one's door

Chapter 530

Although Zhang Yan had tried his best, the span of the last barrier of Tongxuan Realm was still far beyond his imagination.

Even though his semi-immortal body is nearly half as strong as it was more than a year ago, he still hasn't really touched the last hurdle.

In fact, if it weren't for the worrying news that Hong Mingguo often sent back, Zhang Yan himself would not be busy breaking through to the Tongxuan Realm.He could even stay in Tongxuan Realm for another ten years with peace of mind.

But it is obvious that Huang Tianyu's current situation cannot give him another ten years, and even giving him another year seems to be enough.

Just a few days ago, Baronka and Xu Fengyang had returned to the God Realm again.Even if there is a sword formation arranged by Zhang Yan to guard the entrance and exit of the God Realm, it is not foolproof. If there is another gap in the space between the God Realm and the normal world like the previous monsters, the usefulness of the sword formation will be weakened by most.

In addition, for Xu Fengyang and Baronka, staying in the lower realm does not play much role.They are still used to staying in the God Realm.

Over the past decade or so, Baronka's strength has risen rapidly.And Xu Fengyang fell behind Baronka.

On the one hand, Baronka deliberately postponed the practice tips given by Zhang Yan and did not give them to Xu Fengyang immediately afterwards, which delayed Xu Fengyang a lot of time.

On the other hand, when Xu Fengyang came to Duanya Mountain last time and wanted to take advantage of Zhang Yan, Zhang Yan gave him a good meal.The penetrating chest injury made him work hard to recover for the first five years, and with another calculation by Baronka, the superposition of the two sides naturally fell behind.

But Xu Fengyang didn't say a word about it.Honestly recuperating, accepting the result of being swayed by Baronka honestly, honestly began to integrate the soul art of the turtle and some basic spiritual knowledge given by Zhang Yan to integrate his own practice system.

But no matter for Xu Fengyang or Baronka, these ten years are still too short.Although the progress is not small, it is tantamount to daydreaming to completely integrate the method that I have practiced for thousands of years with the spiritual practice system in ten years.If it wasn't for the resurgence in the Huangtian Territory, they would not want to move.

So now the entire lower realm of Huangtianyu is controlled by Zhang Yan.

As for the Yaozu, they were lucky both times, and they were not affected by the tearing of space at all.Unless the Huangtian Territory was suppressed and fell into a desperate situation of being torn apart, there was no need to take care of the Yaozu's territory for the time being.

And the unlucky human race who bear the brunt now has the most basic self-protection power.This force is divided into two parts.

One is the part of the power selected by Zhang Yan to form the "Zhou Tian Star Fighting Formation".These forces can split and combine to participate in the future fight with alien creatures in a relatively flexible way.

The second is the warrior system that existed before, and it is also the system with the largest number. These forces will form battle formations with soldiers from various countries to deal with the relatively low invading forces that inevitably exist in the opposite world.

Of course, they are all assumptions, and no one knows whether they will work or not.

But just when time was pressing in all aspects, Zhang Yan was suddenly interrupted from his practice and opened his eyes.At first, there was a flash of doubt, and then the corners of the mouth slightly turned up.


accident?Of course it was unexpected.Zhang Yan didn't expect that there would be an aura that was different from the human race, the demon race, and the demon species around his cliff mountain.And these breaths are also accompanied by not weak soul fluctuations and mana fluctuations.

Are there creatures with this special aura and cultivation base in the Desolate Heaven Territory?

The answer can be known without thinking, these strange creatures that suddenly broke into the range of the cliff mountain must not be roots in the wild sky, but the extraterritorial creatures that Zhang Yan has been waiting to appear.

"It's actually possible to sneak in before the world officially starts to tear apart. Tsk tsk, these things seem to have a good understanding of space.

However, it seems that the means of spells and magic circles do not match their cultivation.Somewhat strange. "

Over the years, Zhang Yan's perception has become more and more integrated into the nature of the world with his cultivation base and the continuous cultivation of the immortal essence to the primordial spirit.Just like his physical body, the closer he gets to the fairy body, the closer he is to the origin of heaven and earth.Now as long as he is willing, not to mention the surrounding area of ​​Cliff Mountain, every plant and tree in the entire Changhu County can be shrouded in his perception.And no one can notice.

Do you feel that a gust of wind and a ray of sunshine are different?No, then you won't feel anything strange about Zhang Yan's perceptual envelope.

Zhang Yan arranged many magic circles around the cliff mountain.One by one, they are like dense spider webs, each one is entangled with the other continuously, and all of them are rooted in the leylines at the foot of the cliff mountain, relying on the aura below the mountain endlessly.

The most peripheral of these magic circles are actually some basic detection circles, which will not have any active power effects, and only exist as a "visitor reminder that will not make a sound".The purpose is to remind the disciples who are in charge of the external affairs of Duanya Mountain and the disciples who guard the mountain gate.

It belongs to a very low-level but very concealed magic circle.Low level because its power is simple.Concealment is because it is too simple, and clear water is naturally difficult to be noticed.

But even concealment should have a limit.In Zhang Yan's perception, the mana fluctuations of the three extraterritorial creatures that broke into the range of the cliff mountain were all in the early to middle stage of the combined state.

With such a cultivation base, there is no reaction to the formation on the outermost edge of the cliff mountain.This is abnormal and contradictory.

The contradiction lies in the fact that Zhang Yan, the cornerstone of the formation method that Wang Nian found from the Hongming Guoxiu Yuehai site, had actually discovered it after more than a year of research.The texture of the magic circle is exquisite and a different way.For a time, Zhang Yan felt that although the other party was not good at refining weapons, the construction of the magic circle should be very powerful.

But the performance of the three extraterritorial creatures in front of him was contrary to Zhang Yan's previous judgment on their attainment of formations.

Either these three people's dabbling in formations is so shallow that they can't represent the level of formations in the opposite world.But this may be too far-fetched, Zhang Yan thinks it is unlikely.After all, they are the spies sent in advance. Judging by their strength, they must be the elite who have been selected from thousands of people. They won't leave such an obvious shortcoming, right?
The other possibility is that the cultivation system of these creatures outside the territory is also incomplete, with a hammer here and a hammer here.Whether it is the refining method or the magic circle, they are all very scientific.

The space magic circle is exquisite, but it doesn't necessarily have such a magnificent precipitation and foundation as the Taoism gate.

These thoughts and conjectures just came to a conclusion in Zhang Yan's mind in an instant.For an incomplete world similar to the Desolate Sky Territory, you can't expect it to give birth to the same magnificent practice methods as the legendary era of the earth.

I sent a sound transmission to Wang Nian and the others, and asked them to restrain their disciples from going down the mountain.Then Zhang Yan disappeared from the secret room of Dengyun Palace.The next moment appeared at the foot of the mountain.

Wearing a coarse cloth bunt, with a hatchet pinned to his waist, and dry firewood on his back.Completely dressed as a woodcutter in the mountains.

one's door

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