one's door

Chapter 417

Chapter 417
Zhang Yan had never heard of something like Xuanshi Mountain, not to mention seeing it with his own eyes.Even in the legendary age of the earth, there is no such record.

So Zhang Yan also knew nothing about what was on Xuanshi Mountain.

However, relying on Yuanshen Guyang's ability, Zhang Yan would not be disturbed by the characteristics exuded by Xuanshi, allowing him to approach this strange Xuanshi mountain for investigation.


There was a crisp sound when the boots stepped on a flat place on the profound stone, and when you looked down, you could see a crack similar to the sole of the shoe.It's like stepping on a mirror.

Zhang Yan looked around curiously, and there was nothing strange in his perception, so he squatted down, stretched out his hand to brush the surface of the mountain under his feet, and pressed hard from time to time, it didn't take much force to crack the surface of the mountain.

"Is this the mirror effect caused by weathering?" Zhang Yan didn't remember that Xuanshi had the characteristic of "brittle body".But some of the mysterious stones I feel in my hand are undoubtedly mysterious stones. The only possibility is that the mountain has existed for too long or the environment it once existed in is unique, which resulted in the phenomenon of mirroring the surface of the mysterious stones, otherwise it would never be so brittle.

After making this judgment, Zhang Yan looked around again, whether it was steep or slightly gentle terrain, except for the crack where he was standing, all the other places around him were as smooth as a mirror.

"It looks like I'm the first entity standing here?"

With the mirror-like brittle surface of the mountain here, any solid stepping on it should leave traces.And those creatures that are too small will not be able to come due to the disturbance of vitality.

Zhang Yan didn't really walk steadily step by step, he was worried that he would step on some pitfalls.So he unfolded the soaring technique and began to fly slowly a few inches above the ground.

The location where Zhang Yan landed was near the top of the Xuanshi Mountain, and he continued to walk around in circles.

If you ask if you have found anything, yes.That is, Zhang Yan can always find some holes in some cracks in his perception along the way.It's not the kind of smooth and regular holes, some of them seem to be formed on the Xuanshi Mountain itself.The big ones are the size of a fist, and the small ones are not as big as a walnut.

The reason why these holes attracted Zhang Yan's attention was that they were all extremely deep, and they all went deep toward the center of Xuanshi Mountain.And Zhang Yan's perception will always be blocked by a strange force at a similar position when he probes down these holes.

When Zhang Yan went round and round like this to the halfway up the mountain, he found a characteristic of those holes in his heart.That is, these cavities should radiate out from the central mountain of Xuanshi Mountain.It can be imagined as frozen tofu full of holes, but the holes are twisted and twisted, but they all end up in one place.

And the mountain in the center has a "sphere" formed by a strange force. Zhang Yan's perception cannot penetrate, and he cannot probe into the situation further inside.

But these discoveries alone have shown that this Xuanshi Mountain is definitely much more complicated than it appears on the surface.

Zhang Yan continued to wander down.The closer it is to the middle and lower part of the mountain, the more hollows there are, and a "smell" that Zhang Yan is very familiar with begins to appear in the air.

It's the smell of ghosts!
If there was a ghost smell here before, Zhang Yan would have been suspicious, but after hearing Zhou Cang's mention in advance, he just said "Sure enough" in his heart.He didn't care, but continued to focus most of his attention on perceiving the mountain.

But when Zhang Yan continued to go down in a circle, he stopped after less than half a cup of tea, his nose moved very frequently, and his brows also wrinkled into the word "Chuan".

"The yin qi hasn't changed much, but why is there so much yin and soul aura here?" That's why Zhang Yan frowned.

It can be said that Zhang Yan is extremely familiar with the ghosts that he regards as a way to obtain merit and aura.Whether it is a wild ghost or a fierce ghost, or even a ghost like the ghost king who touches the threshold of ghost cultivation, the essence is the same.Although it is not a living thing, it is also a different kind of existence.It relies on the independent soul body formed by the intertwining of soul, hostility, and evil spirits.

The special residue of Yin Qi is the "trace" left by ghosts, indicating that ghosts have been here.And the strength of the ghost and the time it took to pass through can be judged by the remaining Yin Qi.There is a book dedicated to "hunting ghosts" in the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Gate, which contains detailed descriptions of tracking the whereabouts of ghosts. Zhang Yan once roughly flipped through it, and was deeply impressed by some fragments in it.

For example, it is said in the book that ghosts will leave some evil spirits when they use their means.The thicker the residual evil spirit, the stronger the ghosts have fought fiercely here.Or ghosts have died.

Truth is like human blood.Fighting and killing wounds will leave blood stains.If someone had cut off his head, there would be even more bloodstains left behind.

In the same way, the evil spirit here is a bit too strong.

It would be fine if it was a ghost lair or a perennial spooky place, but this is a strange place that just appeared not long ago, so ghosts can make their homes here?
If he hadn't made a home here, then he had encountered some troubles here that left such a strong evil spirit.

The more you go to the foot of the mountain, the more intense the residue of this evil spirit becomes.Even stronger than the ghost lair.It was like entering a killing field, a killing field dedicated to killing dismembered ghosts.

Moreover, Zhang Yan didn't see anything related to the Yaozu on the mountain.You must know that Zhou Cang said that a large number of monster races risked their lives to rush forward.

where are they
Afterwards, Zhang Yan went underground again, and found that the whole Xuanshi Mountain seemed to appear here out of thin air, and it was not deep into the ground, it was more than twenty feet deep, which was actually not stable for such a high mountain.

There is no difference between the surface of this part of the mountain that goes underground and the part that is exposed to the ground. The same is that the surface is extremely brittle, but due to the backlog of underground soil and rocks, there is no longer a smooth surface.Moreover, it is also full of holes of different sizes, and these holes also extend towards the center of Xuanshi Mountain. After entering the range of the sphere shrouded in mysterious power, it is impossible to use perception to explore.

Zhang Yan also tried to use the earth escape to enter the mountain.But in the end it failed.Profound stones do not belong to "earth" nor "gold". This kind of thing is very repulsive to escapism.Zhang Yan wants to escape inside, at least for now, there is no other way.

Such a large circle of ground and ground is completed.Zhang Yan had a preliminary idea about this Xuanshi Mountain in his mind.But not enough.He set up the skylark shuttle and flew to hover at high altitude, then sat cross-legged in meditation, waiting for the night to fall.

Perhaps at night, Xuanshi Mountain will have another scene.

(End of this chapter)

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