one's door

Chapter 593 Awareness

Chapter 593 Awareness
In Dengyun Hall, Zhang Yan withdrew his senses from the limit state.

This is the third time that Zhang Yan has used his senses to investigate the outside world, but the result has not changed, and he still found nothing.

Zhang Yan didn't have anything in the Huangtian Territory that required him to investigate like this.You must know that now his perception range can cover more than half of the Desolate Sky Territory.It seems unnecessary to use all his strength, and it will involve most of his energy, which is not easy to deal with like a small-scale alert.

The reason why it took so much trouble is because Zhang Yan felt an inexplicable strangeness around him more than a year ago.

This has never been the case before.Although Zhang Yan is only in the early stages of the Immortal Realm, his connection with the Desolate Heaven Territory cannot be viewed with common sense in the Immortal Realm.Not only did he have a direct "exchange" with Huang Tianyu, but all the "reasons" before he became a fairy came from the world.In a sense, Zhang Yan belongs to the extension of Huangtianyu.It's just that he has his own consciousness and ideas.

As a result, Zhang Yan is very sensitive to any changes in Huang Tianyu.

More than a year ago, Zhang Yan suddenly felt that he was slipping into a closed cage.Immediately, he let go of his perception with all his strength to investigate, but found nothing. The entire barren world was calm, and there seemed to be no abnormality in the world from the creatures to the barren world itself.

Feeling wrong?Zhang Yan didn't think it was the reason.With his current cultivation base, any induction will not be groundless, nor will there be illusions.Since it feels strange, something must have happened to cause this to happen.

But what happened again?

Before this, Zhang Yan thought that maybe he had missed some key things when he was exploring the whole Huangtian Territory, so he found nothing.That's why he checked carefully over and over again.It wasn't until he confirmed that he hadn't missed anything that he was sure that maybe he was not "missing" but "can't find".

"It's never been like this for so many years. It seems to be a new change. Dahongtian?" Zhang Yan withdrew his perception that covered most of the Huangtian domain, and after a while, he began to think in his heart.The inexplicable "strangeness" in his heart about the surroundings continues, which shows that the situation has not improved, but has fallen into a new situation.

What will bring about a new situation can only be brought about by new changes.Apart from the appearance of Da Hongtian, Zhang Yan doesn't think there are other possibilities for the recent new changes.

Moreover, Zhang Yan felt that if it was something Da Hongtian did that caused his inexplicable strangeness, then it must not have been tampered with in the Huangtian domain, but aimed at integrating the Huangtian domain.

But it is a pity that Zhang Yan has not been able to take the initiative to get the opportunity to "communicate" with Huang Tianyu.Even after the "exchange" of the three-eyed clan ended, he never had the chance to "face-to-face" Huang Tianyu again.Otherwise, it would be the most straightforward to ask Huang Tianyu about the strangeness of this matter.

"What exactly does Hao Xuemen of Dahongtian want to do?" Zhang Yan was full of doubts.

Not only is it the inexplicable strangeness that lingers on the surroundings, but it is also aimed at the two Haoxuemen disciples who came to the Huangtian Territory again more than a year ago and have stayed like this.

Zhang Yan has been paying attention to those two people.But they weren't playing any tricks other than being a bit odd.On the contrary, he also sincerely brought a few techniques unique to Haoxuemen.They are all novel ways, which are very different from the Taoist methods that Zhang Yan is familiar with.Even though the power is limited, but the thinking is clear, even Zhang Yan admits that it is eye-opening.

Not to mention the large number of "souvenir products" brought by the other party.They are also all things that are said to be produced only by Da Hongtian.The materials for refining tools and alchemy are mainly, and there are even a few bottles of spiritual energy-enhancing pills secretly made by Haoxuemen.

I came here with so much sincerity, but I didn't ask for anything.

Does light come in?Money boy?

Zhang Yan secretly became more vigilant in his heart.There is no gratuitous hatred in the world, so naturally there will be no gratuitous benefits delivered to your lips.If there is, then be careful, because the other party's plan is definitely not the immediate benefit.

But even though he was vigilant, Zhang Yan had to be quite polite to Da Hongtian.The opposite side sent two disciples over to give things and benefits. Although he was sure there must be something for him, he couldn't tear his face and drive people out.

So the two disciples of Haoxuemen lived in the cliff mountain.This stay is more than a year.

In terms of purpose, Zhang Yan thinks there should be two, one is to "show favor" and the other is to continue to win over.

But Zhang Yan clearly remembered that when he met these two monks from outside the territory for the first time, the other's expressions would come back after the evolution of the Huangtian Territory was complete.But what do you mean now?
Is a barren world worth so much thought?

Either what Da Hongtian said about the Chaos faction and the Pastoral faction were all lies, and there was another reason why he was so careful because he was worried that Huang Tianyu had invested elsewhere.

Or there is something in Huangtian Territory that Da Hongtian must take down, and it is worth their trouble.

Regardless of the reason, Zhang Yan felt that it was not good news.

But fortunately, the opponent didn't seem to change what he said before, "Wait until the evolution of the Huangtian Territory is complete."This also at least gave Zhang Yan a long time to make preparations.

"Master, disciple Liu Rui asks to see you!"

"come in."

Liu Rui's arrival interrupted Zhang Yan's thoughts.He pointed to the chair next to him and asked the other party to sit down and talk.

"Master, in the past six months, the number of ghost-absorbing bells returned from various places has continued to decrease, and has been less than half of the original. And according to the government offices of various countries, the world is peaceful, and the frequency of ghosts is decreasing year by year. If there is no repetition in the future, The use of the ghost bell will continue to decrease.

Do you think it is possible to increase the ration of spirit stones for disciples, so as to offset the slowdown in practice brought about by the reduction of ghost-absorbing bells? "

Although most of the matters in the foreign affairs hall are handled by disciples, Liu Rui still needs to check some important matters.In particular, the ghost-stealing bell is related to the speed of disciples' practice. Now that it has been reduced again and again, Liu Rui hopes to find supplies for his disciples from other places.

"Okay, you can go to Wang Nian and say that I agree. According to the current distribution of spirit stones, it should be increased by [-]%. It should be almost the same."

"It's Master, I'll do it now." Seeing that Master was so straightforward, Liu Rui was not in a hurry to implement this matter, so she bowed and turned around to retreat.

As for why the ghost-killing bells will decrease, although Liu Rui is also curious, she feels that it is not suitable for her to ask in front of the master.But this is definitely a good thing for ordinary people in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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