one's door

Chapter 591 Cornice

Chapter 591 Cornice
The large formation of guards outside the cliff mountain really stumped Li Yan.It's not that she can't break through the formation, but she can't break through without attracting the attention of the people in the formation.

However, Li Yan was not stopped outside the door all the time.He followed several disciples who entered the mountain to shield his breath and vitality, and slipped in like a shadow.

Because I know that there is a fairy living in the mountain.So after coming in, Li Yan didn't care at all.She has been doing her best to cover up every possible perceived aspect of herself.

In fact, Li Yan didn't need to be so careful in the cliff mountain in the late stage of Wonderland alone.After all, Zhang Yan is the only immortal in Duanya Mountain, and his cultivation level is two small realms lower than hers.

But Li Yan's previous speculation about the Great Desolate World made her dare not relax in her heart.

After entering the mountain gate, Li Yan subconsciously searched for matching memories in his mind due to the freshness that came over his face.Soon she found an illustration she had seen in an ancient book and recorded by her.

"This style of architecture prehistoric world!"

The red pillars, the golden glazed tiles, and the cornices. These three most eye-catching signs instantly gave Li Yan the most certain judgment in his heart.

Do you still need to ask for proof?Of course you still need it.But it's not needed for now.

The best way is to completely turn this cliff mountain upside down.This is not a difficult matter for Li Yan, he only needs to send a message to Haoxuemen, I believe that it involves the words "The Great Desolate World", even if the owner of the gate does not come in person, at least the elders in the gate will Half of them come to this world.

At that time, not to mention overturning the cliff mountain, it will not take much effort to tear apart the incomplete world of Huangtianyu.

But this seemingly most direct and effective method was thrown away by Li Yan after less than half a circle in Li Yan's mind.Can't do that.Because it seems simple to do so, but the risk is huge.

If it is really the inheritance of Great Desolate World, then there are too many variables.And who can guarantee that only knowledge is passed on and no secret treasures are passed on?
Also, even if you take ten thousand steps back, what if you come up hard and cause the opponent to break the pot and break the inheritance?That was the most unacceptable loss for Haoxuemen.

It's like when you see a golden mountain, the first thing you think about is not digging for gold immediately, but to ensure that this golden mountain is only in your hands.

Without much hesitation, Li Yan went around the Dharma teaching hall, looked at the phantom array steles standing in the hall and used them for daily Dharma teaching, and then left the cliff mountain and the wild world.

Back in Dahongtian, Li Yan begged to see the master of his family again.She poured out all the things she personally saw and learned this time, and she didn't even dare to directly express her own judgment.But she believed that with the knowledge of the sect master, she could not find the key to the things she said.

Li Yan didn't expect the sect master's reaction to be much more intense than she thought in advance.As soon as her voice fell, the ice wall that had been closed for tens of thousands of years opened directly from the inside.The shattering of ice crystals was accompanied by the sliding sound of the machine, and a middle-aged man wearing a white robe, with long hair hanging down for several feet, came out of it.

"Disciple sees sect master!"

Li Yan was also taken aback, and knelt down when the ice wall started to tremble, and the people inside came out and saluted loudly.

Xue E.The name is Hanji Immortal, the third head of Haoxuemen.It is also the backbone that led Haoxuemen to gradually transform from an ordinary sect into a powerful force.According to legend, his cultivation has reached the late stage of the fairyland.He is the strongest in Haoxuemen.

"Do you think that the inheritance obtained in the Desolate Heaven Domain comes from the long-disappeared Great Desolate World?" Xue E retreated for many years.Akira passed away silently for hundreds of years.Where do you need him to come forward for idle matters?But this time, the news that Li Yan brought back really stirred up rare ups and downs in his heart, no matter how hard it was to calm down, he simply walked out.

Don't think that Xue E, who hasn't left the secret room of practice for tens of thousands of years, will feel jerky or uncomfortable with the outside world.For him in the realm of the earth fairy, that little time was just a few more rounds of mysterious deep-seated "reasons" in his mind.It's almost the same as ordinary people sitting on a chair for a while.

Li Yan didn't dare to get up by himself, and still knelt on the ground.Considering it carefully, he said: "Returning to the sect master, the disciple thinks that the only suspicious place in the Huangtian Territory is the cliff mountain. Whether it is the appearance of the "body cultivation" method, or the buildings on the cliff mountain and the buildings handed down from the prehistoric world The styles are exactly the same, and at the very least it can be said that the inheritance of the cliff mountain is definitely related to the Great Desolate World.

Moreover, general inheritance will not pass on such things as architectural style at all.If it is indeed inherited from the Great Desolate World as the disciple guessed, then it is very likely that it is inherited in a way similar to soul mapping.So the disciple didn't dare to act rashly, and hurried back to ask the sect master to make a decision. "

Xue E nodded slightly, and waved Li Yan to get up.I gathered an ice chair and sat down, and after a while said: "Your caution is not wrong. It is related to the Great Desolate World. In addition to the current situation, it is indeed possible that the method of soul mapping is involved in the method of inheritance. Once you startle the other party Making a wrong judgment is likely to cut off all subsequent follow-ups."

After a pause, Xue E continued to ask: "Are there any traces of other forces around that world?"

"The disciple paid attention to it on purpose, but there is no one at present. It is on the edge of a space turbulence, and it should be hidden there on purpose. Because the location is relatively subtle, so that other incomplete worlds avoid it. At present, the surrounding area is very clean."

After answering, Li Yan stood by the side and stopped talking.This is the time for the head of the sect to make a decision. If you don't ask her, it's best not to talk too much.

"Let the two disciples of your sect who have had direct contact with the cliff mountain go there again. This time, just stay there and don't rush to come back. Well, bring some special products of our Dahongtian over there. Pick some suitable methods from the sect and do it Take the communication together. It doesn’t have to be very advanced, but it must be our unique method at Haoxuemen. Do you understand?

Also, after you go down, give the elders a breather and explain it in detail, but you must keep it a secret from the disciples.

In addition, I will seal the void where the Desolate Sky Territory is located for a period of time.Think about countermeasures later.

That's it for now, you go down and do business. "

"It's the sect master, and the disciple is leaving."

Li Yan left the hall.However, Xue E did not return to the closed room again.Instead, he flashed directly to the void where the Desolate Sky Territory was located.But did not go in.

Such a crippled world can't accommodate a strong Earth Immortal like him.Breaking in would be a tear in the world itself.Just like a pocket can only hold so many things, the end of stuffing it hard can only be broken, it is the same reason.

Just because you don't enter doesn't mean you can only watch.Huang Tianyu was already taken by Da Hongtian, and no other forces were allowed to get involved.Now that there are inheritances that may be related to the Great Desolate World, Xue E's attention is much higher than Li Yan expected.If you come here in person, the first thing you need to do is to seal up the entire Huangtian Territory.

I saw Xue E waving his hands, as if cutting something in the void.Ripples slowly splashed one after another, and then twelve boundaries appeared out of thin air like a prism, enclosing the entire Huangtian Territory.Then, in a blink of an eye, it disappeared into the void of vision.
(End of this chapter)

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