one's door

Chapter 489 Escape

Chapter 489 Escape
The entrance that Zhang Yan entered was not the first floor of this ruins community, but the third floor.There are two floors above and seven floors below.

And as Zhang Yan discovered at the beginning, there is no deliberate trap here.Some are just the soul art boundary of the sub-area.

That's right, just like the stone sculpture with vertical eyes that Zhang Yan put away at the beginning.It was not killing for the sake of killing, but a cruel test.If you have a certain understanding and practice of soul art, you can survive the vertical eye attack.Or just use brute force to close the vertical eyes like Zhang Yan.

And there are two soul art boundaries like the vertical eye on each floor.

Since it is to test the means of soul art, it can be called a place of inheritance.It's just that you need to start from the top.There will be a stele over there as an explanation.There are also starting ways to guide the practice of soul power.

As for Yang Rui and Zhang Yan, Xu Yegong stepped forward directly to the third floor. Naturally, he could not see the guidance, and he would not quickly realize that this is the place of inheritance, and he was less careful about the surrounding furnishings. Search the mind.

At the same time, without going through the accumulation layer by layer, how can the vertical eye attack on the third layer be able to withstand it?He didn't even know what the vertical eye was.

So Yang Rui was right when he said that Xu Yegong, the ninth prince of Qiande Shangguo, was unlucky.If you're lucky, why would you go straight to the third floor?
As for why an opening was suddenly opened from the third floor, it should be clear from the situation at the entrance.It must be an omission due to the coincidence of mountain movement after the place has been buried deep for many years.And this omission was discovered because Xu Yegong, who was in urgent need of a suitable treasure place.In the end, Xu Yegong died, and Yang Rui was cheaper.

So it seems that Xu Yegong is not just unlucky.

until the bottom of the ruins.Zhang Yan felt a strong struggle when he sealed the last vertical eye.It was almost impossible to lower his space rules.Compared to the realm of monks, the soul attack performed by that vertical eye is almost as powerful as the full-strength attack in the early stage of the body.

I couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

The full-strength attack in the early days of the Fit Realm, in today's barren world, there is no fourth person in the world who can follow it except for Baronka, Xu Fengyang and Zhang Yan himself.Such a tyrannical blow is just a boundary to distinguish regions here.From this we can see how tyrannical the predecessors of the Huangtianyu who built this relic were.

This statement is not arbitrary.It is a conclusion drawn after exploring all the way up and down.Because there are actually some books left on each floor here.They are all similar to jade slips, the words Zhang Yan does not understand, but the pictures formed by linking them together can be understood by Zhang Yan.

There are even special pictures on the first floor corresponding to the contrast of the strange characters here.It should be that the original owner here also took into account the possible interrogation faults that may occur with the passage of time.That's why it's so detailed.

The ruins on the last floor also revealed all the secrets here to Zhang Yan.Just as he expected at the beginning, here brought him many unexpected "surprises".

For example, the original owner of this place was a short turtle-backed man less than five feet tall.There is a protrusion on their back, the purpose of which is unknown.

These turtle-backed people practice soul skills and have survived in the wild sky for tens of thousands of years.

The reason why Zhang Yan was sure about Huangtianyu was because the "date" was mentioned in both the painting and the text. In the same world, the rotation of the four seasons is similar, and there is also the same moonlight change.It's about the same.

But there are also contradictions.The reason is that the geography and landforms mentioned in many jade slips here are very strange.The plains they were talking about are now clearly hills, but the great lakes they are talking about are vast oceans.

"The vicissitudes of life are endless, so it's not impossible to explain." Zhang Yan made a hypothesis in his heart.Assuming that the disappearance of the turtle back is calculated in tens of thousands of years.The geographical features may indeed undergo earth-shaking changes.

Then why would a turtle-backed man who had existed for tens of thousands of years and had developed a tyrannical soul art practice system disappear?Leaving only one relic community as inheritance?It seems a bit too sloppy.There must also be reasons.

This is also the key to Zhang Yan's curiosity all the way.

Finally, in the ruins at the bottom, Zhang Yan found what he wanted to know.

The Turtle didn't disappear, it left.

It is the same as what Huang Tianyu is experiencing now.Although the Turtlebacks are powerful, they are nothing more than one of the creatures living in the wilderness.Facing the devouring behavior of Huang Tianyu, there is no way to intervene.It can only build a line of defense in the God Realm to resist the invading alien creatures from the devouring world.

With the growth of Huangtianyu, the turtle-backed man also got a buff, and the upper limit of his strength was gradually raised little by little.They even once thought that their own group could follow Huang Tianyu to finally form a tyrannical perfect creature.

But the final ending reminded Zhang Yan of an old saying: There is no way to get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river.

At the same time, it also hit a big rock that Zhang Yan had been hanging in his heart.

Desolate Sky Territory is not always able to win and complete the devouring, it sometimes loses and becomes the food of other worlds.It's just that Huang Tianyu has been able to escape at the last moment so far.

To escape is to escape, but the result is not comfortable.It is certain to go back to the past, and it will even cause space distortion and shock.For Huang Tianyu, this is the pain after injury, and it needs a long time to repair.But for the creatures in the Desolate Sky Territory, there is no pain that can be tolerated, it is a disaster of extinction.

Mountains and rivers shattered, lakes turned into volcanoes, and only the most powerful group of people in the ethnic group could survive this catastrophe.

It's fine once, but after a few times, the turtle-backed man is really scared.


Worried that if Huang Tianyu loses and does not escape any time, then they will follow and exterminate the clan?

So once again in the process of being devoured by the Desolate Sky Territory and falling behind, all the clansmen that still existed gathered together, and the turtle-backed people ran along the opening of the God Realm, and ran into the opposite world.After that, Huang Tianyu escaped again and recovered.And the history of the Turtle-Backed Man came to an end here.Only this group of inherited relics remains.

Zhang Yan didn't touch the things here, and put them back to their original places after looking at them.The secret here cannot only be known to him.At least Baronka and Xu Fengyang need to be informed.

Because if there is no accident, the dangers that the Turtlebacks have experienced for a long time in the future are a lesson for the current monster and human races, and they should be prepared for what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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