one's door

Chapter 546 Exclusive

Chapter 546 Exclusive
Regarding the three-eyed family, Zhang Yan now claims to have a general understanding of it.

It is indeed an ethnic group with an extremely long history. It has evolved for nearly 10 years and has experienced more than ten worlds. It has formed a more complete power system than the Huangtianyu, and is more aggressive at the same time.

Zhang Yan called these three-eyed tribes "wild dogs", not worthy of being called gods.

When their own world can win, they will go to the opposite world to move things, resources, and inheritance.Conversely, if the world they are in is about to lose, they will move and run to the opposite world to occupy the magpie's nest.

Different from the natural evolution of the world, the three-eyed tribe will deal a devastating blow to the indigenous creatures wherever they go.They will eliminate all the living creatures that are used as food for their own survival, and the existence that is too powerful to be exterminated.

And Zhang Yan also got a general understanding of the three-eyed family's practice system.

Three of the four people captured belonged to the divine guards of the three-eyed clan, and the divine guards were equivalent to the Imperial City Guards on their side, belonging to the top combat power of the establishment.It is also an important force used in the world attack.Therefore, the three-eyed tribe who joined Shenwei can only be the elite of the elite.

Including those three-eyed clansmen who acted as forward scouts, they were actually elites, and they meant the reserves of divine guards.

And below Shenwei, most of the three-eyed people are individuals with ordinary cultivation.

The overall strong and weak structure is not out of the pyramid structure of practice.And just like Taoism, these three-eyed people also need to realize Taoism in the process of practice.It's just that their "Tao" is not very different. The four three-eyed people whose memories were searched by Zhang Yan's Soul Seizure have similar cognitions about "Tao", which shows that their understanding of Tao is the same.

If this is placed in the Taoist sect, it will belong to the Arabian Nights.

According to Taoism, there are three thousand great ways, and there are countless details to achieve Taoism.Everyone has different personalities, encounters, and perceptions, and even the same category of "Tao" will have obvious deviations in their respective cognitive levels.This is why Taoism often talks about "self-enlightenment" and never mentions "learning from" when it comes to enlightenment.Because any slight difference will have a profound impact on the process of enlightenment and lead to fallacies, so the saying "enlightenment can only depend on oneself" runs through Taoist monks from beginning to end.

What puzzled Zhang Yan was, could it be that the Enlightenment of the three-eyed family could communicate with each other like they pass messages? !

What is that natural ability called?Yes, it's called "Interaction of Spiritual Consciousness"!
Use spiritual knowledge to convey the understanding of the Tao?Or even pass on the "reason" gained from comprehension?This sounds unreliable but seems to work?
Zhang Yan followed this line of thought in his mind, maybe the habitual killing of "useless" creatures for them by the three-eyed tribe in order to purify the world is actually leading to their enlightenment An external cause of a single and interconnected context?
Because the entire ethnic group is interacting with each other, the way of thinking, thinking habits, and thinking purposes of the entire ethnic group are all similar, and the evolution of tens of thousands of years has brought this infinite similarity to synchronization.

Knowing this, Zhang Yan is no longer interested in the practice of these three-eyed people.He even dared to assert that even if the three-eyed clan did not meet him, it would not be possible for them to become such a perfect cultivation system as the Taoist sect.

Because being single doesn't matter to an individual, and there are even many benefits.For example, because you can learn from other people's successful experience and lessons, it is equivalent to holding some answers, and it is almost impossible to make mistakes.This greatly increased the chances of the three-eyed people surviving disasters in their practice.Even if it is a catastrophe.

Otherwise, how could there be tens of thousands of body-fitting monks in a place where the world is still not perfect?

But it is all bad for the ethnic group.

If there is no change, there will be no change, and if there is no change, there will be fewer variables, which will block thousands of new possibilities that may emerge in the change.

Zhang Yan also understood why the practice system of these three-eyed people was too serious.

He no longer cared about the opponent's cultivation system, but Zhang Yan still cared about the opponent's upper limit of strength.The messages from the four three-eyed people to Zhang Yan all had direct answers to this point, and they were all the same, but the details were not very clear.

For example, there is only one strongest person in the three-eyed family, and that is the king of gods.Further down are the twelve elders under the throne of God.Further down is the master of the elder's preaching hall, and after that is the commander of the divine guard and the divine guard.

Based on the strength of the divine guard, Zhang Yan came to the conclusion that the divine king is at least at the late stage of the Tongxuan realm, and the elder is at the middle stage, and so on.

Is it possible for the king of gods to step into the fairyland?

Zhang Yan thought it was possible.After all, the characteristics of the three-eyed people make them single-minded and rarely change in their enlightenment, but once they meet people with extraordinary talents, it is very beneficial to only strengthen their cultivation.

It's just that although there is a possibility, it is not great.

In addition, there is another message hidden in the subconscious of the four three-eyed people, or a hidden cognition.In the end, it was carefully refined by Zhang Yan.

That is a method called "Space Meditation".This kind of method needs to be practiced after at least stepping into the body-fitting state, and it belongs to the high-end method of the three-eyed family.But it's not a secret skill.Just like the method of gathering the soul of the Taoist sect, each sect has it and the difference is not too big.

But for Zhang Yan, this is something he has never been exposed to, and it is very applicable to the environment he is in now.

Because the use of "space meditation" can construct a window similar to induction between oneself and the world in which one lives.Then through this window, you can roughly see the overall situation of the world, or whether it is stable.If you use it right now, you can almost grasp the progress of the world you are in when it is bitten by other worlds.Then make a prediction of victory or defeat in advance based on experience.

It can be said that the three-eyed family can move around in so many worlds and continue to this day, and this "space meditation" is indispensable.

Now this method is in Zhang Yan's hands.

But you got it.Zhang Yan couldn't use it right away.Because of the difference in the practice system, although Zhang Yan has reached the threshold of practicing this method, it also needs a series of adjustments.So there is no rush.

At present, although the information about the three-eyed family made Zhang Yan clearly understand the enemy of this world war, it did not change his pace.He is still going to take "stepping into the fairyland as soon as possible and sticking to the wild world" as his first goal.

It's just that the final level of the Tongxuan Realm exceeded Zhang Yan's expectation again, and the time limit had already exceeded what he thought at first, but fortunately, he had officially touched the last layer of barrier.Now it's time to make the final adjustments, and then you can officially launch an impact on the Immortal Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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