one's door

Chapter 453 Monotony

Chapter 453 Monotony
Zhang Yan didn't stop. Although he was merged into the ghostly shadows descending the mountain, his attention was already attracted by everything around him and the huge city-state that he saw in the distance.

Of course, no one cared about Zhang Yan, and no one cared about him, even the ghost that had talked to him before had left in a hurry.

The first is Zhang Yan's feeling.He feels that the difference between this place and the normal space is that the yin energy here is extremely thick, which is closer to "pure yin" than the extremely yin place in the normal space.Even with Zhang Yan's ability at this time, he could only detect a very weak yang energy here.

This is undoubtedly a paradise-like place for ghosts.

And the ground beneath.Stepping on it is harder than the ground in the normal space, there are more stones than soil, and it appears a kind of gray-black.

If you look around, you can't see any green here.But it's not like there are no plants.On the contrary, Zhang Yan saw a cluster of bright red flowers on the side of the road within a few steps after coming out of the dead road.

There are many reds in the distance, and almost half of the mountains are covered by them.It's just that this flower has no fragrance, but it emits a kind of magical energy fluctuation that calms the nerves.A small amount is not easy to detect, but once there is too much, the effect of calming the nerves will be extremely obvious.

When passing by these flowers, Zhang Yan slowed down deliberately, and searched carefully from a large sea of ​​flowers.I found that there are actually other things besides these flowers.For example, some tiny bugs, or some inconspicuous small mushrooms that look like human faces growing in the sea of ​​flowers.

This is actually not a surprise. The tenacity and diversity of life are not only manifested under the sun and rain. They always have their own way of survival in any place.Even these flowers, mushrooms, and those little bugs, Zhang Yan had seen records in the alchemy book, and the names of these things came to his mind one by one, and these names were usually preceded by two words " legend".

After going down the mountain, Zhang Yan followed all the way into the giant city.Along the way, he corroborated many of the information from the soul-snatching process one by one, and saw many more details.

Rather than saying it is a "city", it is actually more appropriate to say that it is the stronghold of two giant forces.

There are two types of ghosts here: those with jobs and those without jobs.

Those who came down from the mountain along the road belonged to the "working" ghosts.The identities of these ghosts are clearly divided into levels, but their affiliation is not complicated. They are responsible to a ghost king at the same time, and there is no middle-level leadership for others.For example, although there is a difference in status between the spirit feeder and the spirit general, they have no affiliation with each other, and both directly obey the ghost king.

Including those living people who are psychic mediums, they also directly obey the ghost king, and they have a different status from the spirit feeder and the spirit general, but they do not belong to each other.

These spirit beasts and spirit generals are all "active" ghosts.Having work means that you can reap benefits, you can devour living souls, and you can increase your strength.

And what about ghosts that don't have a job?
Although these ghosts are also under the command of the ghost king, they are said to be in a state of "not getting ahead".You need to be familiar with all the local conditions and customs in the area that the ghost king you are in charge of, as well as the way of raising the soul boy, as well as the ability to discipline the soul boy and avoid danger or fight at critical moments.

To put it bluntly, these "early" ghosts are reserve soldiers.It has the ability to replace the external spiritual feed at any time.

Under what circumstances can it be replaced?Either there was a problem with the original spiritual food, or the original spiritual food's strength had risen to the level of a spiritual general.In these two situations, it is possible to change the spiritual feed.

It sounds like there are very few opportunities for this kind of replacement spirit feed, and the fact is that it is very rare, so for the ghosts in Huangquan, it takes patience to get ahead.What they still lack most is time.There will always be a chance if you wait for more than ten or 20 years and wait for 30 years at most.

However, in recent years, the replacement of spiritual feeding has been much faster than before.This is also directly related to the great changes in the outside environment.And Zhang Yan is one of the instigators.

The power structure of Huangquan was not the focus of Zhang Yan's attention this time.He had already understood these things long after he had captured so many ghost generals.This time, he came to look for those "unpromising" ghosts who were always described as "monotonous" and "boring" or even "suffering" in the information obtained from Soul Seizing.

Entering the city is considered to have entered the core area of ​​the ghost domain.It's so huge that there's no end in sight.It is said that there is a clear demarcation in the middle area, which is divided into the area of ​​the Human Spirit Race and the area of ​​the Demon Spirit Race.

But on the side of the human spirit race alone, the size of a country can be compared to it.Even comparable to the size of Shang Guo.

But even if the place is large, the city will not appear empty.Because compared with the birth, old age, sickness and death in Yangjian, the passage of time here hardly leaves traces, and the growth rate of the ghosts inside exceeds the speed of their disappearance most of the time.Therefore, although the ghost domain is not crowded, it is definitely not empty.

On the Eldar side, the densest settlement is near the tower.

The tower, whether in the human spirit race or the demon spirit race, is the most direct symbol of power and strength.Although the towers on both sides have different architectural styles.

The largest tower is called the "Great Sage King Tower", and there are only nine towers in the whole ghost domain.

The Great Sage King Pagoda is not the only one, there are ordinary Sage King Pagodas that are much smaller than it.And each tower represents a ghost king or a big ghost king.

There will be a large number of "active" ghosts gathered around the tower, and the ghost generals are the main ones. After all, they don't need to stay in the underworld all the time, and their task is to defend the ghost king and be ready for dispatch at any time. It is logical to gather around the ghost king .

The farther the place is from the tower, the quieter it is, and the more "unknown" ghosts will live there.

After Zhang Yan entered the city following the information in his memory, he moved towards the north side of the only pagoda nearby, because it was said that it was the place where the most unpromising group of "bastards" among the "young" ghosts nearby lived together.

And the bastards, that is to say, even though they have become fierce ghosts, after entering the ghost domain, the hostility in their bodies has subsided, and they have no motivation to become stronger, and they don't want to follow the crowd. They would rather stay in any corner, A ghost that can last more than ten or even hundreds of years in one go.

In fact, the strength division of ghosts in the Taoist scriptures of Longhu Mountain Gate is also necessarily related to the time of their existence.In many cases, "a thousand-year-old ghost" or "a hundred-year-old ghost" will be directly used to describe the strength of the ghost with time.

But in Huangtianyu, in this ghost domain, the only way for ghosts to grow is to "have work".I want to lie flat and hang around, I want to rely on the yin energy here to naturally evolve my strength.Sorry, there is no such condition for them to wait slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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