one's door

Chapter 621 Joining the Alliance

Chapter 621 Joining the Alliance
No matter how much fear and vigilance against Da Hongtian, he should still join the alliance.Why don't you hang out with the purple-robed Chaos faction?

What Zhang Yan was looking for was a relatively more acceptable situation.It's like the things he did when he traveled to the barren world.Seek stability first, and then plan it slowly.

Follow Li Yan to abandon Huangtianyu, or be ordered as a dish.This was not what Zhang Yan wanted, and he knew that if he really did that, his fate would be obviously worrying.What Da Hongtian is staring at now is not the resources of Huangtianyu, but the cultivation system in Zhang Yan's hands.

To put it bluntly, it is still a "dragging tactic".

The longer the delay, even if some price is paid, it is completely acceptable to Zhang Yan.And he felt that he had a lot of cards in his hole.He wouldn't let the other party do what he wanted when the fish died and the net broke.

But "Drag the Word Jue" is not just pretending to be cowardly.Appropriately reveal some methods and strengths, so that the opponent may be afraid of throwing a mouse.Otherwise, if there is room for maneuver, they will be pretended to be gone.

The four immortals and the fifteen Tongxuan realm were all eliminated by Zhang Yan one after another.Except for him who thinks it is reasonable, no one else thinks it is incredible.

Curious, but for the time being, no one is too embarrassed to ask why.

People were killed.Not to mention the four strong Earth Immortals confronting each other in the void.Is the wild world considered safe?Naturally, it couldn't be safer.Even if Li Yan wanted to tie Zhang Yan back to Haoxuemen immediately, he couldn't deny this.

So the tense situation was temporarily relieved.People no longer have to stare at the sky, but can return to the cliff mountain below and drink a cup of hot tea in the Dengyun Temple.

After 500 years of cultivation and selection, the tea from Duanya Mountain has been finalized and named "Lingwu" by Liu Rui.Not only is the taste sweet and sweet, but it also has a very good effect of feeding back spiritual energy and calming the mind.It can even be used as a medicinal material for alchemy into the alchemy furnace.

There are three grades of Lingwu tea.The second level is that all the disciples in the mountain can distribute a part, and they can even exchange spirit stones in private.The medium ones are used as rewards in the mountain gate or enjoyed by the backbone of the deacon and above.And the first class is only enough for Zhang Yan to drink alone.

After the paper figurines were taken out to brew, all the guests were served with medium-quality Lingwu tea. Even the three immortals headed by Li Yan did not allow Zhang Yan to entertain them with his private collection.

"I heard Xue Qi mentioning that the tea in the cliff mountain is full of praise, and now it is really extraordinary!" Li Yan has temporarily calmed down all the waves in his heart.His face regained his indifference.Taking a few sips from the teacup, he smiled and admired.

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "If Elder Li likes it, you can take some with you when you leave. The mountain is poor, but there are still plenty of tea leaves. As long as Elder Li doesn't dislike it, that's fine."

"Master Zhang's kindness, then I will be disrespectful."

"Hehe, it should be!"

Zhang Yan understood in his heart.The other party's ability to sit down and greet him with such meaningless greetings has already put him in a position that needs to be treated with caution.At least this kind of caution will not change for the time being.The rest depends on how to talk.

"Master Zhang's methods are amazing. To be honest, I was scared by Master Zhang. I didn't expect Yuan Qing to die in the hands of Master Zhang." Li Yan couldn't suppress his curiosity.She claimed that she was incapable of killing Yuan Qing head-on one-on-one.And how did Zhang Yan, who was in the late stage of the fairyland with her, do it?
However, Zhang Yan and Li Yan obviously had different concerns.Hearing Zhang Yan reply with an unchanged smile: "How can a mere trick be worthy of Elder Li's praise? I was able to get rid of those Chaos faction guys, mainly because I took advantage of it. If it weren't for Da Hongtian's fellow strong men How can it be so easy this time if the void presses the formation and holds back the strong man from the Earth Immortal Realm opposite? Zhang Yan dare not take the credit for this!"

Li Yan's eyelids twitched several times.She admitted that she had underestimated the strength of the native fairy in front of her.Now she felt that she had underestimated the other party's mind.

Just this sentence, Li Yan tasted several layers of meaning from it.I don't know if it's a good thing for Da Hongtian that Zhang Yan is so fine.

But for a shrewd person, Li Yan thinks that some things may be understood by the other party without putting them on the bright side, right?

"Master Zhang, why should you be humble? Yuan Qing and the others have always had a deep blood feud with Da Hongtian. It is a great achievement for you to kill them. Even if there are First Elder and Second Elder in the void to help drag Xu Chun and other experts. But what Master Zhang has done is by no means trivial. I will present this credit to my face when I go back, and there will be rewards at that time."

Zhang Yan saw that the other party went on to say the "credit" he mentioned, and knew that the other party had accepted this, that is, recognized Zhang Yan as a member of the Great Hongtian Alliance.But at the same time, "reward" was also mentioned, which also reminded him of his subordinates.And he didn't give up his curiosity about Zhang Yan killing Yuan Qing and others.

"Elder Li, don't mention the rewards. Zhang Yan would like to thank everyone for their help this time, otherwise the Chaos Sect would never be able to resist the arrival of the Chaos Sect in the Desolate Heaven Realm. No one in the Desolate Heaven Territory will forget this kind of friendship. I will follow Dahong in the future Tianhao Xuemen Wings. If you have any orders, please feel welcome."

Zhang Yan also wanted to know what Da Hongtian said about Huang Tianyu's "belonging" to the past world.In particular, the area of ​​resources is what he needs to deal with very carefully.

"Hehe, Master Zhang is quick to talk. I don't really need to talk to Master Zhang about this matter. But since Master Zhang asked, I'll talk to Master Zhang about it."

According to Li Yan, there is no such thing as "paying tribute" or "paying tribute" in Dahongtian.Everyone is a group of fellow believers gathered together, without that set of worldly things.But in order to allow the various worlds to communicate with each other, learn from each other's strengths and make up for their weaknesses.Therefore, a business channel between alliances will be established.And commerce can use barter or hard currency as the transaction equivalent.

Commerce and trade are completely free, and the alliance will not interfere with any world.All fair and just.

But there is one thing, that is, for the better operation of commerce and trade within the alliance, there is no "tax" between worlds.

Zhang Yan listened carefully, but felt bored while listening.

What about fools?

Not to mention a fairy like Zhang Yan who has been a human for two lifetimes.Even those who have some understanding of business and trade in the countries in the wild world can understand from the "freedom" and "fairness" described by Li Yan that these are all bullshit.It's like shit covered in icing sugar, you have to bite into it to know how disgusting it is.

It's like engaging in business communication between a lower country and an upper country in the wild world.The goods sold in the lower country can only be materials, because the things made will not be as good as those in the upper country.Or find another way.

And Shangguo bought the materials from Xiaguo to make good things that Xiaguo couldn't make, and sold them back to Xiaguo after multiplying the price several times or ten times.Once you come and go, don't you know the blood, sweat and flesh and blood inside?

(End of this chapter)

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