one's door

Chapter 627

Chapter 627
Fang Shiwen came to Huangtianyu again, and it took only five years before and after.That's pretty fast for a span in the void.

It's not that it can't be faster, or that it will take five years for Dahongtian to be ready.In fact, Fang Shiwen waited so long on purpose.

One is to allow time to arrange the magic circle in the void outside the barren sky domain.The second is to allow the Huangtian Territory to continue to evolve, to completely open up the world and form a complete world context.In this way, Fang Shiwen can have more "space for activities" when he enters it, and he doesn't have to worry about a bad thing that will ruin this world.

It's like when Fang Shiwen stepped into the barren world for the first time, he didn't even dare to stay longer, and immediately retreated after feeling the rejection of him from the world here.In addition to the massacre in the Chaos Sect and the Huangtian Territory at that time, Fang Shiwen hurried back to Haoxuemen to report, this time he did not carry out the "shock and awe" that was going to be carried out at that time to the end.

This time, after five years in the Huangtianyu, according to Fang Shiwen's judgment, the final evolution should have been completed, and he stepped into it again, and he did not have the uneasy feeling of leaning against the glass wall last time.Moreover, the rejection he experienced last time in the Desolate Sky Territory, which was called "this world" by the sect master Xue E, is gone.Not even a trace could be noticed.

Li Yan was with Fang Shiwen.In addition, there are two elders from the Immortal Realm and five half-celestial disciples from the Tongxuan Realm.

This battle was already not small, and it was not a battle that Haoxuemen would come out to show people under normal circumstances.But anyone with a little brain can guess that this trip is definitely not a simple "communication".

Because they came here once, led by Li Yan, Da Hongtian and his group moved directly to the vicinity of the cliff mountain after stepping into the Huangtian domain.From a distance, a man standing on the cloud with a smile on his face and the three of them had come out to greet him.

"Hahaha, Elder Li is so awesome, Zhang Yan welcomes and forgives his mistakes!"

The person on the cloud is naturally Zhang Yan, the leader of Duanya Mountain, and three brothers and sisters Wang Nian greeted him behind him.This is already the most solemn etiquette in Cliff Mountain.At least in the Desolate Sky Territory, there was no one worthy of such a gesture from the cliff mountain.

The faces of Li Yan and others changed slightly, and then quickly returned to normal.They didn't say hello when they came here, and they moved over directly after stepping into the Desolate Sky Territory.Even so quickly, it was still not as fast as Zhang Yan's reaction.He was here so early.

What does this mean?It shows that Zhang Yan probably sensed it when they approached the Huangtianyu.Otherwise, it would never be greeted so quickly.

"Master Zhang is too polite. We came here abruptly this time, and please don't mind if we bother you. Besides, I am not the leader this time, but the elder of the sect wants to meet Master Zhang in person. "

While talking, Li Yan drew out Fang Shiwen beside him, and introduced: "This is Fang Shiwen, the Great Elder of Haoxuemen."

Zhang Yan's eyes had long been on Fang Shiwen. As soon as he stepped into the Desolate Heaven Realm, he noticed that it was not the aura that a human fairyland should have, and it was probably a strong Earth Immortal.

Hearing Li Yan's introduction, Zhang Yan bowed his hands, and then said: "Brother Fang Zhang Yan here on Duanya Mountain!"

"Hahaha, Master Zhang doesn't need to be too polite." Fang Shiwen smiled slightly and bowed his hands.

Then the group of people descended to the cliff mountain under the guidance of Zhang Yan, and sat in Dengyun Hall.

It's still the same tea, but the people have changed, and the atmosphere is very different from last time.

The last time when Li Yan was in the lead, when he came into contact with Zhang Yan in Dengyun Hall, there was always a sense of panic caused by being caught off guard.Even though she controlled her emotions very well at that time, it was still unavoidably affected, and she even had a kind of subconscious vigilance and precautions when facing Zhang Yan.

This time is different.Fang Shiwen's arrival was the means by which Da Hongtian formally put pressure on Duanya Mountain and Zhang Yan.

"Good tea! Although it is different from the snow tea in Dahongtianli, it has a special flavor. Even the brewing technique should be particular. Right, Master Zhang?"

"Hehe, Elder Fang looks like he is a tea ceremony connoisseur. To put it bluntly, this Lingwu tea does have a special brewing method, and it must be brewed with the Lingquan in the cliff mountain to bring out its magic effect to the extreme.

To tell you the truth, I don't know much about this method, and this time my second apprentice brewed it by hand.She is the one who knows the tea ceremony best in the mountains. "While Zhang Yan answered, he felt the other party's words, and at the same time, he was intentionally or unintentionally spreading wisps of pressure around him.

Has this started?
Only Zhang Yan was aware of this and was prepared in advance.And the others didn't notice it at all.Perhaps in the feelings of Wang Nian and the three of them, they only felt that Fang Shiwen had an inexplicable awe in front of them, and it would become more and more deeply rooted in their hearts as time went on.It's hard to say what the end result will be.

Cursing "insidious" in his heart, at the same time Zhang Yan protected the three apprentices standing behind him, blocking them with an invisible and intangible barrier.It also made the corners of Fang Shiwen's mouth on the opposite side rise slightly, probably also aware of Zhang Yan's response.

"Oh? Tea ceremony? Although many people drink tea in Dahongtian, tea and Taoism can be talked together. This is the first time I've heard of it. Can you explain it in detail, and let me know what the way is?" what?"

"Elder Fang is joking, it's just a name. It's just born out of the idea that "everything can be a Tao". In fact, drinking tea can also be regarded as an essence. The main thing to look at is just a word of enlightenment.

I hope that Elder Fang will not laugh at this humble opinion. "

Fang Shiwen smiled as before, nodded and took another sip of hot tea, and said, "That's the truth, but it's still rare to study this mere tea drinking at the level of enlightenment. At least it's the first time I heard it today. It seems that sect master Zhang's inheritance is not ordinary!

Hehe, Master Zhang, I am here because the two juniors in the previous sect have benefited a lot from your cliff mountain.Bring back some of what they saw and realized, and one of them is even preparing to survive the three or nine catastrophes this time.Speaking of it, it was all thanks to Master Zhang. "

As he spoke, Fang Shiwen cupped his hands again, expressing his gratitude.

Then he said: "This time, to thank Sect Master Zhang for his kindness, we have also selected a few secret methods and brought them here. We also hope that Sect Master Zhang can give us some advice."

After speaking, an elder behind Fang Shiwen handed a jade slip into his hand, and then Fang Shiwen handed it to Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan naturally thanked him and took it.But there was no rush to see it.Instead, he said with a smile: "Everyone in Dahongtian has a superb cultivation base, and your methods are astonishing. How can you dare to speak nonsense about small rural arts in the cliff mountainous area? I need you to give me a lot of advice."

Fang Shiwen squinted his eyes, and said: "It's too far-fetched to say that advice is too far-fetched, and mutual communication is the last word. Does Master Zhang think so?"

(End of this chapter)

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