one's door

Chapter 517 Differences

Chapter 517 Differences
The reason why few people can control Zeng Youren is also because his cultivation level is really beyond the grasp of ordinary people.

In the later stages of Profound Vein Realm, if magic weapons are counted, ordinary Duan Mountain Realm warriors would not be able to keep him.

However, this baby has a pure nature and strong hands, but he has no thought of bullying the weak with a gun at all. He doesn't even use spiritual energy and magic methods to fight with others.But his body is not what an ordinary kid can do.

The heart of a child, but it has the power that most people don't have.The sense of proportion is more a test of Zeng Youren's temperament.

Wang Nian saw it most clearly.Although he didn't know why the master valued Zeng Youren so much, but he knew one thing very well, it was definitely not just because Zeng Youren was talented and he was from his own family.There are definitely other factors that he doesn't know that made Zeng Youren treat Master differently.

Now Zeng Youren's disposition can be seen clearly in the past few years.

An hour later, Zeng Youren's tense heart was finally able to relax.Because he has already completed all the homework tests assigned to him by Wang Nian three months ago.

"Okay, I did a good job this time. Let's go, go back."

"Ah? Uncle Shitou, aren't you going to learn something new today?" Although Zeng Youren was very afraid of Wang Nian, he also knew that Wang Nian was easy to talk to when he finished his studies with quality and quantity.And he is becoming more and more interested in cultivating the Tao.Every three-month deadline is always looking forward to for him.

"I won't study today. When I was your age, I didn't have the means you have now. At that time, my master, that is, your second uncle, often told me to stop arrogance and impetuosity and get more enlightenment. Don't try to be quick. In the current situation, you should slow down even more. To realize the Dao, you must first know your own Dao, and then realize it. Otherwise, the more you practice, the more trouble you will have!"

Wang Nian started to walk back while talking.It was not easy for him to go down the mountain.The Zeng family wants to have a meal here.The old lady at the Zhang family is going to pay her respects.I have to go back home too.It takes three to five days each time.

But Wang Nian is different from Yang Rui.He doesn't feel troubled by these mundane things at all.On the contrary, every time he came back he was in a happy mood.Sometimes I will drive the shuttle to Yuanding Imperial City to find the best flower house to spend the night.The days of going down the mountain and going up the mountain are mixed with meat and vegetables at his place, and the life is leisurely and leisurely.

"Ah? My own Tao? But Uncle Shitou, I don't know what my Tao is!" Zeng Youren was not the first time Wang Nian had heard this matter.But how does he understand this?He has no clue about the "own way" that hangs in the air.It is even called "self-realization".

And every time he thought of this incident, Zeng Youren felt inexplicably anxious.He was worried that what would he do if he was really stuck in the Profound Vein Realm in the future?Then wouldn't it be impossible for him to fly to the sky and escape from the earth in his dream?
"You will know. Everyone has their own Tao. If you don't know now, it means your Tao has not awakened. So you should be relatively restrained in your cultivation now. Spend more time to feel the things around you, and you can also Imagine your own future. Maybe your Tao is hidden in an inconspicuous place around you, or it may be hidden in the future vision you subconsciously want to have."

Wang Nian is someone from here.His own Tao was also slowly explored through seemingly insignificant life experiences time after time.Although the process is not easy, it will not be without trace.Moreover, everyone's way is different, once chosen, it cannot be changed, and the rest of life will continue to go down this chosen way.

Looking at his junior sister and younger brother now, Wang Nian would smile knowingly.Individuals' Dao is indeed very different, even three people living together are all different.

After sending Zeng Youren with a sad face, Wang Nian called out to him again, and the two chatted all the way back to Zeng's small courtyard behind Zaxue Academy.

Zeng Hao's family has not moved out for so many years.The main reason is that Zhang Huiyuan is unwilling to move.Firstly, it is very close to Miscellaneous Academy, so it is convenient for Zeng Hao to go to and from school.Secondly, she was reluctant to part with this small courtyard, after all Zeng Hao built it for her by himself.

"Are you back so soon today?" Because Zhang Huiyuan was pregnant, she didn't cook for Wang Nian herself as before, but handed it over to the family servants.

"Well, I didn't get anything new today, so I was quicker. And I have something to say to Sister Huiyuan." Wang Nian didn't let Zeng Youren leave, and Zeng Youren also wanted to listen to the next thing.

"Oh? Tell me, little stone. Is the matter of Youren's entry into the mountain settled?" Zhang Huiyuan kept counting the time, secretly guessing the purpose of Wang Nian's visit this time.

Sure enough, Wang Nian nodded and said, "Yes, Sister Huiyuan, there are two months until the next mountaineering meeting on Duanya Mountain. The rules are the same as before. I just want to ask, what does Sister Huiyuan think of Zeng Youren's entry into the mountain?" Do you have other ideas about this matter? If so, I will go back and report to Master for a decision.

But there is no price to talk about on the mountain climbing road.That is a must test to enter the mountain. "

Wang Nian said the latter sentence first.Obviously guessing that Zhang Huiyuan wanted to ask this question, she directly blocked all the roads.

Zhang Huiyuan curled her lips, she has learned a lot about the rules of the cliff mountain over the years.When the second brother came back before, she pleaded for mercy, but the second brother, who was easy to talk about, did not let go of the conditions for entering the cliff mountain.

Especially the recognized most difficult mountain climbing road, Zhang Huiyuan always hoped that her eldest son could avoid it.But now it seems that it should not be possible.

"What if Youren can't pass the climbing road?" Although Zhang Huiyuan has confidence in her eldest son, the climbing road on the cliff mountain is not a joke, and she dare not say that Zeng Youren can definitely break into the top five on this level Ten, the difficulty can be imagined.

Wang Nian replied: "Sister Huiyuan, don't worry, even if Youren can't win on the mountain climbing road, I will still come here to teach him the Dharma as before. This is our family's ability, and it will definitely not be passed on to Youren. any problem."

"What's the difference? There must be some difference inside, right? Little Stone, don't try to perfuse my sister!" Although Zhang Huiyuan was satisfied with this answer, she was also curious about the reason why her second brother made this rule.

Wang Nian had nothing to hide from his family, but he just didn't know if Zhang Huiyuan could understand.

"Sister Huiyuan, the difference is that after entering the mountain, it is very likely to grow into a generation of strong people. What is strong is not only the means, but also the heart.

And if you can't pass the mountaineering road, unless you have another opportunity to practice in the future, the possibility of becoming a strong person will be much smaller.But with Youren's talent, even if he can't enter the mountain gate, he will have a good cultivation base in the future.At least it is not a problem to practice to the Dao Dan state. "

(End of this chapter)

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