one's door

Chapter 623 2 Hands

Chapter 623 Two Hands
What Fang Shiwen thought was exactly what everyone present was thinking about.

If you want to use strength, this is undoubtedly the best time, the more you delay, the more difficult it will be.Even at this time, the damage to Da Hongtian's reputation is the least.After all, the world of Huangtianyu was just formed, and few people in the Pastoral School knew about it.As long as you act fast enough, you can basically be sure that you will not be known.

But Xue E had other considerations.

"You don't have to think about using it strong. It's not suitable." Xue E waved his hand, without giving the people below any room for fantasy, and directly blocked the road.

Without waiting for the people below to speak, Xue E asked directly: "Fang Shiwen, you have also experienced the Vulcan Realm war, so tell me what happened to Yao Yuan, the master of the Vulcan Realm?"

"Return to the sect master's words. As far as my disciples know, in the end Yao Yuan blew himself up in the Vulcan Realm, leading all the pastoralists who went deep into its core area to perish together." After saying these words, the desire on Fang Shiwen's face became clearer. , seemed to understand why Xue E asked such a question.

Sure enough, Xue E followed Fang Shiwen's answer and continued: "With this world in hand, in addition to suppressing the creatures that step into this world, it also has the ability to pull the world to destruction together. Even if Zhang Yan is better than the Lord of the Vulcan Realm The gap between Yao Yuan and Yao Yuan is so great that it is impossible to kill so many people at that point. However, it is impossible to prevent him from dying himself.

Of course, if someone from the Heavenly Immortal Realm took action, it would be possible to directly cut off the direct connection between Zhang Yan and Huang Tianyu.But instead of finding a helper from the Heavenly Wonderland, it would be better to wait a little longer.Take a gentler way to contact Huang Tianyu first, and while stabilizing Zhang Yan, also explore his thoughts further.

Didn't Li Yan just say that Zhang Yan should have guessed some of our thoughts?Since our previous actions aroused his speculation, let's try him a little more boldly.

Li Yan, how are your two apprentices doing now?Didn't you say that you benefited a lot from the mountain gate established by Zhang Yan? "

As Xue E spoke, he turned the topic to Li Yan.

"Master, disciple, the two apprentices under the sect have returned to the sect now, and they have made great progress. One of them has already begun to formally plan to attack the way of immortals in the near future. According to what they have learned in the cliff mountain for more than two hundred years So Wu wrote a detailed jade slip and kept it, if the sect master is interested, the disciple is bringing it with him."

While speaking, Li Yan took out a jade slip from the storage bag and handed it over.

Li Yan did not report in detail about these specific methods of the cliff mountain, which are also part of the inheritance of the Great Desolate World.It's not that she eats alone, but that it's not organized and there's no way to report it officially.Now that Lin Yong and Xueqi have returned to the sect, detailed records and feelings can be formed into a rough system to meet the reporting conditions.

Although Xue E had received some reports from Li Yan before, they didn't know the details. He only knew that according to Li Yan's two apprentices, the inheritance of the Great Desolate World was very mysteriously different even in the initial stage of cultivation.

Now, after receiving the jade slip handed over by Li Yan, the content inside was swept away by Xue E's spiritual sense.In an instant, he refined many details and contexts of cultivation that were different from Da Hongtian's.

Close your eyes and follow the line of practice of these cliff mountains, or in other words, the inheritance of the Great Desolate World.After a while, Xue E nodded and opened his eyes again, throwing the jade slip in his hand back to Li Yan.

"You're right. Although at first glance these cultivation methods are no different from our Dahongtian's methods, some of them even look very random and rough. If there were no reminders in these accompanying instructions, even I would Subconsciously ignore the deep meaning behind these methods. And these methods are not one or two independent highlights, but different details that can be connected together to form a whole context.

To be honest, I also have an eye-opening feeling. "

There is no need for Xue E to put on a show in front of his own people.Say whatever you want.Even if the content in this jade slip is too low-level for him now.But the changes in the details and the new appearance of the entire practice system were changed by these details. These arrangements are ingenious and natural, which shows how thoroughly the prehistoric world knew about practice.

"These things can be handed over to Chuanfa Hall for research and integration, and those that can be integrated into our Haoxuemen system will be integrated, but it must not be forced, and there must be no conflict with the subsequent practice. For details, Li Yan you Involve your two protégés, using their actual experience as a reference.

Take your time, take your time, see what I mean? "

"Disciple understands! I will definitely be more careful, and I will definitely let the things in this jade slip have the greatest and safest effect."

Xue E was very satisfied with Li Yan's answer.Haoxuemen's practice system is a school of its own. Although the details of the means in the Great Desolate World are amazing and have great reference significance, they cannot be blind.

Afterwards, Xue E said to Fang Shiwen: "You will arrange a void warning point in the future, requiring an immortal to be stationed there, and earth immortals to patrol regularly. And a magic circle should be set up around the barren sky domain, both internally, externally, offensively and defensively. Yes, there must be no blind spots around that world.

In addition, you should discuss it with Li Yan again.Find a few secret techniques from our Haoxuemen's means, and decide on the ones that can be used in the Tongxuan Realm, and send them to Huang Tianyu. You can send them yourself, and you can give him some pressure when you meet.Try attitude.Then take out the temptation I mentioned before and see what they can give back.

I guess that Zhang Yan should have a new response.

The rest are gone for now.The details are up to you. "

Xue E set the tone, and all that was left was for the elders present to go down and discuss.

Left the mountain hall.Li Yan and other five elders went to the rotation hall below to discuss.And the remaining four elders in the mountain gate also gathered together.The matter is very important, even if there is no rotation, you need to know the details and make the subsequent arrangements according to Xue E's intention.

"From what you're saying, the sect master is planning to grab it with both hands?"

"Well, that's what the sect master meant. While stabilizing the Huangtianyu, we must put pressure on it. At the same time, we must be prepared to attack Huangtianyu at any time. At least we can't let that fairy named Zhang Yan run out of our sight." Fang Shiwen affirmed the summary of an elder from the same sect.

"Then let's start arranging the order. The people who are stationed and regularly patrolling must be fixed. In addition, pick out the secret techniques ordered by the door master as soon as possible. I just don't know if the immortals in the wild world will be sensible. What if I pretend to be confused? ?”

Li Yan shook his head when he heard this, and said, "No. That's a very smart person. He probably guessed our purpose before. There will definitely be new progress in the next contact."

(End of this chapter)

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