one's door

Chapter 482

Chapter 482
There were no handymen in the door, so Zhang Yan used paper figurines instead.This thing is also very useful after changing its size. It can be used for cleaning, pruning, and construction, regardless of rough and delicate tasks.And with Zhang Yan's current cultivation base, it wouldn't take any mana.

Shen Wujiu was used to seeing paper figurines for a long time, and he was very calm when he saw a paper figurine serving tea to him.And the "deacon" looked surprised, even though he tried his best to control his expression, he couldn't help it.

Zhang Yan smiled and handed over the ghost-killing bell to Shen Wujiu.This is a daily affair between Cliff Mountain and the Terran nations.The source of the ghosts lies in this, so don't be careless.It's just that Wang Nian was in charge of docking Shen Wujiu in the past, but now Wang Nian and the other three are not in the mountains, which makes Zhang Yan busy.

It can be seen that the lack of people in the Cliff Mountain is already very urgent.

After dealing with the matter of the Shegui Bell, Shen Wujiu talked with Zhang Yan about the fact that all countries are pleading for an increase in the amount of bone-strengthening pills produced.

In Shen Wujiu's words, the price of bone strengthening pills is now ten times harder to find.It is the biggest and best opportunity for high-level warriors to break through the difficulties of more than ten or twenty years.Many warriors are willing to spend all they have in exchange for a bone-strengthening pill, but they cannot get it
"You can talk to Wang Nian about the bone-strengthening pill when he comes back. I haven't refined the bone-strengthening pill for a long time now." How can Zhang Yan waste time on the bone-strengthening pill now?Besides, what does the demands of those warriors have to do with him?He doesn't care if he asks for nowhere and asks for nowhere.

Apart from these two things, Shen Wujiu had nothing else to say. After apologizing, he left Dengyun Hall and went outside, leaving the rest of the time for that "deacon", while he himself Happy walking around Dengyun Temple.

Every time I come to the cliff mountain, Shen Wujiu will feel very comfortable. Here, just standing quietly, breathing will feel very comfortable.

As for what will be said in Dengyun Hall, Shen Wujiu is not at all curious.The more you know about many things, the more troublesome you will be.

After Shen Wujiu left, the deacon who had been sitting on the chair without speaking moved. He got up from the chair, respectfully bowed to Zhang Yan, and then began to re-introduce himself.

"I'm Li Yuanping, the chief deacon of Nanyuan Kingdom's imperial house affairs. It's really helpless to take the liberty to come to see Mr. Zhang. I hope you don't blame Mr. Zhang."

Royal?Zhang Yan thought about it for a while, and roughly guessed what the other party was talking about coming here.After all, the matter managed by the chief deacon of the Royal Household Affairs is actually the only one that can be related to the cliff mountain.

"Hehe, Deacon Li, you don't have to be polite, are you here for Yang Rui's marriage?"

In addition to helping the emperor manage the money bag, the royal housework also has another important task, which is to manage the marriage of the royal descendants.Of course, not everyone is in charge of everyone's marriage, they only control the marriages of important royal family members.

Seeing Zhang Yan's straightforward words, Li Yuanping quickly responded, and said at the same time: "Mr. Mingjian, the marriage between the Thirteenth Prince and Princess Huayue has been delayed for four years. Not to mention marriage, even the engagement ceremony It has not been held until now. It is extremely inappropriate whether it is for the reputation of Nanyuan Nation or the face of Huayue Nation.

But now the thirteen princes turned a blind eye to the imperial edict, and now they don't even show their faces.It really makes the royal family helpless.His Majesty blamed himself for having no way to teach his son, and now he has no choice but to come to Mr., and hope Mr. can order the thirteen princes back to the palace as a teacher, at least go through the engagement ceremony first, right? "

Li Yuanping was about to bend his waist to the ground as he talked, let alone sit back on the chair.

Uneasy!Don't look at Li Yuanping's power as the chief deacon of Nanyuan's domestic affairs, but it also depends on who he talks to.He didn't dare to straighten his back to talk to the emperor, and he didn't even dare to talk to Zhang Yan.

In addition, if Huayue Kingdom hadn't really pushed him to the limit, and the thirteen princes couldn't be found, Nanyuan Kingdom would never ask Zhang Yan to come.Moreover, sending a big deacon to see Zhang Yan is actually to leave room for it. If Zhang Yan feels offended, Li Yuanping can be brought out at any time to let Zhang Yan kill him to vent his anger. There is still room for negotiation later.

Li Yuanping himself knew these things, and understood that if Zhang Yan in front of him frowned on Monday, his life might be lost, so it's no wonder he wasn't worried.

Will Zhang Yan feel offended by this incident?
Of course not.Yang Rui is Zhang Yan's disciple, and he is a beginner disciple, so he can be called "Master".One word "father" explains everything.

So Zhang Yan felt that he had a reason to participate and intervene in the apprentice's marriage, but it was only because he was willing to do so.

Moreover, Zhang Yan is completely understandable for the helplessness of the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom.How many children of the royal family are truly free to marry?Maybe it never was.I am used to using marriage as a way for the royal family to get along with foreign surnames. Whether it is handing over or making a knot, marriage is a very good way, even if it is only in name.

But when it came to Yang Rui, the marriage was obviously not feasible.

Talking about "the wings are stiff" is bullshit.Zhang Yan knew very well that what Yang Rui disliked was not the marriage itself, but the involvement of the world and himself.It wasn't the "marriage" that escaped, but the "trouble" that interfered with his practice.This is the essence of the problem.It's a pity that the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom will not understand this essence.

After being silent for a while, Zhang Yan replied: "Deacon Li, what is your Nanyuan Kingdom's royal family's attitude towards this matter? What if Yang Rui becomes determined and does not want to get married?"

"If you open your mouth, I believe the thirteenth prince will not refuse." Li Yuanping felt uneasy.Although Zhang Yan only said a word, it already revealed that Zhang Yan had a dispensable attitude towards the marriage of the thirteenth prince.It also means that the opinions of the thirteen princes are the main ones.

Shaking his head, Zhang Yan said with a smile: "Whether the apprentice gets married or not, I, the master, can't force him into the bridal chamber, let alone marriage.

How about this, I will find Yang Rui and ask him what he thinks.No matter what his plan is, I will let him go back to Yuanding Imperial City. It is really not an option for him to escape like this. "

In the first half, Li Yuanping's heart sank, and in the second half, he was pulled back directly.So he hurriedly saluted again and said: "What you said is very good! If the thirteenth prince is willing to go back to the palace, that would be the best, and we won't bother you anymore."

Having said that, things are settled.Li Yuanping didn't dare to stay any longer, so he quickly got up and said goodbye.Then he exited the hall and prepared to go down the mountain with Shen Wujiu.

But Shen Wujiu was unexpectedly stopped by Zhang Yan.

"Master Shen, please stop, I have some things I want to ask Master Shen for help."

Shen Wujiu was only stunned for a moment, and then immediately trotted to Zhang Yan, and said with a smile, "What did you say, sir? If you have something to do, you can just tell me, and the subordinate will definitely do it."

(End of this chapter)

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