one's door

Chapter 438

Chapter 438
Shen Wujiu is guarding on the edge of the cliff mountain, next to it is a military village built in recent years, there are usually less than 50 people in the village, and there is no other use, it is specially set up for the convenience of contacting the cliff mountain .

Ever since he learned that Zhang Yan was retreating in the cliff mountain, Shen Wujiu had come to guard it. He had seen the unimaginable battle on the cliff mountain during this period of time, and at the same time, he was very anxious because of Zhang Yan's delay in leaving the customs.

Later, he also saw the appearance of the tens of feet high Dharma image, and soon Shen Wujiu saw flying feathers flying out of the mountain, and immediately knew that it was Zhang Yan who had left the customs.So he quickly closed the mountain gate.

The situation is just like that, now Qi Ye Shang country is in danger, and the surrounding countries are doing their best to support it.But in the face of extraterritorial creatures, without some means of targeting, the number advantage and geographical advantage are actually not that important, and they will not play a decisive role at all.

This is like the plague. Everyone knows that it is scary, but is the point of people being afraid of the plague because it is deadly?Not exactly, the point is that there is no cure for the plague!It's scary because it can't be dealt with.

Just like the current alien creatures.

Nanyuan Country also received the notification from the Martial Arts Academy.I was shocked and didn't say anything, but at the same time felt a chill down my back.The 20 elites from Shang Kingdom plus hundreds of warriors from the Duanshan Realm of the Martial Academy were defeated, what would happen if it really spread to Nanyuan Kingdom?
The subjugation of the country is just around the corner!

The idea of ​​the top management of Nanyuan Nation is also very simple.If they are the same as other descendants, there is only one way to go: follow the trend and follow the trend.Just like the little fish caught in the torrent, if you don't have that much strength to get rid of it, you can only resign yourself to fate.

But Nanyuan Kingdom is not like other lower nations, even the neighboring Beiwu Kingdom, Nanyuan Kingdom also thinks that there are differences between itself and the other side.The difference is that besides the warriors, the people of the Huangtian Territory, the pioneers of another practice path, are in their Nanyuan country.

Warriors have no way to deal with extraterritorial creatures, what if the dragon and tiger gates of the cliff mountain have a way to deal with them?
Even if there is no way to restrain it, the existence of Zhang Yan can also become a heavy confidence in Nanyuan Kingdom.So after Shen Wujiu saw Zhang Yan, he unreservedly poured out all the dangers encountered by the human race in the wasteland and the situation they have received so far.

Zhang Yan already knew the basic situation.In fact, the root of the problem does not lie in the victory or defeat in the normal space, but in the God Realm.

However, the number of these extraterritorial creatures leaked from the God Realm was beyond Zhang Yan's expectation.The strength is also lower than he thought before.

It stands to reason that those who can enter the God Realm of the Desolate Sky Territory with their whole bodies when the world collapses should be the top powerhouses in the opposite world.But these so-called "clans" are not that strong, at least not as strong as Zhang Yan imagined.But the number is abnormally large.

Maybe it's not because they are strong enough to enter the God Realm of the Desolate Sky Territory, but because of the unique biological structure of these elves, they have a far greater ability to withstand the collapse and distortion of space than ordinary creatures.Now I can't tell whether it is because of the "quantity" that the God Realm's defense has such a big omission, and even the gaps in the space have been torn open. This is also an anecdote that has never been seen before.

Facing Shen Wujiu's urgent request on behalf of the senior officials of Nanyuan Kingdom, Zhang Yan did not give any definite answer.For Huang Tianyu, this was an unprecedented crisis, and for Zhang Yan, it was also a strange creature that he had never seen before.Whether you can deal with it and how to deal with it is not something that can be answered by just talking about it.

"I will go to Qi Ye Shangguo to see the Little Jiao Mountain. I will reply to Mr. Shen later." Zhang Yan replied.

"Then I wish to go with Mr.!"

What Shen Wujiu ate was this bowl of rice that followed Zhang Yan in fear of retreating and at the same time passed the first-hand news back to Nanyuan Kingdom.Coupled with the experience of going to Xiyuan County before, sitting on the Skylark Shuttle is fast and stable, Shen Wujiu thinks that if he goes to Qiye Shangguo at that speed, he can get there in a few days, which is faster than Feiyu.

But who knew that Zhang Yan waved his hand.He said with a smile: "I don't use the Skylark Shuttle this time, so I can't bring Mr. Shen with me. Please also ask Mr. Shen to stay in the cliff mountain for a few days. I will go to Qiye Shangguo to find out the situation first, and then make plans."

With people?It's not impossible, but the situation ahead is not clear at all, and leading people all the way will only increase trouble.Not to mention Shen Wujiu this time, he is not going to bring the three apprentices under his sect.

There is no need to tell Shen Wujiu any more.Zhang Yan was also curious about Qi Ye Shangguo's situation.After all, the great catastrophe of the world has become the trend of sand and mud, how can Zhang Yan avoid it?

But Zhang Yan didn't leave immediately.Instead, after repelling Shen Wujiu, he began to compare the current practice gains of the three disciples in Dengyun Hall.

The general direction is that there is no possibility of error if the illusionary stone tablet in the teaching hall guides them. Besides, the three of them are all practicing the steady method, and it is not easy to go astray.

This question and answer is a day and a night.Temporarily smoothing out the practice matters of the three apprentices, Zhang Yan didn't delay any more, found a simplified map of the territory of the human kingdom in Huangtianyu, and disappeared on the cliff mountain.

The means of moving is not simply pointing randomly on the map with the hand, and going there in an instant.It's not so mysterious, the basic movement rules still have to be observed.Just like walking, you can't see the way, how do you walk?Migration requires "beacons".Without beacons, you need to rely on perception to identify directions.

What is a beacon?It is a place that you have been to and remember clearly both geographically and spatially.

If you haven't been there, there is no beacon.

Therefore, within the territory of Nanyuan Kingdom, Zhang Yan's teleportation can indeed be done hundreds of miles or even thousands of miles in an instant. As long as his spiritual energy can withstand the consumption of the teleportation, it will be no problem to travel thousands of miles along the beacon in one go.

But after leaving Nanyuan Kingdom, there were almost no beacons, relying on Zhang Yan's perception to identify the direction, and the distance of each movement was shortened to more than [-] miles, at most [-] miles.

Fortunately, the consumption of short-distance teleportation is much smaller than that of long-distance teleportation, and the energy recovery is also fast, so you can teleport continuously.This can be regarded as an opportunity for Zhang Yan to become familiar with the method of teleportation along the way.

In fact, Zhang Yan's biggest impulse after the Fusion Realm was to visit the God Realm and the Ghost Realm.But in the end he was restrained.The situation is unclear, so take it easy and wait and see.At the very least, we must first see clearly the enemies that Huang Tianyu has suffered this time, right?

It took a day and a half to move, and two hours of Zhang Yan's meditation to replenish his spiritual energy were counted in the middle.Zhang Yan's figure came out from the gap in the space, and what caught his eyes was the ruins of a brutal battlefield. The sticky soil under his feet exuded a pungent stench. Looking around, there were stumps and broken arms everywhere, and a black paint hanging in the sky. The hole in the lacquer seems to be declaring that all the blood and blood come from it.
(End of this chapter)

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