one's door

Chapter 532 Acting

Zhang Yan has his plan.

The situation in Cliff Mountain cannot be kept from the other party's knowledge at all, but they cannot be known too much.Need to grasp the proportions.

As for directly exterminating these alien creatures that invaded the cliff mountain, Zhang Yan had no such intention from the beginning.

Why kill it?Just a few extraterritorial creatures that are probing forward, even if they are extinct, they can't change any problems.Isn't this a disguised way to increase the difficulty of defense?
So Zhang Yan told the disciples in the mountain not to come down the mountain, and he came out to meet them himself, in order to make good use of this accident and turn it into another possibility that is beneficial to Huangtianyu and Duanya Mountain.

Even after Zhang Yan approached, the three extraterritorial creatures couldn't find him.

The other party's deception method is so common, it can't be called exquisite at all, even a second-generation disciple of Duanya Mountain like Wang Nian can do better than these three extraterritorial creatures.This also further confirmed Zhang Yan's previous guess that these extraterritorial creatures are still very partial in terms of practice.It is far from being as perfect and magnificent as Daomen.

With Zhang Yan's ability, he naturally saw through the opponent's deception at a glance, and also saw the opponent's true face at once.

how to say?

As far as Zhang Yan is concerned, these extraterritorial creatures in front of him look much more pleasing to the eye than the previous monsters.It is also in the form of a human, and has the same distribution of limbs as the human race. Although there are differences, they are not so different.The limbs are slender, and there is an extra vertical eye on the forehead, this is the main difference.

In addition, these extraterritorial creatures seem to have a silent means of communication, which does not rely on mana or spells, and only needs their hands to rest on their companions.

Is it telepathic?
Afterwards, Zhang Yan had no choice but to speak by himself, arousing the other party's idea with a folk song he heard from a woodcutter in other mountains, and then he formally entered the role of woodcutter that he specially played.

I was thinking of using illusion to cover the other party first, but I didn't expect the other party to use this idea.This made Zhang Yan change his mind immediately, and chose to stand still for the time being, wanting to see what the other party was going to do first.Because the illusion was used, it meant that the other party didn't want to use force against him for the time being.Could it be that he also wants to find out his reality?
So Zhang Yan directly acted according to his current identity as a woodcutter. He didn't even try to dodge or shield the opponent's illusion, and he endured it, just like an ordinary woodcutter should have. look.

It's just that Zhang Yan's current soul doesn't care about this level of illusion at all. While showing his expression and reaction according to the power of illusion, he can observe the other party in an upright manner.

"What's your name, why can you come to the cliff mountain to chop firewood?"

Just this one question can already stand up the cautious attitude of these three extraterrestrial creatures.Sure enough, those who were sent to investigate did not have fuel-efficient lamps.

"My name is Zhang Er. The firewood was cut outside the cliff mountain. I took a shortcut from the back to deliver firewood to the monks and masters on the cliff mountain." Zhang Yan's reaction was not slow.Although acting was not his original plan, it seems good for him to follow the other party's train of thought now. …

The firewood is from the firewood house in the mountain, and Zhang Yan moved it here.It is true that it was not cut in the cliff mountain.The mountains are almost full of spirit species or spirit-like species, it would be a pity to chop them down and use them as firewood.Therefore, the firewood burned in the mountains is collected from outside.Not enough is not delivered by someone, but by the disciples of the lower sect to go to the town to buy it, and then put it back in the storage bag after buying it.

So Zhang Yan's answer is half-truth and half-false.Not to mention the three-eyed people in Hu Nong, people who have not studied the cliffs carefully can also be fooled.

Sure enough, the three three-eyed people looked at the firewood on Zhang Yan's back after hearing the words, and then nodded.These firewood really don't look like the surrounding vegetation with a little aura.

"You said you are going to go up the cliff mountain now, right?"


"Do you know how many monks there are in the mountains?"

"I don't know. But at least 200 people. In the past few years, I heard that the mountain accepts 50 apprentices at a time, and now there should be more than 200 people." Zhang Yan's expression seemed to be trapped in fear, but his voice was as unrestrained as a machine. A nonchalant answer.

"Huh? Are you saying that Cliff Mountain has only recently started recruiting?"

"Yes, it's only been a dozen years."

Only ten years? !
The three three-eyed people glanced at each other again, and they didn't expect that the cliff mountain actually belonged to the "newborn" stage.In such a short period of time, even if the sect master is indeed very strong, the power of the cliff mountain must be limited in such a short period of time.This invisibly directly lowered the "strength" of Cliff Mountain by several levels.

"200 people, isn't this enough firewood?" He seemed more relaxed in his heart, but the question was closely related to the news that Zhang Yan said before.Little did they know that Zhang Yan deliberately exposed the opening for them to crawl along.

"Not enough, the firewood on my back is only enough for three to five days. After this trip, I have to send it a few more times." Seeing the other party taking the bait, Zhang Yan's voice remained calm.He himself probably didn't expect that he would be so stable in acting.

Sure enough, I heard one of the three-eyed people say: "You can find helpers, ask three more people to help, just run once."

"I don't have the money to hire someone to help. And the firewood hasn't been chopped yet. I'm planning to go to the back hill to chop some for the second trip tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"You don't have to worry about these. The two of us happen to be fine, we are your friends, and we will bring firewood with you to go up the mountain. Do you understand?"

"I understand."

Naturally, the three three-eyed people would not let go of such an excellent opportunity.Following the woodcutter in front of him, pretending to help deliver firewood, he went all the way up the mountain, exploring the situation in the mountain openly.Two go into the mountain, leaving one to meet at the foot of the mountain.Although the plan is simple, it is an absolute and extremely profitable method.

After a while, he once again disguised himself as a woodcutter dressed like Zhang Yan, and then collected two stacks of firewood on the outer mountain with the same weight as Zhang Yan's back.

"Let's go. Continue with your previous plan."

The three three-eyed people consciously arranged everything, and then woke up Zhang Yan who was trapped in a terrifying illusion, and then gave him a new illusion.Using the consciousness manipulation in the hallucination, he directed Zhang Yan like a puppet and began to walk towards the climbing road.

The two three-eyed men pretending to be woodcutters had no idea that Zhang Yan, whom they thought was under control, was actually quietly using the power of rules to slowly change the magic circles that he had arranged on the mountain climbing road, so that The magic circle that was originally used to test new disciples changed rapidly.

fantasy?Zhang Yan is actually very good at it.What's more, with the blessing of the magic circle, he didn't think the two extraterrestrial creatures behind him could resist the magic circle with their understanding.

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