one's door

Chapter 569 Destroyed

Zhang Yan was in a gray and white world mixed with fire.

This is not Huangtianyu, but the edge boundary where Zhang Yan has never done much.

The wind in my ear was howling like a ghost, and there were scenes of destruction everywhere in front of my eyes.The earth is collapsing and shattering, the mountain peaks are collapsing, and streams of lava hundreds of feet high spray out like rain falling all over the sky.

This is the scene of a world dying when the world itself officially begins to crumble.

Let go of your divine thoughts, cover the edge world as much as possible, and feel every detail of the edge world's death.Including the "space interior" that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

In the past, Zhang Yan's understanding of a world or a world was extremely vague.It can be said that there is only one "name" hanging in the air and there is no specific meaning.

It wasn't until later that he went through the catastrophe and achieved the body of a fairy that Zhang Yan had a model impression of the world.At this point, heaven and earth are not just an empty "name", but a concrete existence with a specific image and position.

Just what kind of existence is heaven and earth?Zhang Yan was curious, but knew nothing.

Later, Huang Tianyu took the initiative to contact, although due to the disparity in strength, he could not communicate for a long time, but this "face-to-face" with Huang Tianyu once again clarified the context of heaven and earth in Zhang Yan's cognition.

Heaven and earth are not living beings in a simple sense, but a higher-level life form far beyond living beings.There are also "growth" and "death", and there will also be "sharpening" and "failure".

In a sense, Zhang Yan felt that there were actually some similarities between creatures and heaven and earth.Even Zhang Yan felt more and more that the practice of Taoism is actually gradually transforming towards the level of life like heaven and earth.This feeling has actually been there since Zhang Yan stepped into the Tongxuan Realm.The feeling was even more obvious after he stepped into the fairyland.

Whether enlightenment has become the absolute main path of practice, or the cultivation of the body of immortality, and the deep development of the power of rules, they are all clearly working towards a direction similar to heaven and earth.

Isn't the initial place of enlightenment and Taoism the heaven and the earth?

Zhang Yan changed the foundation of practice from "detachment from self" to the consciousness of "self-world".He feels that the ultimate goal of practice is to become a life body with a higher level of life and a stronger life force, just like heaven and earth.

"Huh, this is my first enlightenment, right?"

The distracting thoughts in my heart were disturbing, and finally converged into a sentence of emotion, which I said to myself, and at the same time, it kept slipping and falling with the scene of extinction in front of me.

After stepping into the human fairyland, time, aura, and accumulation seem to have become very ethereal.Only the power of rules and enlightenment became the theme.

Zhang Yan never realized Taoism by himself before.He has been accumulating spiritual energy with a dull head and rushing to break through the realm.In fact, many times it is not that he is eager for success, but is running like being chased by a vicious dog, which can be said to be involuntary.

From the very beginning when he was fighting the Yaozu in the Yubei Mountain Fortress, Zhang Yan was crazily catching up with the cultivation realm in order to survive, just to keep himself alive.Later, when he came to Langyuan City, because of the deadly fight with the father and son of the Wu family, who was the deadly enemy of the body, he relied not only on the mind but also on the eagerness to practice.As well as the gift of merit and aura from Huangtianyu, which had already shown its edge at that time. …

Huang Tianyu said that Zhang Yan was an odd number, but he didn't say where the "oddness" was. The only thing he mentioned was the four words "resurrection from death".

Perhaps in the eyes of Huang Tianyu, Zhang Yan was obviously dead, but somehow he came back to life.This is Zhang Yan's "difference".Or maybe Huang Tianyu deliberately kept something unspoken?

But for Zhang Yan, these can only hang in his mind for the time being.Because Huang Tianyu has never communicated with him since the previous "deal" with Huang Tianyu about cleaning up the three-eyed family in the edge world.So even if Zhang Yan wanted to make more speculations, there was no chance for him to learn more about the situation.

Moreover, that "deal" has completely broken Zhang Yan's feeling of "merit and aura" and the description of "heaven and earth" in Taoist scriptures.

The world is not rigid.They also have demands and trade-offs.

Perhaps it is the insecurity of being an orphan on earth since childhood, which made Zhang Yan have the habit of choosing a certain way out for himself once he finds something that is completely out of his cognition.Now it sprouts from the bottom of my heart.

After all, Huangtianyu is not an absolute dogma, once it has its own desires, it may take out everything and discard it.This is not good news for Zhang Yan.

Moreover, because the "reasons" all come from the Huangtian Territory, they are treated as transparent by the other party and can observe as they want, which makes Zhang Yan quite terrified.

Since this is the case, Zhang Yan is presented with a way to change himself and keep it as a way out. It seems that there is one and only one: gradually break away from the support of Huang Tianyu and become stronger.

Then you have to start with your own enlightenment.Instead of relying entirely on Huang Tianyu's indoctrination like before.This is also the goal that Zhang Yan has set for himself and has begun to implement.

With the "principle" from the Qi-entraining realm to the Tongxuan realm as a foundation, Zhang Yan naturally has no barriers to enlightenment.It's just that he was embarrassed to face a problem that shouldn't have arisen at his level of cultivation, that is, he didn't know his own Dao Xin, so he didn't know which direction he should go for enlightenment.You can only comprehend what you think of according to your temper.

But what Zhang Yan is interested in is not the strength of strength.For him, he has grasped a huge power that he has never imagined at this time.In the absence of a crisis to overwhelm him, his desire for power is not strong.But the unknown has the natural curiosity of humans from another world.

For example, where is the starry sky seen in the wild sky?Is it like the planets in the world over there?Or is it another world like Huangtianyu?Or maybe there is nothing, and what you see is just a spot of light evolved from the Huangtian Territory?

For another example, seeing many dead people, what is the scene of the dead world like?

That's why Zhang Yan chose to come here shortly before the origin of the edge world began to collapse, and under the cover of spiritual thoughts, he carefully felt the whole process of this world from birth to death.And in this process, his thoughts of enlightenment came out involuntarily.From simple curiosity to shock and empathy.Unknowingly, Zhang Yan was immersed in this world-shattering tragedy.

This feeling is very strange, Zhang Yan even forgot everything around him, and then closed his eyes, inexplicably feeling that at this very moment he is the edge world that is about to die.

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