one's door

Chapter 406

Chapter 406
Branches on the moon.

A bonfire in front of the rocky beach dissipated the darkness and the surrounding coolness.A few small beasts were tidied up, spread out with wooden sticks, and roasted slowly by the side of the campfire. Now they are already emitting oil, and they can be eaten when the skin and flesh are burnt.

Wang Nian was in charge of the barbecue, Liu Rui was watching the fire, and Yang Rui was in charge of guarding the surroundings.

Sitting cross-legged by the bonfire, Zhang Yan seemed to blend in with the surrounding night like a stone.Even if the eyes clearly see his existence, they always subconsciously forget that he is sitting there.

The three children rarely kept quiet, and never spoke when they could make eye contact.Even breathing is very light.

Although it has been protected and covered up in the magic circle today, it has not been affected.But the three children witnessed the short but thrilling fight without any hesitation.

In the end, a total of four monsters died here.The remaining two fled in a hurry.

It should have been a rejoicing victory.My master is one against six, and in a situation where the aura is chaotic and restrained, he overcomes a strong enemy, and the thunder that fills the sky shows that the master is super powerful.

However, Zhang Yan followed with a pale face and led the three apprentices to run for dozens of miles, and finally he staggered and almost fell behind the present hilly land, and the weakness was directly engraved on his face.

Only at this time did Wang Nian and the three realize that although their master had won, it was only a narrow victory, and he had directly reached the point where his spiritual energy had dried up.

What followed was feeling aggrieved and depressed about one's own weakness, and not only being unable to help in the face of crisis, but also obviously dragging one's feet back.I am eager for my future growth, and I hope that if I encounter this situation again today, if I don't say that I can help, at least I don't have to hold back the master, right?
Good idea.But the three of Wang Nian still have a long way to go to face the six-headed demon king alone.Not even their focus on the real point.

It's not because Zhang Yan was dragged down by the three apprentices that he worked hard for what he is today.The most important hindrance comes from the method that appears out of thin air to disturb the aura within a radius of one mile.If it wasn't for this reason, Zhang Yan would have at least [-]% more strength today.It's far more than fighting to the present.

The consumption of spiritual energy is nothing to Zhang Yan, and it is not the first time he has experienced it.What's more, this time he has spirit stones and elixirs in his hand, so he can recover very quickly. It only takes one night for him to recover about [-]% of his spirit energy, which will be enough for self-protection.

At this moment, when Zhang Yan was meditating and adjusting his breath, he was thinking more about who was disturbing the spiritual energy.

It was obvious that the six-headed demon kings who appeared in today's fight that was not expected by Zhang Yan did not have the ability to disturb the aura within a radius of one mile.They have only learned the superficiality of blood rushing out, and it is estimated that it is difficult to detect the existence of spiritual energy, let alone interference.

Zhang Yan asked himself, even with his current cultivation, he couldn't do it even if he tried his best.In other words, to be able to do this, the strength must be above him.

This feeling is both familiar and strange.

Familiarity is because there are only a handful of existences in Huang Tianyu who are obviously "unfathomable but definitely better than me" to Zhang Yan.The most obvious one is Xu Fengyang, a martial sage whose whereabouts have been hidden in the world for thousands of years.Even though Zhang Yan's strength has improved now, Zhang Yan still can't see through the scene when Xu Fengyang smashed the fairy array he arranged in the state of God's Arrival with one punch.

As for whether Xu Fengyang has the ability to disturb the aura within a mile radius, although Zhang Yan is not sure, he does not deny that Xu Fengyang may have this ability.

If what he did today wasn't something Xu Fengyang did secretly, it meant that there was another existence that also had the ability to disrupt the aura within a mile.The strength is at least comparable to that of Xu Fengyang.

"A strong man in the monster clan who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Xu Fengyang?" Zhang Yan suddenly felt that this familiar "script" seemed to come again.There is a sense of "how did the people in the story come to life?"

It seems that Zhang Yan’s previous impression and the thoughts of every warrior he met in Nanyuan Kingdom were: the merit of a martial sage lies in the future, and the human race will be grateful for thousands of generations!
But Xu Fengyang is regarded as a "martial sage" and the spiritual sustenance of the human race. It is rumored that he has gone away, but in fact he is hiding in an unknown secret corner of the world.Xu Fengyang's real body and reputation have been clearly separated into two independent existences.

Even for Zhang Yan, Xu Fengyang is not so far away from him.

So if Xu Fengyang is like this in the human race, what about the monster race?Doesn't it make sense that "stories are just stories"?There is no such thing as a strong monster in the legend!

After Zhang Yan experienced a spatial change in Xiyuan County, he also had a detailed understanding of almost all the records about the Yaozu that existed in Nanyuan.Although there are many strong men in the monster clan, there is only one who can be compared with Xu Fengyang, and that is what they regard as gods, the demon god.

Or the demon god Baronka.

According to the legend of the Yaozu, the demon god Baronka is the ancestor of many ethnic groups of the Yaozu, and also the fundamental source of the power of the Yaozu.It is not known how much of it is true and how much the latecomers added to it, but it is not so incomprehensible to compare Xu Fengyang's words.

It's just that the starting point of the legend of the demon god must be much ahead of Xu Fengyang, that is to say, there is the demon god Baronka first, and then the martial saint Xu Fengyang.

Even if Xu Fengyang is alive and well, there is no reason why the demon god Baronka, who is only stronger than Xu Fengyang, will die, right?

Even after the human race has a master of Xu Fengyang's level, why the monster race still has the absolute upper hand is not so simple if it is carefully considered now.With such feud between the two sides, they have achieved relative stability. It is difficult to explain without a balance of power.

While thinking about the unexpected fight today, Zhang Yan seized the time to recover.He only took a Peiyuan pill in his mouth with a spirit stone in his hand.

On the other side, the three apprentices were quietly performing their duties without any confusion.The many days of killing made their childishness disappear quickly.

Crackling sounded in the bonfire. This is a small depression in the hilly land. The night wind has little effect on the bonfire, and it is very suitable for Wang Nian, who is roasting meat.Before you know it, the meat is cooked.Three little beasts were enough for the four of them to share.

"Little steamed bun, let's eat first. Then I will change the wood and come back to eat. Take care of Master then."

"Yeah!" Liu Rui nodded.

But before Yang Rui and Wang Nian finished eating the barbecue, they heard footsteps.

"Huh? Little Wood, why did you come back by yourself? It smelled. Who are you!?"

Wang Nian turned his head and asked with a frown, but when he saw Yang Rui, he found Yang Rui's expression of grief and indignation, as well as a monster following Yang Rui!
(End of this chapter)

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