one's door

Chapter 543

Chapter 543

It is still between the mountains and mountains, at first glance, it is still so beautiful that it can be called a scenery.But the three-eyed man in the air, who was already in ragged clothes, pale and bleeding from many injuries, didn't care to look at the scenery at all.

As a leader of the three-eyed clan, he leads a hundred soldiers, but his knowledge is far beyond that of ordinary three-eyed clan.Experience is always iron blood and fire.

The elite of the elite is not only talking about combat effectiveness, but also resilience.

Only this time, for the first time, the leader of the hundred guards felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.Even the fear that he didn't want to admit but had to admit.

Fake!all fake!
Every time the knife cuts down, the flesh, muscles and bones cut by the blade are so real.Being killed by a knife attack, it is also so difficult to pick up.

Whether it is offense or defense, they all come from the power system of the three-eyed guards. Even the trajectory of the attack and the formation of the combined attack array are the bottom-line means of the three-eyed guards.

Touching the wounds on his chest and back, the stinging pain and clamminess also reminded him of the memories left in countless life and death struggles.That's what this injury feels like.

None of this is wrong!

But even though they are all so true, the leader of the guard is convinced in his heart that these "truths" are all fake!
The reason why he is so sure is not because he has found any clues that can be used to prove the falsification, but because of his inner thoughts and trust.

Maybe at the beginning, because he had never experienced the scene before him, he would subconsciously react in an emergency, but after repeated changes in things that violated his deep-rooted beliefs, he had already reacted.

False, no matter how real it is, it will be false after all.

Because as the three-eyed god guard, he is the shield of the guard god king, and also the sharpest knife in the god king's hand.How could there be shameless and unreasonable things like running away, mutiny or even committing crimes just to escape?
Shenwei would rather be torn to pieces than back down from the enemy and danger!This is the most basic belief and perseverance of being a divine guard.

So, everything is an illusion.They are all means created by the enemy to interfere and attack him!
This speculation can be described as hitting the nail on the head.If he is knowledgeable, he will jump out at this time and tell him that the difficulty he is going through at this moment is called phantom array.To put it in more detail, it can be called the phantom killing array.

But knowing that he was trapped in the phantom array and being able to break free are actually two different things.

It's like dreaming.Sometimes dreaming of those particularly outrageous dreams will immediately reflect that I am in a dream.But wanting to get out of the dream is not something that can be done with a single thought.

It's not easy to get out of a natural physiological phenomenon like a dream, let alone a phantom killing formation specially made to take your life?
If you want to be able to run out of it, you must find the real contradiction in this phantom formation.If you can't find it, you have to deliberately create contradictions in the phantom array.When these contradictory points are enough to cause unresolvable conflicts between the narrative and evolution of the illusion, the illusion array will be broken.

certainly.Using one's own cultivation base to forcibly crush all the basic units that construct the illusion, one can also get out of the predicament with one effort.And this is also the most direct method that these three-eyed people trapped in the phantom array can think of.

It's a pity that the other end of the seesaw was firmly pressed down by the hands of the people who set up the formation, and they couldn't lift it up.And are still consuming each other.

In fact, what the leader of the guard experienced was not all false.

The most realistic fantasy is nothing more than a skeleton made of illusion and filled with reality.You think it is realistic, but in fact it is just a real thing happening under a fake framework.

For example, such things as "running away" and "mutiny of soldiers" are naturally false.It is true that there is no betrayal and chaos in the dignified guards who just ignore the danger.So it's fake.

And these fake ones are just the "skeleton" of the entire illusion.All subsequent realities are filled in these skeletons.

For example, the series of fights experienced by the commander of the divine guard.The targets of fighting are all real, and the real ones are also divine guards like him, those under his command.

What the leader of the guard saw was the narrative of "fleeing" and "mutiny" and then under this skeleton.Including the subsequent fighting is also under this narrative context.

But what the other guards saw was the narrative of the leader under the framework of "fleeing in battle" and "fighting in disorder".What they have to face is the real fight against them by the real leader under the false narrative context.

Going around might seem a bit counterintuitive.To sum it up, the people on both sides were blindfolded and fought against each other.Thinking that the one who cut himself was the enemy, but in fact it was each other.

However, a leader in the middle stage of the Composite Realm can't kill hundreds of companions who are mixed in the early and middle stages of the Composite Realm.If it is really possible to fight against a hundred with one enemy, it is too superficial, and it is easy to find a loophole to tear open the gap in the illusion.

Therefore, as the side of the formation, it is impossible to fill the narrative in the formation in one go for convenience.Instead, it needs to be done step by step, and when the other party is blindfolded, some hoods with reversed identities are needed to mix and match.In this way, the real battlefield is divided into more than a dozen.

So far it seems to be working fine.Almost reached the best idea of ​​the plan.

Shi Xuan was on the front line of the ambush.He needs to see what kind of quality the enemy is.And adjust and combine how to play the remaining cards according to the opponent's reaction to the cards.What I want is to kill the enemy stably and reduce self-injury.

"Mark all those corpses with number plates and collect them, including their clothes and scattered weapons. Nothing about these guys can be missed!"

"Let the people from Huayue Kingdom start to come up, and replace the exhausted manpower according to the training method to rest. The people from the outer circle will follow up to replace the vacancies left after Huayue Kingdom came in."

"The fifth battle circle is over. Gather it up and superimpose the formation disk into the third circle. But don't start a fight immediately, let him rest first, and start after regaining some strength. Be sure to use every ounce of their strength Just squeeze it out."

"Continue to stabilize the number one circle, and continue to add firewood to him. He must be completely squeezed out."

Circle number one is the enemy who is clearly the leader.Shi Xuan needs a few tongues, of course, what he wants to master most is this kind of thinking.There are three others who were targeted by him.

This grind lasted for two full days.The phantom circle has shrunk to the last four.And the collected corpses have already filled a large area, more than 70.

Corresponding to these corpses are more than [-] monks from the Cliff Camp who have been exhausted and paralyzed because of this.

(End of this chapter)

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