one's door

Chapter 600 Huang Quan

Chapter 600 Huang Quan
Zhang Yan did not continue to focus on the life journey of those creatures.First of all, he hasn't adjusted well to continue to accept the emotional changes that are intertwined with wonderful life perceptions.Second, right now is not the time for him to spend his time wantonly, there are more important things for him to take care of.

That is to put the convenience of the life evolution context built with Huang Tianyu this time on the construction of the underworld.

The first one is to have a beginning for all living beings to enter the next life journey: reincarnation disk.

It doesn't need to be as delicate as the six-way roulette in the legend of the earth, and it doesn't need to involve so many "life and death".Only the simplest "beast way" and "human way" are needed.

The animal realm includes all non-spiritual creatures in the wild world.Or to be more precise, all creatures except the monster race and human race, as well as the rare monster race belong to the animal realm.

And the human world is the remaining human race and monster race.Zhang Yan thought about it, but in the end he didn't make any discounts on the Yaozu's death.Or choose to keep the ethnic groups that evolved naturally from the Huangtian Territory as they were.Otherwise, he could actually kill the Yaozu when he passed away, and naturally the new life of the Yaozu would drop sharply, and it would be completely extinct in less than ten years.

It's just that Zhang Yan didn't choose to do this.

The question is which method to choose to build the simple version of the reincarnation disk in Zhang Yan's mind.

The way to use the device?Or use the array directly?

In addition, before the final point, a series of screening links and the most reasonable chance of reincarnation are required.The most important thing is to reflect the simple purpose of "punishing evil and promoting good", while trying to be fair and just.

Zhang Yan doesn't believe in artificial screening.Even Jiang Ziwen, who in his heart needs to sit in Huangquan to guard the underworld in the future, is not qualified to be exposed to the screening of good and evil before reincarnation.

In Zhang Yan's opinion, the most fair way is still within a fixed screening rule, and the screening is fixed according to this rule.It's like setting a ruler and passing it one by one in front of the ruler. Whichever ruler belongs to it will enter the result determined by that rule.There is no room for bargaining, and there is no room for favoritism.

It's just a pity that we don't have the ability to build a "hell" for the time being. As for punishing evil, we can only stay in the life after life and pretend to be a beast, doing cattle or horses or becoming a meal on the plate.This is still a long way from the punishment in Zhang Yan's heart.

The last is a means of protection that can ensure the core of reincarnation and the screening rules for good and evil.You can't expose these important things outside, can you?Therefore, it is necessary to have a strong composite formation with both offense and defense.

So Zhang Yan stayed in Huangquan for several years.He cleared all the center of the ghost domain with a radius of three hundred miles into a flat place, and then set up the magic circle first.Nine layers of defense plus nine layers of killing formations, using Zhou Tian Xingdou large formation as the base of the formation, and then using some fairy methods to add color, and finally the energy of the large formation comes from the strong yin energy that exists naturally in the ghost domain Connected together, using Yin Qi as the energy source, as long as the Yin Qi in the ghost domain is endless, the formation will not stop due to lack of energy.This passage is borrowed from the method of ghost cultivation.

After that is the refiner.After thinking about it, Zhang Yan decided to use the method of refining to achieve the effect similar to the evil mirror table.And the refining weapon has a great convenience compared to the pure magic circle, because the magic weapon can be entrusted to the primordial spirit.In other words, Zhang Yan only needs to entrust a part of his soul on this magic weapon, and then build the magic circle veins on the magic weapon, and then he can directly transfer the "living evolution vein" existing in his main consciousness. Connect to this artifact.Even in the middle, he can save his own thoughts and turns, and can operate independently and efficiently.

The core reincarnation disk was also embodied as an entity by Zhang Yan using the means of refining.Then the inner core is the same as the "false evil mirror platform", which is convenient for Zhang Yan's soul to place on it and then connect the evolution of living beings.

It sounds simple, but actually there are still many problems that need to be solved one by one.Even in the process, there will be many difficulties that Zhang Yan didn't expect at all in advance.

However, I have to say that this time, Zhang Yan's attainments in refining weapons and formations have been raised by several levels.He even felt that he already had his own habits and styles for refining weapons and formations.In the past, I could only say "know how to use it", but now it is "good at it".

In the end, the "False Evil Mirror Platform" and "Reincarnation Disk" were successively refined, and they were all serious fairy artifacts.They are the only two that Zhang Yan has successfully refined so far.He even felt that there was a lot of luck in the success of these two immortal artifacts.

But in any case, several cores of the underworld and the magic circle protecting the cores have been completed.The next thing to do is to move the path of life and death from the original location to the big ghost domain, and connect it with the simplified version of the underworld that Zhang Yan spent eight years building to form a new path of death.

Guiding the dead creatures in the entire Huangtian Territory to the same place sounds like a bigger challenge than Zhang Yan's refining the immortal weapon.But in fact, on the contrary, this matter is not difficult, it can be regarded as the simplest and most relaxed of all the links in Zhang Yan's establishment of the underworld.

This is due to the special geographical location of the ghost domain: the gap in space.

Theoretically speaking, the distance from any place in the normal space of Huangtianyu to the ghost domain is the same.It can be reached by passing through the two layers of barriers between the spaces.And Zhang Yan can do this by connecting the final points of the evolutionary creature's veins together. Naturally, he will use the power that belongs to heaven and earth to go directly to the ghost domain at the moment the creature sinks into the ground after death.

For this reason, Zhang Yan purposely built a huge space slide inside the large formation of the underworld, which will be used as a path for countless creatures to enter the underworld after death.At the same time, it also prevents all living souls who enter the ghost domain from running around in the ghost domain, but follow this slide all the way down, pass the false evil mirror along the path, and then enter the human realm or the beast realm according to their weight.And it will leave a record on the false and evil mirror, so that some heinous sins that need to struggle in the animal realm for many lives or even forever will be fulfilled.

"Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. It's not that there is no retribution, it's just that the time has not come. Now, the time has come." Zhang Yan looked at the place he had built for nearly ten years. Although it was still crude, it had the most basic functions.Now should be the time for the official opening.Any follow-up adjustments will be made according to the actual situation.

Following Zhang Yan's soft words like talking to himself, the whole ghost domain shook violently, and stopped suddenly after a dozen or so breaths.Immediately after that, faint bright spots began to appear on the slide, and within a blink of an eye, they converged into a river like stars and flew straight down.
(End of this chapter)

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