one's door

Chapter 515 Youren

Chapter 515 Youren
"Wow wow wow..."

Along with the morning light, a baby's cry sounded from the small courtyard of the mansion behind the Miscellaneous Academy outside Langyuan City.

Squeak, the door of the bedroom in the backyard was pushed open from the inside, and a middle-aged woman with a square face and a little sweat on her face came out with a smile on her face, holding a cotton swaddle in her arms.

"Congratulations to Mr. Zeng, congratulations to Mr. Zhang, the lady is safe and sound, and gave birth to a fat boy who weighs seven catties and six taels!"

The two men rushed over quickly, the young one rushed ahead, nervously and excitedly wanting to pick up the swaddling baby, but a little apprehensive, in the end although he was hugged in his arms, he only knew how to smirk and didn't know what to say.

The older man was dressed in brocade robes, with luxurious accessories.There was also a look of great joy on his face, but he was obviously calmer.He patted the young man beside him, and said with a smile: "Just take a look, leave it to Mrs. Wen, the baby will take care of it, and I have to go to his mother to nurse later!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the middle-aged woman at the door and said, "Take good care of my sister, and I will give you an extra [-]% of the reward!"

"Master Zhang! I will take good care of the lady, please rest assured!" She was also happy in her heart. Just this time, she could earn a full two or three years of money in the past.Sure enough, it is worthy of being the most wealthy family in Nanyuan Kingdom, and this skill is comparable to others.

And the "rich and rich Mr. Zhang" that Wen Po thought of was naturally Zhang Shun, a wealthy businessman recognized in Nanyuan Kingdom today.And the young man next to Zhang Shun holding the child reluctantly is Zeng Hao.

Two years have passed since Zeng Hao married Zhang Huiyuan, the third child of the Zhang family. Zhang Huiyuan was also pregnant in October and gave birth to a son today.

"Okay, you stay here and watch. I'm going back to announce the good news to my mother. My mother will bring people over early tomorrow morning. At that time, Huiyuan's confinement will be under the control of my mother. But when the child reaches the age of [-] When the sky is over, you have to go back to Zhang’s courtyard to live for a while, don’t forget.”

"Brother, don't worry, I understand the truth!" Zeng Hao answered with a smile.He understood that this was the Zhang family trying to save face for him.Otherwise, his wife Zhang Huiyuan would not have given birth in his yard at all. The conditions in Zhang's house are much better than here.What's more, the old mother Wang Lanping has to come to take care of the confinement herself.How could Zeng Hao be ignorant?

Zhang Shun went back in the carriage.He could imagine that his mother must be anxiously waiting for news at this time.

After sending Zhang Shun off a few steps, Zeng Hao returned to guard outside the bedroom door.When the woman inside came out again, he was allowed to go in.The size of the house is tidied up.

As soon as he entered the room, Zeng Hao could see some blood-stained cloth strips in the copper basin on the ground, but he could see that the bleeding was very little. He had read related books and knew that this was a normal phenomenon.

Zhang Huiyuan was half lying on the bed, with a thick cushion behind her.There are two maids guarding her, and the midwifery team brought by Mrs. Wen.The bedroom, which is not too spacious, is a bit crowded.

And the child is in Zhang Huiyuan's arms, enjoying his first meal after birth.

Zeng Hao didn't bother, just walked to the bed and sat down, looked at the baby with a smile, and smiled at his wife from time to time.

The child was small and didn't eat much, so he soon got full and fell asleep, and was carried to the small bed next to him by the maid to take care of him.This is the maid sent by Wang Lanping, the old mother of the Zhang family, to take care of the baby. She has served the two young masters of the Zhang family before. She has rich experience and is especially trusted by Wang Lanping.

"Miss, thank you for your hard work." Zeng Hao only had the opportunity to hold his wife's hand tightly at this time.

"The first child gave birth to you a son, you should treat me better in the future!"


"By the way, now that the baby is full and sleepy, go and take out the talent ruler that the second brother gave us, and try to see if our kid is a lucky person!"

"Ah? The child is still young, why don't you wait?" Zeng Hao felt that the baby was only a little older, so there was no need to rush to find out what talent he had.

But Zhang Huiyuan obviously didn't think so.Stubbornly asked Zeng Hao to hurry to get the talent ruler, her child, she wanted to know as soon as possible if she would have the opportunity to learn skills from her second brother.Now it is no different than two years ago. Who in the world does not know that the most promising thing is to enter the cliff mountain to learn Taoism?It's just that the threshold for learning the Tao is too high.Even among the Zhang family members, there is only Wang Nian, an in-law in the mountain.

Zhang Huiyuan naturally wished that her children would have the opportunity to enter the cliff mountain.But she knew that she had to pass the test with talent.So when they met a year ago, she asked her second brother for a talent ruler.

Zeng Hao smiled, he knew his wife's temper, and when she was often irritable, the more she was like this, the more she couldn't stand up to her, otherwise she would definitely lose her temper.It's just normal, but now she's giving birth, even though Zhang Huiyuan's body has been recuperated with elixir by her second uncle, it's better not to lose her temper at this time.

So Zeng Hao could only trot out, took out the talent ruler from the hidden compartment of the study, and ran back.

"Go and put it next to the child."

The use of the talent scale is very simple, just get close to the object to be measured.Zeng Hao put the talent ruler on the crib, next to the child.Then the whole room soon saw a dazzling light shine from the talent ruler.

"Miss, look quickly! Our kid really has the talent for cultivating Taoism!" Zeng Hao blinked and exclaimed, and he was also a little confused by the huge surprise.

But the surprise is the surprise, the child is still too young.Even if the talent is enough, you have to wait until you are six years old if you want to be like a cliff.However, the news that the grandson of the Zhang family has a talent for cultivation also spread like wildfire.Everyone understands that this baby's start is absolutely unusual.

Zhang Huiyuan went up to Duanya Mountain with a letter, followed by Zhang Yan's big apprentice Wang Nian, and went down the mountain in person, bringing Zhang Yan's reply letter and the most basic method of exhalation.

"The child is so young, shouldn't he still be able to learn? Why don't you take the little stone back first, and then teach him when he is older. Otherwise, I'm worried about losing things." Zhang Huiyuan's worry is not unreasonable. No one can tell if someone will stare at this thing eagerly.

"Sister, don't worry, you don't need to wait so long for this thing, you can just learn it now." Wang Nian stretched out his hand, and put a finger on the baby's forehead. In the consciousness of the baby who was only a full moon soon.

"The baby is still young, and many consciousnesses are acting according to instinct. Now it is enough to replace its simple breathing rhythm with the technique of exhalation and inhalation, which is much simpler than learning it now.

By the way, sister, does this baby have a name now? "

For Wang Nian of the Dao Alchemy Realm, it was too simple to impart a simple and basic method to a baby whose self-awareness had not yet formed.When his fingers left the child's forehead, he could already feel that the child was rapidly changing his breathing rhythm, giving up the impossible breathing method and using breathing technique instead.

"Take it, it's called Zeng Youren." Zhang Huiyuan replied with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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