one's door

Chapter 564 Benefit

The time before and after the bite between Huang Tianyu and Edge Boundary was less than five years, whether it was long or short, it was not short.

According to the memories of the three-eyed family who Zhang Yan captured, it was already a "tug-of-war" if the winner had not been decided for five years.The longest is ten years, and the shortest is three years.

After the winner is decided, the origin of the world collapses, and after that, it is regarded as "killing" one world.All that is left is to devour the opponent's "corpse" bit by bit and become a part of oneself.

Huang Tianyu was attacked passively from the beginning, and the situation at that time should be difficult to repeat.

However, for more than two years, Zhang Yan has been thinking about the "Space Meditation Technique" of the three-eyed family.

This technique can be said to be the most useful thing that Zhang Yan obtained from the knowledge of the three-eyed family.He didn't even know how the ancestors of the three-eyed clan created this kind of magic method.It works really well for things like biting and merging between worlds.

"Space Meditation" actually builds a "ladder" with its own aura and primordial spirit to communicate the general outline of one world.In fact, it is not appropriate to use "communication" to describe it, and it is more appropriate to use "measurement".

Measure the outline of the world you were born in, and "see" what's happening at the edge of the world on a spiritual level.

Of course, Zhang Yan also made some changes to "Space Meditation".It mainly focuses on the "spiritual energy" level.Found a medium to replace aura with immortal yuan as a new bridge.As a result, after trying a few times, I found that the effect is several times stronger than the original version.This allowed Zhang Yan to "see" the biting scene between Huang Tianyu and the opposite edge boundary more clearly and intuitively.

how to say.That scene was actually like two braised eggs fighting, it looked very boring.

There are no big moves, no violent collisions, no fancy tricks and no weapons or moves.To be able to distinguish who is superior has to be judged from the gaps on the two "marinated eggs".

And compared to Huang Tianyu, Prism Realm is actually more like a complete "marinated egg".There is also a "preserved egg" attached to the edge of Huang Tianyu.It's just that the "preserved egg" has been damaged and has no survival response.

Zhang Yan knew that the "preserved egg" should be another world that was killed by Huang Tianyu more than ten years ago, that is, the world of the Monster Clan.The reason why there is a connection is because the "preserved egg" is far from devoured by Huang Tianyu.In the process of devouring it by Huang Tianyu, it was interrupted by the sneak attack of Prism Realm.

This is what comes after.

The reason why Huang Tianyu was able to slowly reverse the offensive from the disadvantage of the sneak attack to now has the upper hand.In fact, it boils down to "brute force".

Where did Huang Tianyu's "power" come from?Just watch it devour the "wild food" of the three-eyed family.All the world's original forces are its source of power.Just like the exchange between Zhang Yan and Huang Tianyu.Huang Tianyu's own "strength" can also be obtained from the world that continued to devour the previous elves.This is also the reason why Devour in the God Realm first stopped suddenly and then recovered and accelerated.

But Desolate Sky Territory is devouring the world of the Monster Clan, and Edge Realm, as a sneak attacker, will naturally not give up the corpses of the Monster Clan World.Also eating.It's just that compared to the Desolate Realm, which had established a devouring contact earlier, the devouring speed of the Prism Realm is much slower than it.

Under the ebb and flow, Huangtianyu naturally regained its disadvantage slowly, and now it is fighting against the edge boundary.

According to the current signs, if Prism Realm can't turn around like Huang Tianyu did before, then Prism Realm can only seek its own death.And the time should be within two years, because once the edge boundary can't resist, it will be defeated very quickly.

So now the Prism World can still be used as a "hunting ground" in less than two years.Once the world itself collapses, the entire world will fall into destruction.At that time, even if the creatures inside wanted to run, they couldn't get out.

Zhang Yan has already explained this matter to his three apprentices.In terms of time, one and a half years is the standard, and when the time comes, you will stop entering the edge boundary.As for the kingdom of the human race, this news was also sent out.It's just that how to grasp it has nothing to do with Duan Yashan and Zhang Yan.

Yaozu?Zhang Yan never considered them.Of course, the demon clan has their demon gods, so naturally there will be no mistakes in the general direction.

For more than two years, Zhang Yan has still maintained the state of practice that he had when he was under pressure due to the invasion of the three-eyed tribe.Staying in the secret room of Dengyun Palace lasted for several months.He is even quite used to this kind of practice days.It only needs to move back to the house in Langyuan City every few months to live for a few days.

It's just that Zhang Yan's current practice is not blindly aiming at his own realm.After he stepped into the realm of immortality, he found that the main thread of practice had become completely different from that before he became immortal.

These are not only summed up by Zhang Yan himself, but also the new knowledge he saw from the new Daoist book, no, not the Daoist book but the fairy book.

Where did the fairy tale come from?Naturally, it is the inheritance that Zhang Yan has always relied on: Wanxiangzhu.

The more powerful Zhang Yan is, the more he can appreciate the power of Wanxiangzhu.Not to mention far away.Let's just say that he now feels the most handy Thunder Whip and the newly transformed Golden Rope.One of these two items is Shen Gongbao's fairy artifact, and the other is the belt of Taishang Laojun.The background is big enough to be scary.The power is also worthy of their prestige.

But even so, the treasure of the fairy family can change it as soon as it says it can than Wanxiangzhu.It seems that the illusion of Wanxiangzhu is endless.Wouldn't even the legendary Pangu ax be able to change in the future?Zhang Yan thought to himself.

It's just that the power of Wanxiangzhu is not limited to magic and fairy artifacts that can be changed easily.For Zhang Yan, it is still a "lighthouse" that represents the way forward in practice.

Everything must originate from the palace in the Wanxiangzhu.

When Zhang Yan activated the Wanxiang Pearl for the first time, he found the first practice method in that temple.And after every breakthrough in the realm, I found suitable experience and techniques in it.And using the massive essays and classics in the temple to gradually enrich his knowledge of Taoism.

Even the teaching hall on the cliff mountain today is based on the temple in Wanxiangzhu.Those are the details of Longhu Mountain.

But what about the back?What about after becoming a fairy?How should I go?
Zhang Yan had thought about these questions a long time ago.It's a big deal to find out on your own.But there are also some thoughts.That is, the palace in Wanxiangzhu has only opened the first floor to him.And it was this first level that allowed him to cultivate to the realm of immortality.

What about the second layer?
When Zhang Yan succeeded in achieving the body of a fairy under the Tribulation of Three or Nine Heavens, the palace in Wanxiangzhu changed for the first time.A staircase leading to the second floor appeared inside.And on the second floor are all kinds of classics and secrets about the realm of immortality, as well as the essence of immortality.

For more than two years, Zhang Yan's main energy has been in the second floor of the library hall in Wanxiangzhuli.

It was also on the second floor that Zhang Yan understood the biggest difference between the cultivation of immortals and mortals.

Ordinary people rely on aura to promote cultivation, in fact, they are actively carrying out self-evolution and elevating their own life level.

Although immortals also need aura to transform the immortal essence and cultivate the immortal body.But this is not practice, or it is just a part of immortal practice.What is more important is the deep digging of the rules and the comprehension of the truth.

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