one's door

Chapter 526

I want to persuade a superior country to hand over the elite power of the whole country at a critical moment and let others command it.No matter who looks at this idea, it will feel whimsical.

But sometimes under special circumstances, such whimsical ideas are not impossible.

For the fifth time in three days, the envoys of Huayue Kingdom entered the palace of Nanyuan Kingdom to meet Emperor Yang Sheng.Not only the prince of Huayue Kingdom, Guo Yulong, was already on his way to the Yuanding Imperial City, but Feiyu was already in and out of it before he arrived, using envoys to exchange some consensus with the highest level of Nanyuan Kingdom.

There is only one reason why Huayue Kingdom is in such a hurry: the talent ruler and breathing technique.

If it is said that the previous "Fafa of Medicine Refining Skin and Flesh" made the relationship between Huayue Kingdom and Nanyuan Kingdom closer, this time it will be another exchange of interests.

No matter how much Huayue Kingdom looks down on Nanyuan Kingdom to win the moon first, it is only luck, but the result cannot change that the other party can always get the good things released by Duanya Mountain first, and can be trusted by Duanya Mountain as always, entrusted with full authority power to act.This was the case with the Bone Strengthening Pill and Ghost-Shipping Bell before, and it is also the case with the Talent Stone and Breathing Technique now.

It is difficult to see new growth in the power system where warriors are the mainstream.Generations of warriors have proved that the upper limit of this road is right there, you can't imagine a Xu Fengyang in your family, can you?
That's why Cliff Mountain has become more and more popular in this decade.

And compared to warriors, Cliff Mountain has many methods.Whether it is killing or pills, or even refining tools, these can greatly benefit any country.

Take "The Method of Refining Skin and Flesh with Medicine", which is said to be unpopular on the cliff mountain.After Huayue Kingdom got it, although the top combat power did not improve, the improvement in the middle and lower combat power was huge.Calculated in this way, the armed forces of the whole country can gradually increase by at least [-]% to [-]%!
And the real practice system of the cliff mountain is naturally more eye-catching.

Now the news of the catastrophe came from Nanyuan Kingdom first, and then the talent ruler and breathing technique, these must be the Nanyuan Kingdom's caliber, but actually came from the instruction of Duanya Mountain.It seems that Cliff Mountain is really making full preparations for the upcoming catastrophe.

Regardless of whether there is a real catastrophe or not, Huayue Kingdom's idea is that this opportunity should not be missed.Whether it's cooperation or exchange, try every means to get similar treatment to Nanyuan Kingdom.

However, when Guo Yulong arrived at Yuanding Imperial City and met Yang Sheng, things made new progress.

Nanyuan Kingdom's condition is very simple, that is, Huayue Kingdom must make the emperor's endorsement, promising that when the catastrophe of heaven and earth comes, all the main combat forces in it will obey the unified dispatch of Duanya Mountain.As long as you agree to this, you can enjoy the same treatment as Nanyuan Country, and you can directly obtain the Talent Ruler and Breathing Technique.

"Is Your Majesty so sure about Duanya Mountain's statement about the catastrophe of heaven and earth?" Guo Yulong frowned and asked Yang Sheng, who was at the top.

As the leading general and the main figure who has been controlling the military deterrence and military balance against Nanyuan Kingdom for many years, Guo Yulong has experienced a huge change in Huayue Kingdom's strategy towards Nanyuan Kingdom in the past ten years.From the gradual annexation of the map to the close and friendly exchanges today, the changes are as big as in a dream.


But Guo Yulong never imagined that one day the Huayue Congress would hand over the command of the main combat power.Although there are many conditions and restrictions, and it is not handed over to a certain sovereign country, but to the power of Bluff Mountain, which is almost above the entire human race.But Guo Yulong still couldn't accept it.

"Hehe, Prince Long can actually look at this matter in a different way. For example, the catastrophe of heaven and earth is really coming, and it is even more dangerous than the situation that Qi Ye Kingdom faced before, so can Huayue Kingdom stand alone and stay out of it? If so, Then you can take this proposal as a joke. If not, why not unite together and ask for an asylum in advance?

And it's just a promise, even if it's an endorsement, it's limited to the premise of the Great Tribulation.Doesn't this hurt the foundation of Huayue country?
The talent ruler and breathing technique are given directly first.This even minimizes the risk of taking a gamble.I believe that even the emperor of your country would not want to miss out on this good deal. "

Guo Yulong didn't care if Yang Sheng accepted it or not.That is just a spokesperson for the Huayue royal family.It's not him who actually makes the decisions.

Yang Sheng used the emperor's mind to speculate on Emperor Huayue's thoughts, and it was easy to reach a consensus with him.Take the benefits first, and if something happens later, no one can escape anyway, so holding a group is also a good way.

What's wrong with answering?

"Then did your Majesty only pass these words to me, Huayue, or all countries have them?" Guo Yulong didn't express his opinion, but continued to ask other questions.

"Huayue is the most friendly country of in-laws in Nanyuan Kingdom. The ten princesses in Nanyuan Kingdom are all married to Huayue, so Huayue was the first to inform this news. But follow-up will continue according to the intention of Duanyashan Spread the word."

"Na Beiwu"

"Beiwu is not within the scope of this news." Yang Sheng smiled and gave Guo Yulong a firm answer directly.

"Hehe, that's good. When your Majesty's long-cherished wish for many years is about to be fulfilled, you can't be arrogant. It is a wise move to exclude Beiwu. However, with Beiwu's intelligence capabilities, not to mention the talent ruler, it is only a matter of breathing. They will sooner or later It should be available. Is Your Majesty prepared for this?"

"Prince Long, just rest assured. Regarding Beiwu, our country's strategy has not changed at all. This warning from Duanya Mountain may be a good opportunity. If the catastrophe comes, and Duanyashan can resist it, then take advantage of the opportunity to unify The great cause is also at the right time.

As for the breathing technique, although it is not as unpopular as "The Method of Refining Skin and Flesh with Medicine", it belongs to the real entry method of cliff mountain practice, but it is only an entry point.Without the support of the latter means, it is like a castle in the air, and it cannot be overcome by storms. "

"So there are other further methods for Nanyuan Guoqiu?"

"That's right. The Talent Ruler and Breathing Technique are both preliminary preparations. Later, Cliff Mountain will follow up with new arrangements, and that is the means to truly form combat power.

The exact means are still unknown.But I heard from Master Zhang that it should be a method similar to the joint attack method.It seems to be called a big formation. "

"Big array?"

In this way, Guo Yulong met with Yang Sheng many times with complicated emotions, and finally formally reached an agreement on behalf of Huayue Kingdom and Nanyuan Kingdom half a month later.Through the Nanyuan Kingdom, it promised to Duanyashan that "the command of the main combat power during the catastrophe of heaven and earth" will be handed over to Duanyashan.In exchange for the talent ruler and breathing technique they wanted.

And Huayue's cooperation quickly spread among the nations of the human race, including the conditions involved.

A promise, in exchange for such a generous benefit.No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem to be a loss!
one's door

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