one's door

Chapter 625 Dayan

Chapter 625 Dayan
The evolution in the dark is smooth and imperceptible to ordinary creatures, even to strong people in the wild sky like Xu Fengyang and Baronka, everything changes silently.

Perhaps Wang Nian and the others didn't feel that their souls and already solid Dao foundations were slowly growing in this evolution, and that kind of nature became stronger from the most basic place.

Even ordinary people have increased basic life expectancy, are more sensitive to aura, and have smarter brains.
Even vegetation, animals, and any evolving creatures that exist in the barren sky domain will not be left behind by this great luck.The benefits are sprinkled everywhere, depending on how lucky you are and how much you get.

The only person who was not covered by this great luck in Huang Tianyu.

That person is Zhang Yan.

Huang Tianyu said that Zhang Yan is an "odd number", a foundation that can bring about changes.Zhang Yan didn't think much about it at the time, but looking back now, everything seems to be fulfilled by the word "change" in him.The same is true for the wild world.Without him, would Huang Tianyu have survived the devouring and killing before?I'm afraid that the crisis of the demon tribe was enough, let alone the erosion of the three-eyed tribe later.

But "change" is mutual.It wasn't just Huang Tianyu and people around Zhang Yan who were affected.And Zhang Yan himself.

The first merit and spiritual energy, to the later "instilling the truth", and then to the many opportunities obtained because of the engulfment of the desolate world, whether it is epiphany or the original fragments of the world.These are all in one in all "changes".

Now even Zhang Yan himself has to admit that he is really suitable for the word "odd number".

Among all the benefits brought by "changes", the biggest benefit so far for Zhang Yan is naturally the majestic purple energy.

The primordial purple qi condensed from the three half-dead world remains that were fed before and after brought together brought unimaginable huge benefits to Zhang Yan.

The fusion of primordial spirit and truth brought him closer to the state of "harmony" in the legend.Even because there are a lot of "reasons" that come from the wild world in his consciousness, it is extremely easy for him to "harmonize the way", and it feels like it is taken for granted.And it was not rejected by Huang Tianyu in the slightest.Otherwise, if you want to "join the Tao", the difficulty will have to be increased many times.

Because according to Zhang Yan's deduction, one of the key elements of "harmony" is that the "reason" of the fusion of the soul must be closer to the "reason" of the world itself, the higher the success rate.vice versa.

So Zhang Yan once again found an unexpected and reasonable shortcut because of the "change" he got as an "odd number".

Of course, tending to "harmony" does not mean that Zhang Yan is truly "harmony".He just looks the same as "He Dao".The most crucial point, that is, "Consciousness is compatible with heaven and earth", Zhang Yan never touched on it from the very beginning.

Although it is slightly different, there are many benefits.It is far more than just allowing Zhang Yan to obtain the strength gain in the state of "harmony".Also, because he tends to "join the Tao", his own enlightenment process has also been greatly accelerated.Enlightenment from the perspective of a human being, now he can enlightenment from the perspective of heaven and earth, what he understands and feels is naturally very different, and the improvement of his cultivation can be described as terrifying.

More than 500 years from the early stage of human immortality to the current late stage of human immortality, [-]% of the convenience here comes from this.

And as the amount of Primordial Purple Qi he obtained increased, Zhang Yan also felt that the Primordial Purple Qi not only allowed his primordial spirit to fuse with the truth, but also had other hidden changes. , but it is temporarily unclear where these signs are pointing to.

So ever since the feeding was cut off, Zhang Yan has been looking forward to the day when Huang Tianyu will complete its evolution.

There were some twists and turns in the middle, but in the end, Zhang Yan had time to calm down and carefully understand the desolate world that is still evolving and "separating the primordial world".

The complete time span of world evolution is not small.But during this period, the "torn hole" will become smaller and smaller.Can be understood as "healing".Therefore, there is actually not that much time left for Zhang Yan to do it.

The "torn hole" is not actually a gap that can be seen in the intuitive sense.Rather, it exists in a very sensitive position on the level of spatial and conscious perception.This position is not so easy to find, and even if Zhang Yan hadn't tended to "harmony" now, it would be difficult to capture it accurately.

It was also for this reason that Zhang Yan could sit down and drink tea with Li Yan and other Dahongtian people in Huangtianyu without worrying about being intercepted.Because he was sure that the other party would not be able to detect the majestic purple energy if he did not tend to "harmony" like him.

Sensing the past again at this time, there seemed to be more purple mist in the "torn opening", and the opening became much narrower than before.

After trying to stay outside the "opening" with his perception for a while, without being driven or hindered by Huang Tianyu, Zhang Yan began to cut in further, and finally penetrated into the inside of the "opening".What instantly caught his perception was the déjà vu feeling of seeing his own heart when he looked inside.

Crystal strips of light of different thicknesses flow and compact inside, forming a round energy sphere, and this sphere is trembling slightly. Through these energy fluorescence, one can see that there is a seemingly The physical "core" is as big as the Yunshan Bell in front of the Dengyun Temple.

"This is the core of the origin of the world that those from the Chaos Sect said?" Although Zhang Yan still had doubts in his heart, he was sure of his guess on the other hand.He thinks that the place he senses stepping into at this moment is a place of life and death.

At this time, around this "heart" is a series of purple air currents cruising vertically and horizontally, like huge ribbons filling most of the space here.

If you observe carefully, you will find that these purple airflows seem to be working hard to repair the "torn hole".

one two Three.
Zhang Yan counted them quickly, exactly fifty, which is exactly the same as the number of Da Yan recorded in the Taoist scriptures, one not more and one not less.

As for the origin of these purple air currents, needless to say, it is Zhang Yan who has tasted the sweetness and wants to reap some benefits here: the primordial purple air!

If the majestic purple air that Zhang Yan condensed from the half-dead world that you fed to the desolate world before was a strand of hair, then any purple air "in front of him" at this moment is as thick as an adult elephant's leg .The comparison between the two is almost indistinguishable.

Don't be greedy, it's enough to draw one and a half out of it!

Zhang Yan stabilized his mind, and then began to officially try to get close to those purple air currents, and wanted to find a way to draw them into his body through contact.

(End of this chapter)

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