one's door

Chapter 538 Divine Guard

Chapter 538 Divine Guard
The turmoil in the space between the snow-capped mountains quickly became intense, but there was no space change like Hong Mingguoli did, but that kind of space gap did appear, but it was "very small".

The five three-eyed clansmen who arrived at the Desolate Sky Territory first, as the former explorers, were standing side by side on the top of a towering snow-capped mountain, and above them was the gap in space that was much smaller than when Hong Mingguo changed. mouth.

The five three-eyed people all had smiles on their faces.They have been impatient for this year.

After completing the investigation and confirmation of the distribution of the main forces in the Huangtian Territory, the five three-eyed people focused on preparing for the subsequent entry of their companions, and built a large-scale underground frontier stronghold in this ice and snow field. It is in the belly of the snow mountain where they are standing now.

"Several months behind schedule. But it's here!"

"This is also a matter of no choice. After all, if you want to break through the space barrier, you must rely on the formal erosion of the edge boundary here, otherwise the void barrier will not be able to come through at all. Although it is a few months later than the expected time, this world is not too far away. There's no danger to watch out for. So there won't be any impact."

"That's right, so what's the problem even if it's later? We just need to control the cliff mountain first. If Huang Tianyu wins at that time, our family will move here again. With such a treasure land as the cliff mountain, our clan will definitely move forward It's a big step. If Edge World wins, just remove the Cliff Mountain, including the spiritual veins below it.

I have a hunch that this time will be a rare and great benefit to our clan. "

"Look! It seems to be Shenwei!?"

"Huh? It's really a divine guard! The leader seems to be Commander Xiao!"

"Let's go! Commander Xiao is here in person, I can't wait to meet him!"

The five three-eyed people looked at the gap in the sky and saw a group of armored people swarming out of it. Looking at the style of the armor and the bright silver color, Ben stood on the snow-capped mountain. They straightened their expressions and quickly rose up against the sky to meet them.

Shenwei, as the name suggests, is the guard of the three-eyed clan who guards the god king.The number is no more than ten thousand, but each of them has the strength not weaker than these five detectives.Coupled with the equipment and battle array of the divine guard, even the strong ones at the elder level can consume the opponent to death through attrition.Unless it is the level of strength of the god king, the god guard will be invincible wherever he goes.

This is not the bragging of the three-eyed tribe, but the brilliant results they have obtained after nearly ten times of world devouring battles.

Even in a certain sense, the way of survival of the three-eyed people with left and right horizontal stripes is really in line with the incomplete world.Just like the Turtleback that once existed and was powerful in the Desolate Sky Territory.

If Huang Tianyu didn't have such an unexpected appearance as Zhang Yan, he should and could only choose this path.

The five three-eyed people who had explored the Huangtian Territory for more than a year soon met the scattered array of guards.After a while, the gap was closed and disappeared, but there were obviously not ten thousand divine guards entering here, about five thousand.

"See Commander Xiao!"

Known as "Xiao" is the first three-eyed tribe to step out of the space breach and wear a light golden armor with a sheathed long knife hanging on his waist.There are several scars vertically and horizontally on the face, and the vertical eye on the forehead is also pierced by a scar. Even if it is opened, it is not as open as other three-eyed people.Exuding a kind of extreme toughness all over his body.

"How are you building the frontier stronghold?" Xiao looked at the vast snow-capped mountains and uninhabited scene around him, and asked the five former detectives who were saluting to him.No politeness.

The blunt attitude did not make the five former detectives feel anything wrong.

Shenwei, as the strongest fighting force in the three-eyed clan, his arrogance is certain.Even if they treat their own race, as divine guards, they don't need to be friendly with any existence other than the divine king.In contrast, Shenwei's achievements have always been dazzling in the three-eyed clan, and his status is very high. The dream of almost every three-eyed clan is to become a member of Shenwei one day.

And to become a detective between worlds is actually to become a substitute for Shenwei.Therefore, the five predecessors have more yearning and respect.After all, the "Commander Xiao" in front of them is an absolute strongman who has directly participated in the fight between worlds three times.

"Commander Xiao, it's finished, it's in the mountains below."

"Well. Let's go, first go down and settle down the guards, and then you guys will tell me the details of this investigation."


A group of five thousand three-eyed people descended from the sky, and then entered the snow-capped mountain through an opening in the middle of the mountain.It took less than half a stick of incense before and after to disappear.It seemed as if everything just now had never happened.

In the middle of the snow-capped mountain, there are chasm-like rooms opened up by using the five-element earth attribute technique.There are five floors up and down, and it can accommodate up to 5000 people.Among them, the functional configuration is also arranged according to the needs of the military camp of the army along the way.This is a skill that all three-eyed family detectives need to master.

The god guards are well-trained to order and prohibit.As soon as Xiao gave the order to "rest the camp", his deputy immediately began to prepare and arrange for his subordinates to rest.Although no one feels tired, it is also very important to adjust the mentality before the battle.And when you come to a new world, you don't start cutting right away.Takes time to examine and judge.

The information from the previous investigation can only be used as a basis, and the real decision must be made on the ground.

"According to what you said, the forces in this desolate world are far inferior to ours, right? Then how did they evolve to where they are now? You should be clear about the laws that swallowing between worlds generally follows." Bar?"

"Commander Xiao, we are naturally aware of the law of world devouring you mentioned, but there is indeed no opponent in Huangtianyu who can compete with our clan. Not to mention the five thousand guards you came here this time, even if you No one alone can hurt you. What's more, my family has not always evolved with the world, but moved a lot, so the strength between the worlds can be used to measure the strength of creatures. We feel that we can't use it for the time being. On the comparison of the creatures in the wild world."

"Oh? Your opinion is that the creatures here in the Desolate Sky Territory didn't move around in various worlds like ours, but the original creatures that naturally evolved in this world?!"

"Yes, Commander Xiao. This is the conclusion we came to after repeated confirmations in several surrounding countries while building the frontier stronghold. They have not survived in this world for less than ten thousand years. They should be very lucky. He won all the way in this world, so he didn't recognize the essence of the world at all. Not to mention moving multiple worlds to obtain resources and inheritance.

So Commander Xiao can rest assured that there is no power in this world that can threaten the divine guard. "

(End of this chapter)

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