one's door

Chapter 415 Profound Stone

Chapter 415 Profound Stone
The Yaozu and Nanyuan Kingdom were not the only ones paying attention to the changes in Xiyuan County.Almost all the countries on the human race's land have gathered their eyes here from time to time.

Although Nanyuan Nation, relying on the distribution rights of the ghost-stealing bells and bone-strengthening pills, has become a country that everyone intentionally treats in the human race, it turns a blind eye to the "cooperation" between Nanyuan Nation and Haoyue Yao Nation However, it doesn't mean that they don't care about what the Yaozu are going to do in Xiyuan County of Nanyuan Country.

Intelligence spies from all over the world can penetrate almost everywhere, let alone a place like Xiyuan County, which is already a mess like a pot of porridge.Except for the secrets of the West Route Army, all the changes that happened in Xiyuan County will be known to the outside world, but there is only a time lag.

Over the past year, countries have obtained a lot of incredible information from Xiyuan County.After slowly converging, the speculation of "what the monsters are looking for in Xiyuan County" quickly became a common opinion.

With speculation, and what the Yaozu have done in Xiyuan County in the past few years, there is no conflict with Nanyuan Kingdom.Therefore, with the slow release of time, the attitudes of the nations of the various races towards the cooperation between the Yaozu and Nanyuan Kingdom also changed from "outraged" to "eager to try".

Even if Xiyuan County is your territory of Nanyuan Kingdom, but the Yaozu can interfere with what may appear on it, why can't we?

You can't make demands to Nanyuan Nation in a big way, but there is a lot of room for action in the dark.

Which country has no elite warriors?In addition, the spies go first, not to mention "snatching food from the tiger's mouth", but at least have a drink of soup, right?
This matter is not a secret in Nanyuan Country. Although they are very dissatisfied with other countries' behavior, it is not realistic to want to clear people away in a place like Xiyuan County, which is already a mess.So just pretend not to know.At the same time, he strengthened his tracking in Xiyuan County.In short, this is still the territory of Nanyuan Kingdom, and the location is advantageous.If there are any benefits, Nanyuan Kingdom will definitely fight for the biggest share.

The previous land subsidence, small soil pocket, or weird forest, these changes were all small in scale, and there was no sign worth intervening.

But this time, the black peak that stands hundreds of feet tall is completely different.

The battle was so big that it couldn't be hidden from anyone with ears in Xiyuan County.The same goes for Yaozu.

Zhang Yan was naturally among the people who were paying attention to Xiyuan County.He received the flying feather from Shen Wujiu almost immediately.However, limited by Fei Yu's space, he couldn't write too many words, so he could only tell a few simple messages from Hei Feng.

Shen Wujiu wanted Zhang Yan to go to Xiyuan County in person, but he dared to say this, after all, what Mr. Zhang wants to do now is not qualified for other people to suggest.

Of course, Shen Wujiu didn't know. In fact, Zhang Yan was very concerned about the changes in Xiyuan County, because he knew from Baronka that the spatial changes in Xiyuan County would most likely have some good things from other worlds.

So Zhang Yan drove the Skylark Shuttle to Xiyuan County immediately after getting the news of Fei Yu.This time he went alone, instead of taking the three apprentices with him, he left them to practice in the mountains.

When he arrived in Xiyuan County again, Zhang Yan also had no intention of meeting the military commander in Baishi City.Directly follow the direction indicated by Fei Yuli to the direction of Xiyuan County near Baima Stone.

Even Zhang Yan doesn't need to distinguish carefully, a huge "black pillar" standing on the plain should not be too eye-catching.It can be seen at a glance from a distance.

At first glance, Zhang Yan was startled by the black mountain.Because he recognized what the main body of the mountain was pitch black.

It's not a mountain rock, or it's not an ordinary mountain rock.Of course, it is not any kind of metal, but a kind of refining material that is often mentioned in refining classics.


In fact, this thing is also produced in Huangtianyu, but it is a kind of synthetic material like the main material "beard" in the storage magic weapon. After it is produced, it has a stone-like texture, so it is called "xuanshi".

Even in the classics of refining equipment, it has never been mentioned that Xuanshi still exists naturally.

It is true that the thing is a refining material, and since it is a synthetic refining material, it is naturally not an ordinary product, and the value is also high.It's just that it is an unpopular high-end refining material compared to "whiskers".Zhang Yan knew about it, but he never used it.

It's not that Zhang Yan can't combine this kind of material, the difficulty of refining Xuanshi is actually not high, much easier than "must".Zhang Yan didn't need it because what he wanted to practice didn't need something like Xuanshi at all.

And as Zhang Yan approached, he could clearly feel that the mysterious stones that made up the mountain were very pure, with almost no impurities, especially the scattered peculiarity of the mysterious stones.

The special feature of the mysterious stone is that it will produce a magical position, disrupting the vitality carried by the living beings who enter this position.

What is vitality?Living things, whether they are humans or beasts, even flowers and trees have vitality.The stronger the vitality, the stronger the vitality.In a sense, there is an inevitable connection between vitality, soul and body.It's just that vitality cannot be cultivated like soul and body.

And it is precisely because of this strange characteristic of Xuanshi that it has become unpopular.Because the magic tools needed by ordinary monks simply don't use this thing.Because Xuanshi is the main material of most "ghost weapons".It is only useful for monks who practice the way of ghosts or evil ways.

Even with Zhang Yan's current cultivation base and the stable soul of Yuanshen Guyang, he still feels uncomfortable when he gets close to the Xuanshi mountain. The closer he gets, the more obvious this feeling becomes.From a distance of more than a mile, you can see that there is no grass around Xuanshi Mountain.

In fact, small pieces of profound stones do not have such terrifying power.But with such a big mountain, Zhang Yan was also enlightened.

Sweeping his senses in the air, a smile appeared on Zhang Yan's face, and he fell towards the apparently newly erected military stronghold near Xuanshi Mountain.

Someone was hovering in the sky just now, and the people in the military camp had noticed it a long time ago. They didn't panic when they saw the other party descending, and even opened their eyes wide in excitement, looking like they were watching the excitement.Now who doesn't know that Mr. Zhang from the Cliff Mountain in Nanyuan Country can fly?The only one in the wild world!
And didn't you see Zhou Cang, the general in the army, has already come out?

It has long been said that Mr. Zhou and Mr. Zhang are old, and that the weapons on Mr. Zhou's waist are magic weapons given by Mr. Zhang himself.Now it looks like it should be true.

Below Zhou Cang is also smiling.Zhang Yan's arrival was the second thing that made him happy after he arrived in Xiyuan County, except for beating away the Yaozu.

"Mr. Zhang!"

"Master Zhou, I haven't seen her style better than before for many years!"

"Hahaha, Mr. is more elegant!"

It's natural for friends to greet each other when they meet.But although they are old people, the friendship between each other is still there, but for Zhou Cang, it is difficult to be as casual as before.Even the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom dare not offend Zhang Yan's current status, Zhou Cang couldn't help but feel pressured by the weight of it.

PS: I'm going to go to another physical therapy this morning, and there is one chapter left to update in the afternoon.Please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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