one's door

Chapter 503

Chapter 503

"Brother Shitou, do you think Master is going to break through again?" Liu Rui and two senior brothers stood on the edge of a cliff not far from Lingxiu Tower. Go to Yingtiantai, which protrudes from the top of the cliff mountain.

Now the three of Liu Rui still call each other by their nicknames in private. This kind of emotion that is already similar to family affection makes their relationship extremely close.Of course, when other people are present, they are still called "senior brothers and sisters".

Wang Nian rubbed his hands, and the excited look on his face was beyond words. Hearing Liu Rui's question, he smiled and said, "Hey, it's true! Master will only close the upper half of the mountain when it's important. Usually, you have to do it." A breakthrough has been made. Moreover, this time must be no small matter.”

"Huh? Brother Shitou, what do you say?" Yang Rui asked in a puzzled voice.

"I encountered a bottleneck in the fire control technique before, so I asked the master some questions about the means of the technique. When the master explained to me, he mentioned the power of the rules of heaven and earth. Although I didn't understand it well, I went back and checked some According to the records about the rules of heaven and earth left by the master in the library, it is found that the rules of heaven and earth are only a method that can be mastered by monks in the body-fitting state, and it is at least the middle and late stage of the body-fitting state to reach the level that the master explained to me.

Combined with Master's posture of closing the mountain this time, I think what Master wants to break through this time is the later stage, which is the last bottleneck of the Fusion Realm.

Hehe, you guys don't forget the thunderous battle on the roof of Yingtiantai when the master sealed the mountain back then, right?That was the one-nine-day calamity that Master experienced when he broke through the body-fitting state.

And this time, if, as I guessed, Master is breaking through the last barrier of the Composite Realm, then he will experience twenty-nine days of calamity when he breaks through!At that time, once the master successfully breaks through, he will step into the realm of Tongxuan and achieve the body of a half-immortal! "

Twenty-Nine Heavenly Tribulations? !
Liu Rui and Yang Rui couldn't help feeling overwhelmed, and swallowed secretly at the same time, being frightened.They didn't guess the master's cultivation in advance like Wang Nian did, and they thought that the master was still in the early stage of the fit state, at most the middle stage.After all, it seems that it has not been a few years since the last Nine Heavens Tribulation.According to the Daoist scriptures, monks of this level often spend several years in seclusion. If they want to break through a big level, even if the chance is sufficient, it will take decades or hundreds of years to accumulate slowly.

But what's the situation now?It seems that the master's practice has always been different from what is said in the Taoist scriptures, especially in terms of the time to improve, it is more than ten times faster?
In addition, with the understanding of practice and the improvement of their own cultivation, the three of Wang Nian no longer know as little about Taoist affairs as before. Important landmark achievements are also familiar by heart.At the same time, be prepared for the troubles you will encounter along the way.

And the word "Heavenly Tribulation" is undoubtedly the biggest trouble that will be encountered in this road of practice.none of them!

One nine heavenly tribulations means that at most nine tribulation thunders will fall.On the one hand, it is a test of whether the monks are qualified to continue to advance, and at the same time, it is also the basis for the monks to advance to the next level.

If you can't survive the catastrophe, your body will die and your way will disappear.At the same time, without Heavenly Tribulation, it is impossible to successfully complete the conditions for promotion to the next realm.

The conflict between the spear and the shield is miraculously unified in the word "Heavenly Tribulation".

But the horror of the catastrophe will not be ignored because of its importance, on the contrary, it is a great horror that the monks asked and turned pale.

While talking like this, suddenly, the originally clear weather in the sky changed, and a large black cloud seemed to appear out of thin air, and within a few breaths, the originally clear weather on the cliff mountain became dark as in the evening.

"This catastrophe!? It's really a catastrophe! Do you feel the destructive energy gathering between heaven and earth?" Wang Nian's voice trembled slightly.Even if he was mentally prepared and had already witnessed a catastrophe, he still subconsciously felt a little terrified in the end.

It's not just Wang Nian who does this.Liu Rui and Yang Rui beside them also clenched their fists subconsciously.They were more nervous than Wang Nian, their hearts were in their throats.

That's twenty-nine days of calamity!Not only the power of each one will be more than ten times that of the Nine Heavens Tribulation, but the upper limit of the number has also doubled to eighteen.Even though they have full confidence in their master, they still inevitably feel worried.

In just ten breaths of time, the sky darkened, and the oppressive atmosphere was suppressed from top to bottom, shocking all the creatures within a radius of hundreds of miles.

The spirit beasts in the Cliff Mountain were all shivering in their lairs.They don't know what a catastrophe is, but they know that the outside world is showing murderous intent, which is where their instinctive fear lies.


It's like the sound of a horn blowing from the Tianshan Mountains, or the snort of a ferocious beast before it roars.

The clouds were already extremely thick, especially in the area directly above the cliff mountain.It was almost as thick as a black blanket, rolling.From time to time there will be purple light flashing from the gaps in the clouds.


The thunderclap exploded without warning.At the same time, a dazzling thunderbolt hit the head, it was the terrace protruding from the top of the cliff mountain, that is, Yingtiantai.

"Look! It's Master! Master is on the Yingtiantai!"

Liu Rui's exclamation was not the first thunderbolt, but because at the same time as the thunderbolt struck, a clear Dharma image of more than ten feet suddenly appeared against the thunderbolt.It was Zhang Yan who looked up with his hands behind his back.Even though they were far away, the delicacy and radiance of the Dharma portrait still made the three of Liu Rui, who were nervously watching on the mountainside, see clearly.

"Master is fighting against thunder!?" Liu Rui didn't know much about the lofty concepts of cultivation in the mountain gate, and just stayed at the level of "heard of".She felt that she only needed to figure out her immediate goal, and she didn't need to spend too much thought on the lofty things.It is different from Yang Rui and Wang Nian who often read mountain essays as stories.

Standing beside Liu Rui, Yang Rui explained: "It is said in the Taoist scriptures that the most important thing in the last level of the body-fitting environment is the shaping of the "half-immortal body". And to shape the half-immortal body, you need to rely on these Jie Lei used it as a hammer to temper.

Therefore, Master must and can only use his cultivation to resist this twenty-ninth calamity. "

In the time of just a few words, the thunder from the sky crackled down, and in a short while, everything was smashed.It has already exceeded the maximum amount of thunder that Zhang Yan endured during the Nine Heavens Tribulation.

But even so, the Dharma image was still clear, without any shaking, and even the expression of the Dharma image did not change.It seems to indicate that Zhang Yan is strolling in the courtyard under the bombardment of robbery thunder.

It also relieved the tension that the three of Liu Rui, who were nervously waiting and watching, were suffocating at the beginning.After all, although Jielei looks terrifying, Master can still handle it with ease.

(End of this chapter)

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