one's door

Chapter 528 3 Eye

Those who have never seen the gap in the space above Xiaojiao Mountain in Qiye Kingdom will never understand "why is there a piece of sky missing", in fact it is not "missing" but a hole has been torn open.

The few spies who had turned off the lights long ago and observed quietly on the third floor of the vacant inn had held their breath. With fear and curiosity in their eyes, they knew that this time they had really bumped into a mutation.Moreover, the distance between them that day and the inn they were in was quite far, so it was relatively safe.After the news spread, this vote was enough for them to live a good life for two years.

"That should be the location of Hong Mingguo's palace, right?"

"That's right, it's above Hong Mingguo's palace. My god! The gap seems to be widening!"

Although it was covered by the dark night, the flashes of lightning in the rainy night could always illuminate a large area of ​​the sky from time to time, setting off the growing "gap" in the sky like a beast's mouth.

When the gap was illuminated by a few lightning bolts, it gradually became larger, and then suddenly there was a new change without warning.

It was as if it really opened a mouth and began to inhale into the mouth. After only three or two breaths, you could feel the vibration like the earth shaking and the mountain shaking, but the vibration came and went quickly, making the pale faces in the distance Before the spies could cry out in alarm, the vibration stopped.

Although the earthquake stopped for a moment, the terrifying changes in the distance did not.

At this time, there is only a gap of ten or twenty breaths away from the sky.Some terrified exclamations and screams from the palace could already be faintly heard.

After all, it is Hong Mingguo's palace. Although the emperor has escaped, there are too many things and places that need to be guarded.There are quite a few people staying inside.Now that the sudden change is imminent, it is natural to be terrified and more ominous.

"Fly, fly!"

"And it seems to be shrinking?! What's going on?!"

The swallowing and overlapping of space and the accompanying tearing, this kind of world-level thing cannot be understood by a few spies.They were just surprised that the huge Hong Mingguo Palace was so easily pulled out of the ground by an invisible force and taken into the air, and then it seemed to be inexplicably shrunk down to the size of the gap in the sky, and it was sucked in and disappeared. not see.

"Remember it!"

"I know, there is a breach in the sky, there is a huge earthquake on the ground for a moment, and it will become weirdly smaller when it is photographed in the sky, what else?"

"There is still a gap of ten or twenty breaths between the time when the breach appears and when the things on the ground are captured. This is very important, maybe you can escape if you see the breach in the sky in advance!"

One person said that the other had already taken out a small notebook from his arms, and was quickly taking notes with a pen sharpened with charcoal and tied with a bamboo tube.

"Hey, how much do you think we can earn this time? I think it should be twice as much as the last news, right?"

"Two times? At least three times! But let's move faster, but we need to be detailed enough. Wait a minute and see how the gap in the sky disappears."

The wait actually didn't take long.

After almost half a stick of incense, the gap in the sky that looked eerie and terrifying under the light of lightning was closing and disappearing rapidly.At that speed, it is estimated that at most there will be a cup of tea before it will disappear completely.


"It's a good thing that the hush will disappear. I'm really worried that that thing will keep eating, and we're afraid it will be dangerous at that time. From now on, we will switch between rest, and make sure that there is always one person who keeps his eyes open and observes the surroundings. Otherwise, if we are run away by this kind of thing Getting to the top of your head and not being able to run in time will be a disaster. God knows what will happen if you suck it in?"

The two were talking, imagining how much money they would have on hand after the ticket was completed.He even planned to continue to treat this business as a business, feeling that he had already grasped the early rules of Hong Mingguo's changes, which was tantamount to picking up money.

"Huh? Did you see it just now? Something seems to come out of it?"

"Come out? What?"

"I don't know, it's too far away. At the moment when the breach closed just now, it seemed that a few small black spots rushed out of it."

"Impossible. There are no traces of things that disappear, so how can there be any possibility of returning."

The two of them leaned together by the window, looking in the direction of Hong Mingguo's palace in the distance, but they hadn't seen lightning for a long time, and they couldn't see anything with their eyesight, only the darkness and the gradually increasing rainstorm.

"Did I see it wrong?" One of them rubbed his eyes. He wasn't sure if he saw it wrong. After all, the black dots were very small, and it's not surprising that they were far away.He always felt weird in his heart, and seemed a little flustered.

Another series of thunderclaps sounded from the sky, and the thunder rolled in, and two breaths before the sound came out, there were bright lightning bolts, and the lightning once again illuminated a large area of ​​the sky.

But what they saw in the darkness this time was not the "Hong Mingguo Palace in the distance" but something close at Chi Chi, less than ten feet away from their windows.


In the thunder, it wasn't just the ears that trembled, but the whole person was frightened stupid.

With the flashes of lightning, it was dark and rainy, and it was not too far away, but five figures appeared in front of the window less than ten feet away, hovering in the rainy night sky.

The sudden shock caused the two people in front of the window to realize that something was wrong. The murderous intent emanating from the five people in front of them made people shudder, and it was obvious that the visitors were not good.

And these five people may not be human.Is there anyone with three eyes? !

Although they didn't know the situation, the instinct to face danger made the two spies react quickly, and turned around to run outside.But before they took two steps, they felt severe pain in their legs, and then found that their legs and knees were all broken.I could only fall to the ground and scream.

They didn't know that what smashed their knees was just a piece of rain that was blown in, but it had the effect of hitting like a sledgehammer.If there are monks present, it will be recognized at a glance that this method is a very standard five-element water attribute method.It's not even that advanced.

Then the five people outside the window floated in from outside one after another, and then looked down at the scout who was screaming on the ground while struggling to turn around and crawl behind, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if he was smiling.

Then there is the exchange of words, but the words are not the same as Huang Tianyu.

The two spies didn't understand at all.But at this time they knew that they were in danger this time.Five guys who can fly and not just count and say a long list of things they don't understand at all.

What the hell are these guys? !
And one of the spies wondered in his heart, could it be that these guys were really the ones he saw running out of the opening in the sky that was about to close? !There are still living things in that breach? !
one's door

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