one's door

Chapter 451

Chapter 451
The more than [-] sprites captured from Xiaojiao Mountain before are all gone.A few days ago Zhang Yan went there again.When he saw a "defense line" connected by stone pillars, he had to spy out that although there was no special construction machinery in this world, the general strength of the physical body and the effect of moving human power always surprised him for a long time.

Those pillars are the "fortifications" that Zhang Yan prepared for Qi Yeguo, which is a kind of semi-magic circle permanent building that he figured out.Using the principle similar to the Bagua array, but it is the yang energy in nature that is drawn, and then converged into these pillars, forming a certain degree of coercion and weakening of the demon clan.

The effect won't be immediate, but fortunately, at the beginning, the demon clan was scared by Zhang Yan's [-] emptying, so they shrank in Xiaojiao Mountain and dared not come out, which gave Qi Yeguo a chance to react.Out of their expectations for Zhang Yan's reputation, they were betting on everything.

When the demon tribe began to test and expand their territory again, these pillars had already accumulated some "savings", and under the continuous yang energy, the demon tribe's combat power dropped by nearly [-]%.

Twenty percent doesn't seem like a lot, but it's obvious when you actually fight.Especially those masters in the army, they knew immediately before the comparison that these changes were the help of these pillars on the defense line.

Afterwards, Qi Yeguo was naturally ecstatic, seeing a glimmer of hope for the future for the first time after the war started.

And this glimmer of hope ran out of control when Zhang Yan came to collect the crops again a few months later, and turned directly into "Tell me, how can I lose this?"

It wasn't that Qi Yeguo was impetuous, and it wasn't that they forgot the pain when their scars healed.It's just because when I saw Zhang Yan flitting in the air with my own eyes, holding a huge umbrella, he took away large pieces of the monsters below like a whale, and behind him was a golden dharma that was more than ten feet high to resist all monsters. family struggle.How shocking is this scene?After reading these, Qi Yeguo really didn't know how he could lose in the future.

On the other hand, the people of Qi Ye Kingdom who witnessed Zhang Yan's prestige with their own eyes felt awkwardly that Zhang Yan seemed to be picking fruit.And they are the gatekeepers in the orchard.

Although this idea sounds ridiculous.But it's not far from the truth.

Of course, Zhang Yan didn't care about other people's opinions.Now he no longer needs to be as cautious as before, for fear that he will cause trouble if he makes a mistake.

Exhausting the liquid aura last time allowed him to break through to the middle stage of the combined state in one fell swoop as he wished.Zhang Yan himself had never imagined this kind of practice speed.He was originally prepared to spend ten to twenty years to fill up the aura needed to break through the mid-term.And who would have thought that the great gift from the Elf Clan would come.

Perhaps if the former ancestors in the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Gate on the earth knew that he had such a cultivation speed, they would definitely jump up in fright?

However, Zhang Yan was not lost because of this rapid practice speed.After all, he didn't start his real practice until he arrived in Huangtianyu, and his special practice speed has been getting faster and faster since the beginning.He didn't even go through the dry life of a monk.So it's really not easy for him to get lost in the rapid growth of strength.Because it's "normal" to him too.

So Zhang Yan stopped after breaking through the middle stage of the Fusion Realm, and instead of continuing to rush upwards, he calmly consolidated the emptiness of the realm left by his rapid and continuous breakthroughs over the past year.

As for the Monster Clan, Zhang Yan didn't think about delaying this matter.Come and harvest when the time comes.After going back, let the "balls" swallow and transform them in batches. "Ball" has gained a lot of weight recently.

But Zhang Yan did not intend to use up the liquid aura he obtained immediately.He made a magic vessel in the shape of a small water tank, which was used to hold these things.

As for the reason.On the one hand, practice should not be rushed.On the other hand, Zhang Yan had a premonition that it was impossible for the demon clan to give him gifts all the time.When it's time to be rude, you have to leave something for the mountain gate, right?

For example, this tank of liquid aura is suitable as one of the foundations of the Dragon and Tiger Gate of the Cliff Mountain, right?

The second time I went to Xiaojiao Mountain, although it was in front of Qi Yeguo's defense, Zhang Yan had no intention of contacting him.First, it was troublesome, and second, he didn't think it was necessary.

After returning to the cliff mountain, after converting the liquid aura and storing it, Zhang Yan sat cross-legged on the Yingtiantai according to his recent routine and sorted out his income during this period of time.Whether it is Heyang or the power of rules, these things need to be carefully summarized by Zhang Yan, and only after they have a thorough understanding can they exert the greatest effect in actual combat.

For example, compared to going to Xiaojiao Mountain for the first time, Zhang Yan used the power of space rules to restrict the actions of the monsters for himself to capture.It was the same when I went there for the second time.But his own feeling is that it is much easier to use the power of space rules for the second time, and it can achieve a more effective effect than the last time without using so much effort.

This kind of gain is not reflected in the improvement of the realm, but it will be deeply felt in actual combat, and it is even an important criterion for judging whether a monk's strength is solid or not.

Zhang Yan attaches great importance to this, and has always regarded strengthening the realm as an indispensable part after breakthrough.

At the same time, Zhang Yan also truly felt the ingenious changes in his soul.It was a feeling similar to being independent.

In the past, the primordial spirit could not be separated from the physical body, and even the ability to resist danger was not strong.

But now Zhang Yan's primordial spirit can be said to be the same as his physical body to some extent.Now his primordial spirit is the real wandering world!

Going up to the sky, you can enter above the clouds, and you can fly thousands of miles away in an instant, and the speed is much faster than that of a lark.Because the primordial spirit has no entity, it is not restricted by many conditions of flight at all.

As for entering the ground, the depth can also reach hundreds of feet, and the feeling of movement is very similar to the escape technique, but it is also smoother.

This may be the difference brought about by the body of pure energy.

However, it was this kind of wonderful experience that made Zhang Yan play for a while. Using Yuanshen alone, he broke into the range of a dead silent road, and saw many ghosts busy in and out.It's just that no matter from the number or individual strength, it can be clearly found that the life of the ghosts in the human realm is not easy.

This is also related to Zhang Yan's distributing ghost-sucking bells. Over the past few years, even the human race country farthest from Nanyuan Kingdom has many ghost-sucking bells, allowing ordinary people to have an effective way to detect and target ghosts. .

In addition, there is also the relationship between the contraction force of the ghost domain.Similar to the School of Martial Arts, the reason is closely related to the situation in the God Realm.

However, this accidental intrusion into the scope of the Dead Silence Road also aroused Zhang Yan's curiosity that he had before.He used to be curious about what the ghost domain where these ghosts were in was like, but he was worried that there would be accidents after entering because of the constraints of the extremely dark place.Now that Yuanshen is united with Yang, the previous worries no longer exist.

"Maybe go to the Ghost Realm first before going to the God Realm?"

(End of this chapter)

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