one's door

Chapter 524 Emergency

The situation is dire.Although Zhang Yan smiled lightly in front of Wang Nian, he was not as relaxed as he looked on his face.

It is now a foregone conclusion that Huang Tianyu will be raided by other worlds while eating the world of the demon clan, and the situation did not improve because it stopped eating, but fell rapidly.

The situation deteriorated, but the preparation was not enough.

Not to mention warriors and monster races.Even if they have improved a lot because of the nature of the previous world evolution, it is unrealistic to expect to make a big jump in this short ten years.A better appetite does not mean that one or two meals will make you fat.

Zhang Yan's abacus also became precarious because of the rapid downturn of the situation.

Whether it's bone strengthening pills or "The Method of Refining Skin and Flesh with Medicine", even recruiting disciples is the way Zhang Yan hopes to expand his influence in Huangtianyu and at the same time strengthen the strength of Huangtianyu's human race.But at present, it seems that there is no way to achieve a qualitative change when the catastrophe in front of us arrives.

Then the next step is to see the tricks and break the tricks.

"There should be one to two years to prepare. The most difficult thing is the three-nine-day calamity. We must drag as much as possible to the limit of the fairy body's accumulation before seeking a breakthrough. This way, the confidence of crossing the calamity will be greater. "

Zhang Yan knew very well what the most important prerequisite for him in the coming catastrophe was.Use the condensed immortal essence as much as possible to nourish the physical body and soul, and let his semi-immortal body move closer to the fairy body to the maximum. The closer to the limit, the better he can survive the three or nine days You can live.

Previously, he was obsessed with stepping into the realm of immortality because he was simply pursuing the improvement of strength.The analogy is the power system in the wild world.According to the normal development and evolution of Huangtianyu, the strongest are the existences like Xu Fengyang and Baronka, which are equivalent to the comprehensive strength in the middle and late stages of the monk's combined state.

But Xu Fengyang and Baronka were as powerless as children in front of the respectable half-immortal Zhang Yan of Tongxuan Realm.

If the evolution result of Huang Tianyu is doubled, and it is regarded as the strength of other creatures with the same but longer evolution time, Zhang Yan's strength in the Tongxuan realm cannot guarantee absolute crushing, at most he can protect himself or cover him. Just Cliff Mountain.In this way, there is very little room for Zhang Yan to move around.It was not what Zhang Yan wanted.

Therefore, the realm of immortality is the safest way for Zhang Yan to deal with it.At that time, whether it is fighting or withdrawing, or doing involvement, you will have enough confidence and strength to deal with it.

At the same time, the cornerstones of the magic circle that Wang Nian brought back from Hong Mingguo also gave Zhang Yan's ideas a boost.

The arrangement and condensing of the foundation stones of the magic circle, the depiction of the lines of the magic circle, and the power of the final formation of the magic circle.These main aspects can be reflected in the physical objects brought back by Wang Nian.

Zhang Yan didn't even need to spend too much thought to get a lot of information from it.For example, the creatures who arranged this magic circle belonged to the same system as the Taoism inherited by Zhang Yan, but not the same path.Like two carriages on the same road.

Although I don't know the structure of the other party's carriage, the speed of each other can still be distinguished.The premise is to find the other party.

But from the current point of view, because of Wang Nian's caution, between the two carriages, the opposite side is only the sight of Momo Lake, while Huang Tianyu can see more clearly.


At least from the cornerstones of the formation in his hand, Zhang Yan could tell that the opponent was not very good at refining weapons.But it is very powerful in the construction of formation lines and the application of formation power.Although this is not enough to directly deduce the opponent's strength.But the lack of refining means can directly confirm that the opponent is not a threat at all compared with the cliff mountain at the level of magical weapons.

In the realm of immortality and the illusion of Wanxiangzhu's immortal weapon, Zhang Yan did not believe that there was a more powerful existence than him in the opposite world.

Of course, the premise is that Zhang Yan must successfully pass through three or nine days of calamity and step into the realm of immortality within one to two years.

All that remains is to formulate a strategy.

Zhang Yan is not that good at this.And he doesn't feel that he currently has the ability to make the forces in the entire Huangtian Territory obediently obey his orders or arrangements.There are too many things in it.

Unless he is given another 30 to [-] years to allow the influence of Cliff Mountain to overwhelm and ferment, it is still possible.Now Zhang Yan didn't even think about it.

Since there is no way to command those who do not obey the command, it is to try to make some emergency preparations for the strength that is willing to listen to the cliff mountain.

For example, it has the closest relationship with the cliff mountain, and it can even be said that it is the Nanyuan country that is both prosperous and ruined.Then through Nanyuan Kingdom, you can try Huayue Kingdom's attitude.

For other forces, Zhang Yan doesn't force or hope.He will spread the judgment of the cliff mountain through Nanyuan country as soon as possible.It takes one to two years to see what preparations each has made.

The next day, Shen Wujiu was very rarely recruited by Zhang Yan to go up the mountain, and stayed in Dengyun Hall for a full two hours before leaving in a hurry.After descending the mountain, a few flying feathers took off from the posthouse at the foot of the mountain and flew towards Yuanding Imperial City.Shen Wujiu looked at Fei Yu flying away with a serious expression on his face.

A few days later, Fei Yu arrived at Yuanding Imperial City, and Wu Kui, who was in charge of the special case department who received Fei Yu, glanced at the above content and jumped up from his chair.Now that he has stepped into the Nine Gates Realm and opened two gates in a row, he thought that nothing would make him lose his composure, but he didn't expect that a flying feather would scare him so much that his expression changed drastically.

Not only Wu Kui, but the emperor Yang Sheng who saw the content of Feiyu was also frightened and his face changed drastically.

"The catastrophe of heaven and earth is approaching?! This"

The first reaction was shock, followed by doubts, and then thinking of the source of the news and the information that proved the catastrophe briefly mentioned on Feiyu, he was hesitant and finally chose to believe in the judgment of the cliff mountain.

Because the time will only be one to two years to see the outcome, the prestige of the cliff mountain will not be completely lost, right?
The meaning of Duan Yashan is that the news wants to be spread through Nanyuan Nation's external channels, and it is not hoped that everyone will know it and cause panic, but it must be spread to all the high-level people in the country at the fastest speed.This is not too difficult for Nanyuan Nation, which has worked hard to establish "communication information" with other human nations for more than ten years.

But Fei Yu also mentioned in the follow-up that Duanyashan hopes that all the forces in Nanyuan will obey the arrangement of Duanyashan to practice a special large formation, and obey the dispatch of Duanyashan at critical moments.

Even the meaning of Duanya Mountain is not only Nanyuan Kingdom, they also hope that at least Nanyuan Kingdom can also pull Huayue Kingdom along the way.

This is unusual.

Yang Sheng is well aware of the relationship between his country and Bluff Mountain.Over the years, I have a very clear understanding of the style of Bluff Mountain.If it was only aimed at Nanyuan Country, Yang Sheng fully agreed to obey the orders of Duanya Mountain under special circumstances.But it is not so easy to influence Huayue Kingdom.

one's door

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