one's door

Chapter 548 Seduction

Chapter 548 Seduction
The supreme leader of the three-eyed family came in person, so naturally he would no longer be as silent as before.I won't play any small fights with you.

Lie Jing personally held the line.The six elders under his command and the reorganized guards came out in full force.

"Destroy the Three Kingdoms first, and see their reaction." That's how Lie Jing ordered Xiao Xiao.He didn't care how to beat him, he just wanted to see if Cliff Mountain would come out to fight because the three countries were wiped out.

Xiao is now relaxed.This wild world made him feel very strange.Before, I was worried that I would fall into a place of eternal doom if I was careless.Now that there are six elders, and His Majesty the Divine King personally sits in charge, how difficult is it to sweep this world?
After all, the three-eyed family didn't do this kind of thing once or twice.Xiao has confidence in the power of the Protoss.

So a massacre without a prelude started in a straight line southward from the Snow Mountain stronghold.

Perhaps the people in the Ice and Snow Northland were too weak, so weak that the Cliff Camp hadn't even been established, so Xiao didn't set his target here at all.Instead, it targets those countries that have set up cliff camps.

The tactics adopted by Xiao are also very simple, that is, first spread to the middle and then spread to the surface.

Often at the beginning of a war, the king of a country disappears together with the highest ruling class of the country, and then all parts of the country act like headless flies.

It would not be difficult for [-] strong people in the combined state to overturn mountains and seas just by relying on the power of spells. Together, a ground trap technique can directly bury a large city with a radius of tens of miles to tens of feet underground. deep place.

Naturally, there is also the power to resist.Whether it was the warriors after the buff, or the monks of the Cliff Camp holding the "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array" and the array plate, although the attack came suddenly, they still pushed forward.

This is more than a month in a flash.

Regardless of the reaction or resistance of the nations of the human race, it will not change the outcome of the successive destruction of the three targeted countries.

"My lord. After sweeping all the way, the three countries have now been wiped out."

"How's the loss?"

"A total of 190 guards died in battle, and 370 injured two." Xiao's tone was weak.This kind of battle damage is not glorious, and it can even be said to be very embarrassing.You must know that this is the result of Shenwei's fight when the six elders are holding the line and making moves to solve the game from time to time.

That is a group of enemies like ants!Why was it possible to condense such a strange and incomparable ultimate move method? !

Xiao couldn't figure it out, and at the same time, he felt chills on the back of the "array" that the enemy obviously used.

Under normal circumstances, even a god guard can't resist the humble dog-like monks who can only be slaughtered, but they can gather their meager spiritual power among themselves by virtue of the formation called "Zhoutian Xingdou Grand Formation" and then Perform various group-like spells.And this kind of large formation seems to be infinitely superimposed.When the number reaches [-], one or two hundred guards will find it very difficult in a head-on conflict.

And with those arrays.A moment of illusion, a moment of defense, and a moment of trapping, the tricks are simply outrageous.

However, for formations, especially phantom formations, Shenwei has almost no resistance.It needs to rely on the elders to work together to solve the situation.But even so, there were still many casualties.

One of the biggest casualties was also the loss of the most guards who had bloodbathed the three countries in that war. A total of more than 110 guards died in this war.

Because when the number of the opponent's monks is superimposed to [-] people, coupled with a large number of so-called warriors of the human race, the combat power soars too much.Among them, those warriors in the Nine Gates Realm are also quite powerful.

With a crowd of [-], three or two elders could not solve the phantom formation together, and it took at least five elders to barely solve it.And the other party has learned to be smart, and they are more open, and they will continue to be trapped when they untie one side and the other side.Naturally, there were a lot of casualties during the exhaustion.

"What can you see?"

"Your Majesty, my subordinates believe that the subsequent battles should avoid large-scale frontal battles as much as possible. Instead, we should adopt the method of small penetration and interspersed tearing to deal with it, so that the flexibility and individual combat power of the divine guards can far exceed the advantages of the opponent. Play it out, and not be held back by the opponent's combined means such as arrays."

Xiao sees clearly how to deal with the opponent's advantages while avoiding his own disadvantages.He is confident that he can win with much less damage or even no loss in the subsequent battles.

"Very well, as long as you know what's in your mind."

"Then it looks like Your Majesty will launch a new offensive immediately and continue to advance towards the cliff mountain?"

"Okay. You go make a plan."


Xiao took the lead.Leaving six elders and Lie Jing sitting in the palace hall of a country that used to be.They still have other things to discuss.

Lie Jing touched the emperor's throne under his seat, and said with a smile: "It's just one side of the world, how can one ethnic group have so many forces to separate themselves and rule the country? Tsk tsk, it's nothing more than to disperse the power among the ethnic groups. But there are different The cultural precipitation is also unexpected. Even the aesthetics are very different."

Lie Jing finds it ridiculous that the territories of the various countries in the human race are independent and self-contained.The same clan did not unite, but killed each other and built their own courtyard walls.It seemed to him stupid and inferior.

"After all these battles, are you sure you can take down the cliff mountain?" Lie Jing disdains the human race, but he will not relax his vigilance against the cliff mountain.Although he doesn't understand the relationship between the cliff mountain and the human nations.At the same time, I also know that compared with the nations of the human race, the cliff mountain is much more difficult to chew.

Dealing with the nations of the human race can be broken into parts as Xiao said, and by using the powerful individual strength and flexibility of the divine guards to intersperse and divide them, the so-called large formations of the human race can be torn apart with minimal or even zero casualties. broken.But this trick is useless against Cliff Mountain.

I thought that we could use the massacre of the human nations to lure the power of the cliff mountain to come out, and decide the outcome outside the cliff mountain, or use up the power of the cliff mountain as much as possible.Unfortunately, Cliff Mountain was not fooled, and did not respond to the destruction of the previous three countries at all.

In this case, the three-eyed people need to face the number of formations around the cliff mountain and even on the mountain with unknown strength and unknown strength.Moreover, the formation on the cliff mountain must be much stronger than what Shenwei encountered in the massacres of the human race countries at this time.

At this time, Lie Jing was asking the six elders under his command about their grasp of the cliff mountain formation.Is there a way or confidence to break through.

"Your Majesty. Now we can be sure that the formation method of the cliff mountain is far more sophisticated than ours. As for whether we can win the cliff mountain, we dare not jump to conclusions. In fact, your majesty also knows the basic characteristics of the formation method. If Your Majesty has confidence, the six of us will naturally also have confidence."

(End of this chapter)

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