one's door

Chapter 420 Fear of the Sun

Chapter 420 Fear of the Sun
For the next few days, Zhang Yan wandered around Xuanshi Mountain. Apart from going up the mountain once during the day, he also used his perception to explore the tentacles in the mountain at night.

After experiencing the previous few times of death, Yaozu and Lingzu's attitude towards this Xuanshi Mountain became more serious.

The Yaozu almost transferred half of the power in Xiyuan County to this side.But he was not in a hurry to climb the mountain, but was stationed. I wonder if he went to Baronka again to find a way.Anyway, there is no action for the time being.

The Spirit Race aspect is interesting.They are also thinking of a way, but they want to use the method of possession to manipulate the monster race or the human race to climb the mountain.But the result of this method of deception and stealing the bell can be imagined.

Zhang Yan saw everything in his eyes.In his opinion, Yaozu will start trying to climb mountains in the daytime soon.They are not the same as the Eldar, they choose to board at night just to avoid the stalking of the human race.If they run into a wall at night and cannot solve it, it is inevitable to try during the day.There should be new changes by then.

As for the Spirit Race, they should follow suit by then.It's just that most ghosts will be excluded.

Sure enough, after a few more days, the situation unfolded as Zhang Yan had guessed.The Yaozu sent a few spies who dared to die to climb the mountain during the day, and after a hasty turn around the foot and the mountainside, they really came back alive!
This news immediately blew up the Yaozu camp that had been silent for several days, and immediately sent nearly a hundred Yaozu up the mountain in batches from small to large, and finally all returned safely.

Of course, the strange fruit that can wrap vitality must be eaten.

But the harvest, apart from bringing down some profound stone fragments, there is nothing else.As for how those monster races in front disappeared, I have no clue at all.

The Spirit Race that followed was also the same as the Yao Race.Feeling such a big loss, they thought there would be a big discovery, but the facts made them feel like they were going to lose everything, and they were in a panic.

Is it a loss?Not really.The Yaozu and Lingzu felt this way because they didn't know anything about the night in Xuanshi Mountain, only the dead silence during the day.

But this is a different matter for Zhang Yan.

With the results of Yaozu and Lingzu climbing the mountain at different times of the day and night, Zhang Yan gained a new understanding of the tentacles hidden in Xuanshi Mountain.

During the day, indeed, is a taboo time for those tentacles.No matter how the Yaozu and the Lingzu try, it will not show up.Coupled with the characteristics of its pure energy structure, even if there are spirit races who risk their lives to drill into those holes, they will be blocked from the "ball" in the center of Xuanshi Mountain and cannot enter an inch.The result is that you can feel strange but can't explore further.

What is the difference between day and night?Or where is the biggest difference?
Zhang Yan's opinion is that the difference between the two lies in the stronger "yang energy" and "light" during the day.

In addition to these two key points that may be the tentacle's fear, Zhang Yan has other discoveries.For example, he found that even if the tentacles pretended to be dead during the day, at night, it would still repair the mysterious stones on the surface of the mountain that were trampled by the monsters when they climbed the mountain during the day, until the surface was as clean as a mirror.

This kind of behavior reminded Zhang Yan of a common habit in Langyuan City that can be seen everywhere, that is, every household would wake up in the morning to clean a place in front of the house.Not for anything else, just for myself to look clean and pleasing to the eye when I go in and out of the house.

This habit of maintaining a hygienic environment in front of the house is not only for humans, but also for many animals.

So is it possible that those tentacles in Xuanshi Mountain are also so concerned about whether the surface of Xuanshi Mountain is as clean as a mirror for the reason of "maintaining the hygiene at the door of the house"?

If it is as Zhang Yan guessed, then the existence of Xuanshi Mountain has a new meaning: the lair of tentacle creatures.

"Perhaps this is why there is no record of this kind of pure energy creature even in Taoist scriptures. After all, this thing uses such a large amount of natural black stone as its nest. I am afraid it is also a rare existence in thousands of worlds."

Wait until night falls again.Zhang Yan also chose to set foot on this Xuanshi Mountain in the middle of the night for the first time.


Zhang Yan's boots stepped on the mirror-like ground with cracks, and the crisp sound spread far away at night.Almost at the same time, invisible tentacles became vivid in Zhang Yan's perception, and cautiously poked their heads out to surround Zhang Yan who was alone.

"Maybe this thing is angry because I trampled on its wealth?" Zhang Yan thought of a possibility in his heart with a smile.But he shook his head again, the spirit clan didn't trample on the ground here, and they were also eaten up.

As soon as the thought turned here, the surrounding tentacles came to attack.

The speed is indeed extremely fast, but Zhang Yan has seen it a long time ago, and the place where he landed is relatively far from those holes, which is enough for him to react.

Release the breath of the primordial spirit, and at the same time hit a shining talisman on the top of the head, whether it is yang energy or light, it is not difficult for Zhang Yan, take it out together, and see if it can contain this kind of attack as he guessed. tentacle.

In the next moment, the several tentacles that had been piercing rapidly paused in the middle without any jerk, and then quickly retracted.Just as quickly as they drilled out just now.

"Hahaha" Zhang Yan's feelings are very similar to those beasts in the forest.It is instinct to bully the weak and fear the strong, and should not be high in intelligence.Otherwise, at the very least, they will pretend to be intimidating, and it will not be too late to hide when there is nothing to do.

But after doing this, Zhang Yan's desire to grab the other party's mind is not so easy.Beforehand, he really didn't expect that the other party would run so simply.

But Zhang Yan is not helpless, it just takes a lot of work.

The mountain body of Xuanshi, this thing is the material of refining equipment. The surface has been made so brittle by tentacles, but it can’t change the essence. After peeling off the brittle surface, the inside is the Xuanshi’s characteristics that Zhang Yan understands up.The texture is a state between metal and spar.

Zhang Yan didn't even bother to dig up the whole mountain, it was too much trouble.He spread his palm, and a fist-sized black and white flame appeared and hovered over his palm.

This is Zhang Yan's pill fire.

Zhang Yan felt that his black and white pill fire was more convenient than digging with magic.With a wave of his hand, the black and white pill that was as docile as a lamb in Zhang Yan's hands spread a thin film around his body according to what Zhang Yan thought in his heart.The black and white flames on the surface are as thin as a streamer, and it looks a bit nice.

But although it is thin, the black and white pill fire is not docile at all except Zhang Yan, but everything that comes into contact with it is instantly changed by the terrifying restrained temperature.Either direct gasification or liquefaction followed by gasification.Even rare black stones are no exception in front of it.

So Zhang Yan felt like a red-hot charcoal ball fell on a piece of lard, and went straight towards the center of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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