one's door

Chapter 550 Timing

Chapter 550 Timing
It seems flimsy to describe the situation in Nanyuan's country with the sound of the wind and the cranes and the trees and trees.The scene was far more bleak and chaotic.

Taking the line from Beijiang County to Changhu County, and expanding the range of half a county to the east and west sides at the same time, it is already like a dead land.It's not that the three-eyed tribe has arrived, they haven't arrived, but Nanyuan Kingdom took the initiative to evacuate all the people in this area to the west and southeast.

This is to vacate in advance the area that may become the main attack direction of the three-eyed tribe.Apart from the four front armies of Nanyuan Kingdom, only the Cliff Battalion, which is half full, is left here.

For more than half a year, the countries of the human race have lost most of their bones and cannot stand up.It also includes Nanyuan Kingdom.It's just that Nanyuan Kingdom has not given up all the will to resist because there is still a ray of thoughts.But the high-level leaders no longer have the belief that they must win or fight to the death.Just look at the backbone of the royal family that has been transferred to Huayue's country to know the attitude.

However, the only reason why the situation of Nanyuan Kingdom could be stabilized so that it would not collapse directly was that the emperor Yang Sheng of Nanyuan Kingdom did not leave his palace at this time, nor did he run away to Huayue Kingdom.In his words, "I am willing to go to disaster with the people of the world".

And Yang Sheng also wrote letters to all the military commanders in various fields, clarifying his attitude.Even if Nanyuan Kingdom will perish, it cannot perish on its knees.

Yang Sheng relied on his own persistence to forcibly hold Nanyuan Kingdom in place without directly collapsing it.But if Cliff Mountain disappears in the end, then the result is not something Yang Sheng can handle.

Faith is also supported by strength.The collapse of faith without strength is only a matter of time.

But Cliff Mountain was still as silent as it was.They didn't come from north to south just because the three-eyed clan mopped up all the way, and they were so bloody that they didn't respond.Even the mountain was sealed off, so that even the Nanyuan Kingdom, which had frequent contacts, could not get close.

As early as more than a year ago, Zhang Yan had brought all the direct descendants of the Zhang family to the cliff mountain.At that time, it actually attracted the attention of Nanyuan Kingdom, but at the time I thought it was Zhang Yan who was just in case, but now it seems that Zhang Yan knew from the beginning what it would be like to face the three-eyed human race. As a result, the family was protected.

But everyone knows that in the current catastrophe of heaven and earth, the cliff mountain must not be alone.Just like the Elf Clan back then, if Duan Yashan stood by and watched, the final result would be nothing more than the destruction of jade and stone.So people who are a little bit more sensible are waiting for the reaction of Duan Yashan. They don't believe that Duan Yashan will really die to the end.

Nanyuan Kingdom was defeated like a mountain, and the ending did not surprise anyone.

What can be done in the face of a strong person in the combined state?People don't go head-to-head with you, and even the ones that bloom everywhere are not particularly targeted.It doesn't matter whether you are a soldier or a commoner, kill if you can.Running is the result of suffering.

However, Nanyuan Kingdom also vacated an area from south to north in advance, which actually greatly reduced the casualties of ordinary people.

In addition, Yang Sheng didn't die, and he didn't know how he escaped the assassination of the three-eyed tribe. Anyway, his body was not thrown to the front by the three-eyed tribe.

The fight in Nanyuan Country went smoothly, and they soon arrived at Changhu County along the way, and surrounded the area around the cliff mountain on the edge of Changhu.

Surround but not attack.It's not that I don't want to, but those big formations within the range of the cliff mountain really make the three-eyed people daunted.I also tried it at the beginning, and there was no sound when the divine guards of one team and two teams entered, and there was not even a slight ripple in the formation.

However, Lie Jing and the six elders, who were watching closely, couldn't even see the type of the formation and the signs of its existence.That is to say, the Cliff Mountain in their eyes is the same as in the eyes of ordinary people, and they cannot distinguish the slightest danger.Even the traces of the big formation can't be seen.

This also allows them to confirm that the large formation here is far stronger than what they have seen in the hands of various countries.

In fact, the cautiousness of the three-eyed people once again helped them avoid a big pit.

You must know that as the mountain protection formation of the cliff mountain, this can basically be said to be one of the foundations of a sect.Its importance can be imagined.Zhang Yan has also been tirelessly improving, changing, and adding to the mountain protection formation since the establishment of the mountain gate.

Coupled with the current situation in Huangtianyu, the mountain protection formation in the cliff mountain has long been no longer a simple defense against external force attacks, but also a full-coverage composite formation with the trinity of trapping, illusion, and killing.The power is also the ultimate that Zhang Yan can achieve with his current half-immortal cultivation base and formation control ability.

If Lie Jing dared to enter the formation of Duanya Mountain, Zhang Yan was sure to strangle him easily on the spot by relying on the formation.

Unfortunately, the blade slashed past the opponent's neck.

Lie Jing had personally tried the strength of the cliff formation.He didn't feel that a small group of divine guards was swallowed by the opponent's formation, and he would definitely do the same when he entered.You must know that he is the king of the three-eyed clan, and his strength is the highest in the entire god clan. He should have absolute confidence in his own methods and abilities.There is even a kind of excitement of "rarely meeting an opponent".

But he was quickly overwhelmed by his own calmness.Because the space shuttle formation has been properly arranged, if Lie Jing enters the formation now, it will be contrary to the previous plan.Moreover, the risk is much greater, and it is far less reasonable than advancing steadily according to the plan and finally winning steadily.

"Your Majesty, the time should come within today." An elder who had closed his eyes for a long time opened his eyes again. What he was doing just now was to use the "space meditation technique" unique to the three-eyed tribe to observe the border between the desolate sky and the edge world. To what extent is the bite between them, and how long is it before the "space interaction" they are waiting for.Now he has a relatively accurate answer.

Lie Jing nodded, he is not the best at "Space Meditation", the elder just now is the most skilled in this technique in the clan.

"It's so good. Let Xiao continue to clean up the forces around the cliff mountain, and at the same time send ordinary guards to surround the cliff mountain for me, and I can't let anyone go!"

"It's Your Majesty, I'm going to inform Commander Xiao right now."

But before the elder of the three-eyed tribe left the temporary station at the foot of the mountain, he stopped involuntarily, and raised his head to look at the sky high ahead with a puzzled expression. His eyes could see The cloud-shrouded cliff mountain suddenly darkened at some point, and thick dark clouds appeared out of thin air and quickly gathered together.

Same as the elder's reaction, including Lie Jing, all the three-eyed people present all looked up at the sky and frowned.

"Is this... Heavenly Tribulation? Someone on the cliff mountain is crossing the catastrophe?"

Crossing the robbery at least means that the cliff mountain has the strength of the fit state.Moreover, judging from the thickness of the calamity cloud and the ferocity emanating from it, it is definitely not comparable to the one-nine-day calamity in the fit state.

"Is it the [-]th Heavenly Tribulation?"

"Not like it. At least I don't think it's like it. This is more dangerous than Erjiu Tianjie."

"Hiss is"

(End of this chapter)

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