one's door

Chapter 492 Preparation

Chapter 492 Preparation
seven months later.

Yang Rui stepped over the gate of Tonghuguan with a dusty foot, looking at the familiar military robe of the frontier army of Nanyuan Kingdom, he felt a sense of intimacy in his heart.

came back.In the past three years, I have traveled to more than a dozen countries. What I have grown is not only knowledge and age, but also the way of practice in my heart.

After crossing Tonghu Pass, Yang Rui didn't hide his identity anymore, the badge of the Thirteen Princes was enough to instantly make him the most honorable person in Beijiang County.He also recruited the royal guards who had been waiting in Beijiang County early, and rushed all the way to Yuanding Imperial City without stopping.

The one who arrived at Yuanding Imperial City one step ahead of Yang Rui was Feiyu's news about his return to Nanyuan Kingdom.In fact, it is not only Yuanding Imperial City who is paying attention to Yang Rui's whereabouts, but also many forces who are staring at the core figures of Duanya Mountain.Now that Yang Rui is back, naturally all parties have to update the news in their hands.

Especially Huayue Kingdom, even sent a team of wedding envoys to follow Yang Rui back to the imperial city on the way.

This is actually a bit out of date.Tangtang Shangguo's behavior of climbing up the pole like this is already embarrassing.If it is elsewhere, I am afraid that it will attract a lot of ridicule.But the marriage contract fell on Yang Rui, which is different. Not only did he not ridicule, but he would get the understanding and approval of most people.

That is the second apprentice of Cliff Mountain!As long as you can catch a marriage, it's fine to be humble.

The reason why all forces understand and even envy Huayue Shang Kingdom is the news released by Nanyuan Kingdom more than half a year ago.

Nowadays, where the news is not blocked, who doesn't know how to pay close attention to those children?From the age of six to 15, this has to be counted. From the time the news is sent out, the maximum age will be 15 years old, and the minimum age will be six years old. There is no slight difference.Other than these, there are no restrictions.

I used to say that I would give my baby a chance to make a bright future.But most of the opportunities are in the hands of the so-called upper class, and it is extremely difficult for the lower class children to get up and walk, and they need all kinds of luck to make it possible.Even the accumulation of generations can truly change one's social status.

More people at the bottom have no chance of promotion at all. They have to run around in order to survive, and even literacy is a luxury for future generations. How can they climb up?
But now there is a new opportunity.

Become a registered disciple of the cliff mountain.

There is no need for family background, no identity, no gender, and no need for you to manage anything.The only thing to look at is "luck".No one can see the inexplicable luck.

Other places have begun to learn the strategy of Nanyuan Kingdom, and gradually give up the inherent thinking of aristocratic families taking over the quota. Although they are reluctant, they really have no way to step on the people at the bottom to prevent the other party from coming up in the face of this kind of thing.

Of course, it will definitely not be as thorough as Nanyuan Kingdom.After all, there is always a difference between distance and determination.Nanyuan Kingdom can send people from the whole country to the cliff mountain to participate in the conference, other countries do not have such geographical advantages.

Huayue and Beiwu are two countries that refer to the strategy of Nanyuan Kingdom to the greatest extent.Firstly, they are the closest, and secondly, they are second only to Nanyuan Kingdom in their contact with Cliff Mountain, and they are the most familiar with it.

There is another key message here.That is, this time the Cliff Mountain is going to accept fifty registered disciples.Moreover, these 50 people will not directly belong to Zhang Yan's sect like Yang Rui and the other three, but will temporarily start practicing as disciples of Duanya Mountain.

Although there was no follow-up to this news, the wise man figured out the meaning after a little thought.

It is nothing more than that Zhang Yan will no longer teach apprentices in person.Or Zhang Yan will only show up again when a particularly outstanding seedling appears.And these registered disciples will select the best ones based on their performance after entering the mountain, and there is a high possibility that they will become the third generation disciples of the cliff mountain.

In other words, even if these 50 people perform well in the future, they are unlikely to practice with Zhang Yan, but with Yang Rui and other second-generation disciples.

By analogy, when Duan Yashan recruits people again, Yang Rui and other second-generation disciples are likely to become masters, uncles, and uncles.There may be ten or a hundred disciples under him.

what is this?This is the real power representing the dragon and tiger gates of the cliff mountain!Not just personal strength!People with a discerning eye who distinguish the forces of all parties can see clearly.

So regarding the marriage contract with Yang Rui, Hua Yueguo not only did not give up or let it go because the time dragged on for too long, but became more and more nervous.

Along the way, Yang Rui took note of the Huayue National Marriage Envoy team who followed him, and was worried.He suddenly realized that his previous thoughts might have been too simple.

It was already night when we returned to Yuanding Imperial City.Holding the badge of the thirteen princes, Yang Rui can enter the city at night, and he can go unimpeded until the gate of the palace.And after arriving at the palace, he didn't go to the harem to visit his mother and concubine, but went directly to Wanmin Palace to find his father.

Business matters.It is also possible to leave the matter of greeting mother and concubine to tomorrow.

Yang Sheng knew that his thirteenth son would enter the palace tonight, and he would not go to bed early on weekdays, so he was waiting for him to come over in the study of Wanmin Palace.

"My son sees my father!"

After paying homage, Yang Rui stood on the side in an orderly manner.In his eyes, the father seems to be more energetic than three years ago.

"Okay! Just come back! Tsk tsk, you've grown so much taller? I guess you'll be taller than your father in the next year or two." Yang Sheng cheerfully took Yang Rui's hand and led him to the side to sit down.

"My son hasn't come back for a long time to pay my respects to my father, and ask my father to punish me." Yang Rui said and knelt down again.

"You also know that you haven't been back for a long time? You child, just tell us what you have. We are a family. Why can't we discuss it? Is it necessary to escape far away? I heard that you ran away this time. Have you gone to the Northland of Ice and Snow? It’s far enough away, how’s the scenery there? Is there any book that says it’s so pleasant?”

Yang Sheng's speech level is far from Yang Rui's.A few words brought out all the blame, complaints, heartache, fatherly love, and family affection.He didn't even directly describe Yang Rui's evasion as a big trouble.After a few words, he actually directly talked about the scenery of the northern country, and the atmosphere instantly made Yang Rui, who was still a little nervous, relax at once.

The father and son talked more and more vigorously, and even Yang Rui could laugh along with Yang Sheng's laughter.

But from the beginning to the end, Yang Sheng never mentioned the marriage that disgusted Yang Rui the most.

"You said you found the treasure, take it out and have a look, I want to see what makes me so nervous." Yang Sheng joked with a smile.

"Father, I am not bluffing. This time, my son's long journey has really achieved a great harvest."

"What harvest?"

"My son found the place where Xu Yegong, the ninth prince of Qiande Shang Kingdom, died, and also found Wu Xin Shuiyu who was taken away by him."

"Huh? What did you say!?"

(End of this chapter)

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