one's door

Chapter 487

Chapter 487
Go back to the village below the mountain.Yang Rui was the only one in the small farmyard where he was staying.Although it is cold and snowy outside, there is still a lot of farm work, and busyness is the main theme here.Some cold-resistant crops that are unique here need to be taken care of every day, and they are counted on for a living all year round, but they can't be sloppy.

Yang Rui's body made him not have to worry too much about the severe cold here, an ordinary fur jacket was enough, and he could stay outside for a long time without stuffing more clothes inside.

Yang Rui has always liked the snow scene, and he couldn't get tired of watching it even after he arrived in Beiguo.

The figure leaped onto the roof, stirred mana, and stirred all the snow that had accumulated overnight to the far side of the road.He sat cross-legged on the roof.

This is Yang Rui's favorite quiet way in this village.Feeling the sunlight during the day, there is a vast expanse of whiteness around, and the voices of busy people can be heard in the distance. This quiet yet noisy atmosphere is the most suitable environment for him to meditate.

Holding the jade box taken out of the storage backpack in his hand, the "Wuxin Water Jade" inside was lying quietly.It shows a period of history that has become the past and will almost be dusted forever.

"The Qiande dynasty could not escape the fate of collapse after more than a thousand years."

Yang Rui searched all the way in the Ice and Snow North Kingdom, and read the historical records of countless ancient countries, not only about the eight countries of the Ice and Snow North Kingdom, but also about many great and glorious countries in the history of the human race.There is no one that can truly last forever. Even the oldest country has undergone several turbulences, either merging or falling apart. It is extremely rare to be able to leave a false name.

The matter of doing good to the country is just one of the stories of the decline of these vast countries.

It's just that Yang Rui happened to have some relationship with Qiande Shangguo. After all, he came from the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom who inherited half of Qiande Shangguo.

Back then, Xu Yegong, the ninth prince of Qiande Shang Kingdom, did not choose to perish with the country, but fled to the North Kingdom in haste with "Wu Xin Shui Yu" and many treasures.The idea must be to revive the glory of Shangguo, or to keep a seedling.Otherwise, the Wuxin Shuiyu wouldn't be taken away.

But in the end, the place was decided with great difficulty, but he died unexpectedly before he could formally develop it.I'm afraid Xu Yegong should be extremely unwilling at the moment of his death, right?

But so what?If you are not willing, you have to die.What's the point of past calculations when people die and disappear?

Even looking back and distinguishing carefully now, Yang Rui can see some indistinct but vaguely visible southerners from the faces of the villagers in Sanxing Wuliu Village.

Perhaps this village was developed after some guards brought by Xu Yegong stayed here, and then gradually intermarried with the surrounding locals.Now the bloodline has long faded under the continuation.

"If Xu Yegong knew his end in advance, would he have spent so much effort running so far to die in a foreign land? Or would he choose to die with the country with all the royal families at that time?"

There will inevitably be some banter in my heart.There is also some sadness.

Suddenly Yang Rui missed the "Jingxin Pavilion" on the mountainside of Duanya Mountain.The sound of the roaring waterfall there always calms people down.

But Yang Rui's mood became not so good when he thought that he would have to face a lot of bad things about himself after going back.Sigh again and again.

"It would be great if I could go all the way without asking about the world."

Looking up at the sky, Yang Rui was half lying on the roof. Suddenly, a blur appeared in front of his eyes, and a figure appeared above his head. The shadow covered him and made him stunned for a moment. .

"Disciple see Master!"

Zhang Yan is here.Even came for a while.It's just that seeing his apprentice seemed to have a feeling, so he didn't make a sound to disturb him.But the jade box that Yang Rui held in his hand made him curious, and he felt a lot of vitality slowly emanating from his face.

"You run far away, do you like to watch the snow every day? Or do you want to hide away and worry about your family coming?" Zhang Yan waved and led Yang Rui to the Skylark Shuttle, and then flew up into the clouds again.He felt that it was more suitable to talk here than the roof just now.

"Master, I really don't want to run into someone from the royal family. So I can only hide away. But even though I have traveled a long way, I have gained a lot."

"It's good to have something to gain, but do you know that a deacon from the Nanyuan Internal Affairs Office followed Shen Wujiu to pay homage to the mountain the day before yesterday, and proposed your marriage to me. He wants me to force you to go back and marry the princess of Huayue Kingdom.

Hehe, don't worry.Your master, I have already expressed my opinion to you.With your talents in cultivation, getting married early is not a good thing.So I rejected the deacon of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at that time.

But there is one thing I think the other party said is right, you are always a member of the royal family, and the marriage contract on your body really troubles the royal family.You can't always avoid it, things need to be resolved.Hide, how long can you hide?There's no reason to lose your reputation over this. "

"But if I go back, I'm worried that I won't be able to be ruthless. The emperor and concubine mother can always find a way to make me submit." Yang Rui was also discouraged.Not to mention his father and emperor, the cries of his mother and concubine can always soften his heart.How can I refuse then?
"What is that thing? With such a strong vitality, it must not be a mortal thing, right?" Zhang Yan shook his head.He is not suitable to give specific advice on how to deal with the relationship with the royal family.He can only guide the direction, and how to deal with those details in the end is still up to Yang Rui to grasp.

I understand the truth of what Master said in my heart, but I am still entangled.And Yang Rui knew that this time he couldn't hide anymore, and if the master came forward, he would go back to Yuanding Imperial City to settle the matter no matter what.He frowned and heard the question from the master, so he took a lot of effort to find the "Wu Xin Shui Jade" and the death of Xu Yegong, the ninth prince of Qiande Shang Kingdom, and related things in his head. Speak out.

Yang Rui said it very carefully, this is the first time he has had the opportunity to share his harvest with others, and it is such a great harvest, and he hopes to be affirmed by the master.

"This is Wuxin Shuiyu?! Tsk tsk, it is very similar to the rumored one, but it seems to be smaller. But can this thing rebuild the Wuchi?"

"Yes, master, but because it is too small, we can only build a reduced-sized martial arts pool. But the effect will not be compromised much."

"Since you have this thing in your hands, why do you have to worry about returning to Yuanding Imperial City? Compared with rebuilding the Wuchi, what is the marriage contract between Princess Huayue and you?"

"Master, you mean to use this thing to pay for it?"

(End of this chapter)

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