one's door

Chapter 512 Order

Chapter 512 Order
Huangtianyu is undoubtedly a world full of variables, chances and dangers.

What Zhang Yan gained from stepping into the Profound Realm to achieve his half-immortal body was not only the increase in strength, but also the increase in the vast number of "reasons" in his cognition.

In other words, Zhang Yan's understanding of Huang Tianyu has taken a big step forward.

It's like solving a problem. The more you know, the more you will understand how complicated the problem is and how many possible variables there are.

Desolate Sky Territory is not a complete world.And it does, as Judgment of the Turtle Case, ebb and flow between constant successes and failures.

When it fails, it is as dark as what the turtles experienced, the world is broken, and large pieces become fat in the mouths of other worlds, and even their inner beings are devoid of one.

When it succeeds, it is like now, even Baronka, the longest-lived creature in Huangtianyu, has never seen Huangtianyu lose.This is a rare streak in Huang Tianyu.

If you fail, you will lose. The living beings and the world in which they live are one, and everything is lost.The Turtle is still the sad example that lies ahead.They used to be strong, but with the defeat of Huang Tianyu and the collapse of the world, they lost not only their population, but also their individual strength and cultivation capital.

The opposite of the Turtleback is the creatures who are currently in the stage of winning streak in the Desolate Sky Territory.Let's not talk about it far away, let's just talk about the recent big victory of the Huangtian Territory.The devoured world has not ended to this day.Even so, the creatures in the wild sky domain have been strengthened as a whole at the most fundamental level.

All the glory and the loss are the loss.

Would Xu Fengyang and Baronka not know the twists and turns?Naturally I understand.They are very clear about the relationship between the creatures in the Desolate Sky Territory and the Desolate Sky Territory.

But the turtle-backed man provided Xu Fengyang and Baronka with an idea that they only dared to think about but did not dare to do before.That is, once Huang Tianyu loses, then run to the opposite world.

As long as I can survive, what does it matter to me whether other creatures live or die?Which of Baronka and Xu Fengyang is not a monster that has lived for thousands of years?The blood behind him has long since weakened.With less concern, the heart will be hardened.They were just worried that they would escape to another world and not be able to do the natives on the opposite side.But if they can get a new method of rapid growth in strength, their confidence will naturally soar.

So what kind of bullshit martial saints and demon gods are just a shiny shell. After thousands of years of polishing, only the selfishness made of flesh and blood inside is left.

Of course, so did Zhang Yan.He doesn't even have a shiny shell.It's just that his selfishness is not as cold as Xu Fengyang and Baronka's because of the Taoist background behind him.

Even in Zhang Yan's view, Xu Fengyang and Baronka are like two cowards guarding the Jinshan but worried that the Jinshan will collapse and crush them to death.And what he has to do is to hold Jinshan firmly in his hands.

Is there anything else in the world that can grow with a world and grasp the greater opportunities and benefits of its resources?No.

The current Huangtianyu is an opportunity.Zhang Yan didn't want to let it go.

After learning about the ups and downs and ups and downs of the Huangtian Territory, Zhang Yan first thought of some legends about the earth.From Pangu opening up the sky, to the battle of chasing the deer, and then to Dayu's water control.If this context is carefully considered, it seems that there are some similarities with the world changes that Huang Tianyu experienced.

Before Zhang Yan was sure that the world of the earth was a complete big world.And the big world cannot be born perfect.It must also grow up, and finally become a big world.How much time will pass in the meantime, I am afraid no one can tell.

It is said that when the great world is perfect, there will be a majestic purple energy, and getting a wisp of it is a chance to become a saint.I don't know if it's true.But just devouring the world of the Elf Clan, the Desolate Sky Territory gave its inner creatures a unified "reward", which shows the huge benefits contained in the evolution of the world.

Just no chance.Now that you have met it, how can you not try it?

So Xu Fengyang and Baronka worshiped the mountain and entered the dragon and tiger full of confidence, but when they left, they left in a hurry. Even Xu Fengyang couldn't even straighten his waist. Personally, he was dead a long time ago, but Xu Fengyang's physical strength is considered to be seriously injured, and he is still far away from death.

But Baronka was not injured, and Zhang Yan even generously took a basic explanation on aura to Baronka as a gesture of solidarity.As for whether Baronka will be shown to Xu Fengyang after he returns, that's none of Zhang Yan's business.After all, Xu Fengyang and Baronka can't always be on the same boat. Differences are what Zhang Yan wants to see.

Let's not mention the twists and turns inside.

When Xu Fengyang and Baronka went down the mountain, Zhang Yan sent them to the bottom of the mountain.Smiling and waving goodbye to them.He knew very well that this time his luck and background had once again saved him from danger.If Xu Fengyang and Baronka hadn't been diligent enough, they would definitely not be able to do well this time.At that time, I will have to keep fighting with these two guys who want to "escape".

Not anymore.After this time, Zhang Yan can start his plan without distraction.

The Desolate World needs a new order, instead of a mess of scattered sands fighting each other as before.At least in name, it needs to be able to twist together at critical moments.

Before that, Zhang Yan was also struggling with how to bypass Xu Fengyang and Baronka to re-determine the order in the wild world.Now it saves him a lot of effort.Now that Xu Fengyang is seriously injured, the biggest obstacle on the human side has been settled.Baronka's face turned pale with fright, but at the same time he was benefited. There should be a trade-off in how to choose.

The biggest problem, however, is time.

Duanya Mountain has accepted fifty new disciples this time. At best, it is just Zhang Yan's official appearance in Huangtianyu, giving Taoism a head start.If you really want to grow strong enough to play a role in the subsequent world devouring battle, it will be indispensable for a hundred years.And besides Zhang Yan himself, it is still impossible for the rest of the disciples to be top-notch.

So relying on Huang Tianyu's existing strength is Zhang Yan's only choice.But it has to be strengthened to a certain extent on the existing basis.

For example, warriors cannot always stay in the Duanshan realm.There must be more nine high-level gates that can cross the space gap and enter the God Realm.

The Yaozu also needs a large number of strong men who can step into the God Realm and help them.

And ghost domain.

All these forces need to be strengthened and gradually move closer to the cliff mountain.

Zhang Yan does not seek to control all the forces in the Huangtian Territory, but he needs these forces to be obedient.Especially at critical moments, you must listen to him without reservation.

Zhang Yan had a hunch that perhaps Huang Tianyu would face even greater challenges after the demon world was devoured.It must be more difficult.Because worlds like the Elf Race are too rare, the creatures in the Desolate Heaven Realm can still win by surprise.If it was changed to a normal world, then everything would be hard to say.

(End of this chapter)

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