one's door

Chapter 424 Premonition

Chapter 424 Premonition
The existence of the Martial Academy can be said to be the only link between the nations of the human race.You don't need to care about it at ordinary times, but once something happens that endangers the entire human race, this bond will become very important. It can quickly twist the power of the entire human race together, and remove a lot of tedious wrangling.

For example, in the long time ago when the Yaozu used to aggressively invade and suppress the indiscriminate killing tribe, the significance of the existence of the Martial Arts Academy even surpassed that of the royal families of various countries.Power is also above the imperial power.

It's just that later the arrogance of the monster race subsided, and the human country became relatively peaceful. At this time, the martial arts academy retreated bravely, and took the initiative to hand over all the power of the countries to the royal families of all countries.I only left a number of martial arts schools in various countries to continue to pass on the concept of "teaching the way of martial arts".

This hand is definitely beautiful and atmospheric.Coupled with the prestige of the Martial Saint and the prestige of saving the human race from the fire and water, the Martial Arts Institute has established a detached position across all the countries of the human race.

However, although the passage of time seems to be slow, it actually does not stop, which is far beyond the reach of ordinary creatures.Just like rivers and fish in rivers, no matter how big the fish is, whether it jumps out of the water or not, it will most likely be submerged in the torrential water.

Take Nanyuan Country as an example.Although the Martial Arts Institute is still important to Nanyuan Country, it is only important in the four words "cultivating warriors".Another role that should have been more familiar to people at the beginning of the establishment of the Jiangwu Academy has long since faded away.

Even regarding the Academy of Martial Arts, the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom has already intentionally infiltrated it, not seeking to take advantage of the Academy of Martial Arts, but seeking more and better resources for martial arts from it.

This attitude of Nanyuan Nation actually represents that most countries in the human race have similar attitudes towards the Academy of Martial Arts.Not hostile, but he didn't really regard his domestic martial arts academy as his own family.Harmony and estrangement are obvious.

It's still the metaphor of the river and the fish.A fish in a river rarely notices that the river is changing direction.

Zhang Yan didn't think he was in this river.He never even felt that he was a real native of Desolation.Half and half.

So for Huangtianyu, Zhang Yan was quite awed and cautious from the very beginning, especially after seeing Xu Fengyang and Baronka's avatars, and knowing the truth of Huangtianyu's world.So much so that his sense of security only comes from his own strength, not from the protection of others.

No matter in the cliff mountain or in Langyuan city, Zhang Yan's perception is as far as it expands.

Especially those strong people who need "attention" in Zhang Yan's perception.Both the warriors of the Hundred Refining Realm and the Duan Mountain Realm were.It would not be said to threaten him, but it is also an existence that cannot be ignored.

In other words, in Langyuan City, apart from Zhang Yan himself, the strongest person he could sense was Liu Renchuan, the head of the Academy of Martial Arts.Even though this person was lying motionless on the bottom of Langyuan City like a stone, it was particularly eye-catching in Zhang Yan's perception.

But just a few days ago, Liu Renchuan left the Jiangwu Academy in exchange for a new face.His strength is much lower, even worse than the judgment of Xiao Shu.

Zhang Yan didn't care at first, but when he stayed in Xiangkou for two days because he wanted to send his mother to Xiangkou to see his grandson, he habitually continued to fully activate his senses, and then he found that Xiangkou's lecture hall seemed to be There is a change from before, the strongest is replaced, and a much weaker person is left to sit in charge.

One is a coincidence, two of the same situation can not be regarded as a coincidence, there must be a reason.

Is there something wrong with the martial arts academy?

With this question in mind, Zhang Yan took advantage of the opportunity of his mother staying in Xiangkou to leave alone, and went around Beijiang County, not letting go of every big city.Still found the same results as Langyuancheng and Xiangkou.The School of Martial Arts made it clear that it was making personnel adjustments on a large scale.

According to Zhang Yan's understanding of the Academy of Martial Arts, generally speaking, the dean of a big city is an important position, and will not be replaced easily, and will only alternate between the two cities.Unless it is due to physical reasons, or requires sublimation.Therefore, it is not uncommon for the dean of the martial arts academy in a big city to be in office for decades.

Now the masters of the martial arts school in the entire Beijiang County have all resigned at the same time, and their whereabouts are unknown. This can't be a simple internal adjustment, right?
Afterwards, Zhang Yan wandered around again, and ran across most of Nanyuan Kingdom with Skylark Shuttle, and went to several counties and cities in Beiwu. pass by.

"This is definitely not the strength that the head of the Martial Arts School should have." Zhang Yan was surprised to see a warrior of the Hundred Refinement Realm sitting in a martial arts school in Beiwu Kingdom as the strongest, and he confirmed his guess.

The Martial Arts Institute is taking away the strong in accordance with the law.

If Zhang Yan didn't know the truth about Huang Tianyu's world, he might be confused for a while at most, and didn't even bother to guess.After all, although the School of Martial Arts has contacts with him, it is only limited to one subject that has been stopped now.

But now Zhang Yan clearly said that Xu Fengyang behind the Martial Academy is still alive and well, and he is fighting against foreign powerhouses in the "God Realm" with the demon god Baronka.And the Academy of Martial Arts is the reins that Xu Fengyang left on the human race's territory, so that he can tighten them up at any time if necessary in the future, and then ride his horse and whip to order the world.In other words, gather the full strength of the human race.

So in turn, can it be understood that the abnormal power withdrawal of the Jiangwu Academy came from Xu Fengyang's instruction?After all, if Baronka can keep in touch with the Yaozu, Xu Fengyang must also be able to.

But the reason is that Zhang Yan felt that it should be inseparable from the changes in the God Realm.It's not what's happening in the current world of the human race.

Because the biggest and most eye-catching thing in the world of the human race is the spatial change in Xiyuan County of Nanyuan Country.But so far, the threats of those mutations are very limited, on the contrary, there are many opportunities and benefits inside.This kind of situation means that if the Martial Arts Academy wants to get a share of the pie, the manpower must be sent there, rather than taking away "unknown".

According to the general logic, the drawing of manpower must mean that the existing manpower or strength is not enough, so reinforcements are needed.So since it wasn't the human realm that needed manpower, it was naturally the God Realm where Xu Fengyang was in that needed reinforcements.

After this set of guesses were sorted out, Zhang Yan was sure that this time, such a lively world collision due to the yin qi change in Xiyuan County, might not be easy.While the people in Xiyuan County were vying for benefits, Xu Fengyang and Baronka in the God Realm were probably fighting like hell.

In addition to Zhang Yan's discoveries about the Martial Arts Institute, he felt that the space of Huangtianyu had become more unstable than before when he was refining the storage magic weapon during this period of time.But it's not that kind of continuous change, but a burst of change.Just like the ripples splashed by stone words thrown into the pool, the impact spreads once and for all.

"It seems that the "good show" that Baronka said may really be coming." Zhang Yan had such a realization in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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