose their skin.

Inside the barrier, Zhang Yan glanced at the three apprentices beside him with a smile, and said, "Look, isn't this here again?"

After saying that, the Yaozu rushed to the barrier again under the order, and then slammed it like crazy, exhausted all kinds of methods, but it was still completely useless as before.At the same time, three more demon generals were pulled in by Zhang Yan, and they became the whetstones for the second round of trials for his three apprentices.

This time, the joint attack formed by the three demon generals was far more intense than any fight that a baby had experienced before.Even though they all had middle-grade magic weapon inner armor as a defense, they were still injured one after another.The most injured was Liu Rui, who was kicked on her chest and abdomen again. The force of this kick directly injured her inner palace, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and her whole body became limp afterward, and she was dazed by the beating.

If Wang Nian hadn't helped Liu Rui block the attack at the critical moment and allowed her to quickly recover from the dazed state, the scene might eventually collapse because of Liu Rui's loss of position.

Of course, the last three children still completed the test.The three demons will be killed by their joint efforts.

So far Zhang Yan is satisfied.On the premise of not using the god descending technique, the limit of the three children should be able to deal with one more monster general.Although it is not yet the limit, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the cooperation between the three, as well as the choice of means and timing in the fight.This kind of tempering has to continue.

It's just that it's no longer suitable for the Xianwu clan to stay for a long time.

So Zhang Yan raised his hand, and the skylark shuttle appeared, carrying the four masters and apprentices into the sky again, and soon disappeared from the sight of the red-eyed monsters below.

(End of this chapter)

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